Bioshock Infinite > Bioshock > Bioshock 2
Bioshock Infinite > Bioshock > Bioshock 2
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Fuck off Ken.
kill yourself
Giraffe's shit > this thread
I didn't play the others
You should have played 2 considering it's has the best gameplay of the three and a main story that Ken basically tried to copy and failed miserably with in Infinite.
>how to have an objectively wrong opinion: the OP
bioshock burial at sea 2 > all
>too dumb to understand the narrative
McFucking Kill yourselves you dumb ass retards.
wait a minute that post.....
>a main story that Ken basically tried to copy and failed miserably with in Infinite.
I found this hilarious as I played Infinite. It was even funnier because Bioshock 2 kinda played it cool and kept most things subtle. Infinite was trying so hard, shoving everything in your face so there was no chance at all of the player missing that particular story element and shit just came off as annoying, shallow and badly paced.
BS2 even allowed you to shape the ending and your daughter depending on the choices you make in the game's main story and some of the side content.
>he thinks baby's first scifi with the worst use of the many worlds theory/infinite universe is a good story, let alone deep
fuck off you underaged fuckwit
Bioshock 2 is the best
>that gameplay
>that characters
>that multiplayer
>that feel trip DLC
infinite was literally a poor man's bio 2
>This anally devastated
You don't have to try so hard to justify your stupidity you manchild.
Actually wrong OP
Infinite > bio 2 > bio
It's not even deep. The story crumbles when you put rational thought into it.
>infinshit over either Bioshock or 2
after powering through Bioshock twice in a row I have to admit that it had more fleshed out characters than 2, as in, they had more of a backstory. For example, we know who Tenenbaum is and what she done, Suchong and why Atlas was relevant to the story, and of course Mr Ryan himself.
On the other hand in 2 the only really fleshed out character is Sinclair and maybe Alex; the rest are just voices from people coming in through a radio, judging you or trying to tell you a story.
2 had the best gameplay in the series though.
Everything else is secondary.
i think fallout 4 is better than all three
Looking back, I can say 2 was more fun than 1.
But god damn did 1 pack a punch on my first playthrough.
story was better in 1, i'll give you that. but i just liked the chars in 2 more
You're clearly the one who doesn't understand the story since you think it's good.
>no u
You literally cannot make this shit up!
is Infinite really a lesser game because nigger is never uttered?
Sup Forums is just too dumb to appreciate a smart game for smart people.