CK2 thread baby

CK2 thread baby

What are you playing?
Enjoying the new DLC?
What are you hoping for in the future?

Been playing for abit, enabled everything and went in as West Francia, but then realised how shit Conclave is, constant rebellions and demands for independence makes it such a chore, but really enjoying the diseases and the new traits, got Charlermagne one handed in battle, it is more fun nowadays

Other urls found in this thread:

>playing iron man with Duke Morcar of York/Deira
>get cancer but Court Physician cuts my balls off and I get cured
>die of Pneumonia eventually
>become Duke Morcar of Mercia (his son)
>become King of England through elective monarchy
>get cancer and physician cuts my balls off but I still have cancer
>apparently she was hired to be a shitty physician
>I'm a eunuch with no children
>die of Great Pox a month later
>become his brother
>year 1150
>become immortal through quest
>King of Navarra and England
>I am 120 years old
>all my heirs are dying
>I keep pumping out children
>I am ready for the Black Death though.

Get sum!

Boring game desu

>>become immortal through quest
wait what? is this some bullshit they added in the reaper DLC?

user, it's a game dependent on RP. You might be the boring one.


You can't die of old age or diseases. Only through being executed or killed in combat

>spend hours trying to get the United The Kingdoms achievement from an Irish count start
>save game bugs out on the last day
>no cheevos for me
I'm a bit mad

Well this is some bullshit, if I wanted fantasy I would've installed one of the fantasy mods.

How the fuck did sweden become the byzantine empire? what is this story

There's a new setting that allows you to turn off "supernatural" events, which presumably includes that quest. Just select that at game start.

they still haven't fixed multi threading

I have no idea. It just happened one day. They've had like 3 independence war,s, but lost each one.

I heard the new DLC sucks balls and makes everyone die unless you heavily invest in ahistorical hospitals. Fuck having to be gamey to have fun.

Byzantine truly does not fuck around, seems noone is safe from their wrath

How do you become immortal, how do you get the quest? I must become the god emperor of Zun.

Probably inheritance

>Started as the lone Yngling count in 769
>Concuer my across Norway and unify the lands
>Decide to go with early conversion since Sweden and Denmark did it
>Vassals mad, but don't want to just revoke them and rather RP and let them be.
>Notice some swedish duke is prepping to invade me
>LUL ignore him
>Invasion hits and the guy actually has around 1.5 times the men i have
>Norse vassals do an independence revolt
>Double fuck
>Surrender to the revolt and few counts go independent
>Then lose the invasion
>Had one province in the new Sapmi kingdom
>Lost everything, but the kingdom title of Norway and that province
Now I was pretty mad at this, but i decided to say fuck it, abused my kingdom title to get a good marriage for my guy and then i gave the county to the Teutonic order.
Now I actually haven't really lost in CK2 in a long ass time so i was a bit surprised that i went on as one of the now independent counts of Norway who was my kinsman.
After that i had a pretty fun game reclaiming my lands from that dukes family who had taken them and after a few centuries i got back every holding the now empire of Scandianvia had in Norway and declared for independence and claimed the kingdom title back.

After that i had a pretty good streak with three martial gods with one reaching over thirty martial without strong and my family spread across the world and especially to Lombardy which had like Yngling dukes from some 2 original count marriages i had arranged.

The game really has a way of surprising even after 1000 hours of playtime

I doubt it. The af Munso family still rules Sweden, they're just suddenly vassals of the Byzantine emperor.

you just have a shitty PC. Reaper's did a surprisingly good job when it comes to optimization and performance

>tfw 130 years old char with all stats around and above 15
>celibate eunuch

yeah no I don't have a shitty PC

So is the game worth the 37 bucks?

with all the DLC i mean

I would have told you to get it for free from the archive but reddit reported it and the host took it down

After like 400 hours with it on Steam, I'd say yes.

Well I can dl it anytime I want

But if the game is good I have no problem with giving the dev 37 bucks

I personally paid around 100+ dollars for it

Love it, totally worth it

Never fucking forget the Diamond Dogs of Ireland, kicked off by King Máel Sechnaill "the Confessor"

>Born to a lowly Irish chief
>Moves to unite Ireland, is successful in most of his campaigns
>Kills one of his rivals (a heretic) and keeps his skull on his mantlepiece
>Joins the first crusade for Jerusalem and is taken captive by the Caliph
>Tortured by the caliph, has his eye removed
>Returns to Ireland and continues the fight for unification
>Falls victim to leprosy
>Gets depressed
>His son loses his eye to a rival chief
>Goes insane
>Murders the chief and his family
>Eventually dies a leper mid-battle, remembered as a sickly, wicked man

I really, really want to get into CK2 but I find it so weirdly complicated, and I know Eu4, Vic 2 and most of HoI 3 and all of 4.

I just find ck2 really odd and complex.

Yeah its worth it. There will be a bit of a learning curve in the beginning though, watch a let's play of Arumba or Quill18 to get a feeling of how things work.

And don't forget mods like HIP or the Game of Thrones one.

Who here /luxinvicta/?

the game is hit or miss, they keep hiding features behind paywalls with each new DLC that breaks the game if you don't buy it, they still haven't fixed a shitload of bugs and the game itself is actually pretty shallow once you "get it".

Give it a whirl pirated first, put a couple hours into it and familiarize yourself with the mechanics, see if you enjoy it.
It's really more shallow than the casuals on here make it out to be.

>His son goes on to keep conquering Ireland, proving to be a great warrior
>Brings his vassals to heel, the realm prospers
>England at this point is a heretic stronghold, after a successful Waldensian revolt overthrew the king
>Having a bitter hatred of heretics and infidels alike, he turns his eyes eastward
>The Scottish queen is also a heretic, but the heresy has not taken hold in her land yet
>Invades Scotland and murders the heretic queen in battle
>A Crusade is called for England
>Things get a bit crazy

Alright will do.

Thanks for the advice user

>start the game out as one of the lowly counts of Achaia
>eventually usurp the theme and start hacking away northward and at the outlaying islands
>proclaim independence in the midst of civil war and turn catholic
>start crusading and forming strong alliances with the western lords
>tfw my dynasty is controlling roughly half of HRE

Epic let's play faggot where can I find your youtube channel?
I definitely read your posts by the way

Stupid frogposter doesn't know his PC is shit.

Interesting, I have the same problem with HoI4, put 30 hours into it and i just dont seem to get it, it all seems so weird to me
Granted, I have only played 110-130 hours of EU4 and around 100 hours CK2, so I am not a veteran in these games yet

Try to play Ireland or something small that is not next to a big blob of a country, try to get a feel and small scale management of an empire

Try Svipjod, kinda aggressive but still fun for a first try i reckon

That's going to be one fat family.

stupid reddit poster still posts forced Sup Forums shit

Man I fucking loved all of the family tree and personal relationships in CK2, but after 200 hours there's nothing left to do. Once you get to emperor it gets boring, and I've done that several times.

It's kind of demanding after so long playing, but I wish they could add more fun stuff to do.

Instead they make stuff like Conclave, which is just a complete and utter pain in the ass

HoI4 is the most shallow game they ever released so far

>posts frogs
>calls others reddit

I dont have Conclave or the new DLC

Are they good?


if you don't realize the irony of your post then you're really beyond salvation and should fuck off, making this place a little less shit in the process

>OP actually asks us about what we're playing, how much we're enjoying it, and he himself describes his time in the game
>You piss your pants and have a go at someone for doing the same fucking thing

who hurt you user
who made you this bitter
what made you type that
why couldn't you help yourself
why couldn't you just leave the thread
why didn't you just leave the site
why are you still here if you obviously hate it all so much

Did things really go that poorly for you?

Try a Sicily game in the 1066 start. Expand into northern Africa and convert it and play the Dynastic game. You can get pretty powerful but you're still at the mercy of the muslims if they git their shit together. I always found the game got very boring if you just rush to becoming an emperor.

Its just that I don't understand it, I dont know what to research, how to manage factories, the whole combat and troop thing is easy and all that, but it just seems weird

Funnily enough I can easier grasp CK2 and EU4 than HoI4, but that is just me, will probably try it more extensively some other time

pepe is a facebook meme now, fuck off

The thing about CK2 is that it lacks the world dynamic of EU4. You don't have unique events firing off left and right, shaping the political landscape, and after some time, you're just resorted to performing the same mundane and tedious tasks over and over again.

Absurd thing is, that it seems as if with each new DLC release, the replaybility value seems to drop, but that could very well be because I've played CK2 ever since Charlememe.

Is this Sup Forums's new meme game?

I bed you're the kind of faggots who enjoyed R.O.B. threads

CK2 seems incredibly easy to me compared to EU4

The combat in EU4 is extremely frustrating, and HoI4's combat is even more complicated

CK2 is all about other people's opinions of you represented by a number. This is the system I miss most in the other Paradox games, it's a lot of fun

I want DLC where I can play as papal state, to retake the holy land and crush those Orthodox heathens.

Deus Vault


>he thinks Sup Forums is special
>he doesn't realise that the people here are normal fucking people now
>he doesn't realise that Sup Forums is one of the best known and most used sites on the internet
>he doesn't realise that Sup Forums now takes memes and tropes from other places because there's that much crossposting between so many different sites that it's all the fucking same
>he still keeps Sup Forums as part of some sort of fucktarded identity

Christ, user.

Your mom is a meme, you cancerous memeloving twat.

okay reddit, please continue blogposting so I can upvote! I'll make sure to buy some gold as well

>Orthodox heathens

Suck a dick, papist filth.

You are proving to be the kind of faggot who cannot bring himself to post unless he's disagreeing with someone/ironically shitposting or generally shitting up a thread.

Thanks for bumping OP's thread, because it lets the rest of us keep talking about the game we like more :^)


If you're not playing mutliplayer HOI4 is fucking EZ, mate. I've managed to win WW2 and annex most of germany, russia, poland and italy without using planes or boats.

Enemies just don't fucking understand front lines.

You realise content on reddit and content here is pretty much the same? And your "look at how bad my post is" post is actually just helping the thread you hate go on longer. Thanks, man.

>the thread you hate
where did you get that one from?
>calling out a shitposting froposter = hating the thread

I encourage you to read the chain of replies again, to see who the one shitting up threads is, reddit shit.

I played vanilla without mods again when RD's released and it's fucking unplayable.

And the worst thing is that the mods will take a while to update or maybe they won't update at all anymore because of Johan's kikery with the new terms of agreement.

yes, that would be you, reddit shit

No. Get it for 9 dollarydoos if it's still on sale and pirate all the dlc. That way you get easy access to mods and the only thing you lose on is achievements, but you'd have to be a subhuman to care about that.

>the only thing you lose on is achievements
not even that, you can get achievements. You don't even need a DLC activator anymore, you put them in the folder and the game recognizes it

>game is called Crusader Kings
>they add fucking India and the central asian plains breaking the shitty engine
>they keep piling up shitty features that ruin the original experience

release CK2 and until Sons of Abraham was as good as it got, then it went full retard to milk the shit out of retarded players who don't know better

I haven't bought a DLC since Charlemagne, is horse lords or the new one worth it? It seems like most of the changes are shit that should have been patched in for free. At least with Old Gods and Charlemagne you got a few interesting new features.

Horse lords broke the game because archer cavalry is overpowered

I'm surprised you're trying to insult me when your mouths full of turk cock you bearded faggot.

I really like Charlemagne, although if you play Charlemagne you are kinda pussy whipped by your mom, she will constantly tell you how to rule shit and if you disobey her she becomes a bitter rival, trying to kill you and start rebellions, fucking cunt

Glad the court doctor fucked up on her and made her die

I feel the same way.

Christians got power creeped hardcore. Fucking mudshits and horseniggers get kingdom-wide invasions.

it makes me sad because I really enjoyed the game back when it was still about the religious clash between Christians, Pagans and Muslims

CK2 seems simpler than EU4, HOI4, and Vic2 to me. But then again, I have more time in CK2 than the other three.

CK2 is about setting personal goals. Start off as a small count, try to become a duke or even king one day. Start out as a duke in the Byzantine Empire and try to prevent it from fracturing and falling. Try to revive the jewish faith and bring about the holy kingdom.

Stuff like that. If you're going to play just to become emperor and conquer the world, you'll get bored after one or two playthroughs.

But ebin meme redit memes are more epic!!!

Did you see he fucked his sister? How wacky! lol1!!! aztecs in great britain xddd look at my blob please

Reddit has ruined this game and it drove every sensible person outside of paradoxplaza.

I have like 2 hours on ck2 can someone please help
how do i military

>archer cavalry is overpowered
Just like real life then. Not the user you replied to, but is there a mechanic in place that makes horse troops harder / impossible to raise after you capture enough holdings and settle down?

Here, Svipjod is kinda aggressive so you could potentially learn a couple of things, I learned best from just watching 1-2 series of CK2


the real military balancing problem comes from the muslims and nomads played by AI getting random doomstacks they shouldn't be able to have

god I hate these kind of videos, takes him 20 fucking minutes to even start the fucking game

Jump to part 2 instead then, if you know the basics that would be better i guess, he is really good at explaining his plan, thoughts and all that, but part 2 is next so, he begins it all there

I always go back to you my friend.
There is just something about pushing the Mudslimes out of glorious white Catholic Europe, and destroying the Church of England for their heresy against the Lord our God and The Christ named Jesus.

Right? I am by no means religious, but when i play CK2 im the biggest crusader out there, purging muslims left and right, destroying them and taking back holy land
Something about roleplaying like that is so fucking fun and badass, serving under god and doing his will is fun
Then again, my friends call me a fag if i even mention it, so I usually keep my muslim purging stories to myself, would be fun to have someone to trade stories with, thats why i love these threads

Just got back in the game. Is there a point to having gavelkind succession over primogeniture? Also, what are you supposed to do with brothers and nephews? They're always asking me for titles and shit but I feel that it's better to give them to your kids.

literally cuckolded by your own mother

a new low

>heretic talking shit about heresy

>Is there a point to having gavelkind succession over primogeniture?

I mean there are minor benefits like your kids don't get all pissy asking you for land before you're even dead, but none of the positives outweigh the negatives, unless they changed something major with Reaper that I haven't seen yet. It's pretty much an early game obstacle that you eventually get rid of once you unlock a better succession

See it's weird, I really dislike islam but when I play this game I enjoy playing muslims more than catholics