i dont get how people like them. they all seems boring to me with mediocre gameplay parts.
>tfw you dont like rpgs
Be glad, those people can't be satisfied unless there is 100 hours of mediocre world building
I agree, even 3D RPGs are total boring shit
witcher 3 was horrible
chrono trigger is fucking boring
Controversial opinions thread?
I only ever liked the Duke sidescroller/3rd-person shooter games. The FPS games are like Doom and Quake but worse in every way.
thats because you like to turn your brain off and mindlessly shoot at things. Its what you enjoy.
Some of us want a deep lore with story progression and puzzles to solve.
to each their own.
I don't like most of rpgs but it's not because rpg elements itself, but because most of them are in fantasy setting, which I hate.
I have a love hate relationship with west/jrps. There are certain ones i love amd continue to replay year after year, but cant stand most of them.
90% of anything is shit
even worse when medieval shit
you fucking autist
If your complaint is similarity you may want to google Commander Keen because Duke has always been a copycat
To each their own I suppose
I only like games that give me something to think about.
>implying you have ever played a good RPG
>implying you aren't an underage casual
>Fallout 2
>God Tier
stopped reading there, shit list
There's a lot of RPGs out there. I'm sure there's one or two you'd like.
>fallout 2
flushed the loo
What do you think about with the non-rpg games that you play then?
when i was young i love rpgs even thought i can't fully grasp them but when i got old i kinda got tired leveling up and upgrading weapons and shit like that i end up liking action games more i used hate it cause i suck at it i still suck at it
So what games DO you like?
>thinks 2D Duke was similar to CK
Yeah, they move sideways and shoot. That's about it.
Stay ignorant, underageb&.
Your list is shit.
Been playing games as a hobby since 2000.
Can safely say I enjoy less than 50% of the games I try and its becoming less.
There's tons of game discussions on youtube about people complaining games are getting shit and to be fair steam green light and things like that when not properly monitored help produce games that would have otherwise been a free flash game or just some guys school project.
Lol you sound like the autist here
Try SRPGs, there's some really solid ones out there and don't suffer from a lot of the problems other RPGs do. Advance Wars specifically has almost no actual RPG mechanics, so you might like it.
For JRPGs, avoid the Korean grinder tier bullshit series like Dragon Quest and mainline Final Fantasy.
WRPGs have it even worse, they usually forgo gameplay completely for story. I've never seen one that didn't have huge combat system issues like Skyrim's wiffle ball bat melee attacks. The only one I've tried and liked at all was Legend of Grimrock.
that's ok, not every genre is for everyone
I can play FPS/racing/sport game for like an hour before getting bored
Well, post a better list then, fagboys.
>t-t-they arent similar!
>they just have a similar level design, similar item pickups (my NOT blaster and NOT pogo stick), similar enemy design, similar everything else including key and point system
>but they aren't similar at all! i mean, duke nukem has a grappling hook and infinite ammo!
>Some of us want a deep lore with story progression
Why are you playing video games then?
I used to like JRPGs, but they don't make turn based RPGs anymore that aren't magical girl shit.
maybe you are true, i dont like any games listed here.
only ones i i liked from list Mount Blade warband.
That's ok, it just means you are retarded. But don't worry, the world needs people like you to work as garbagemen and serve my fast food and coffee.
Not him, but the interactive/decision making element is still there.
because reading books is for fags
I like RPGs (especially JRPGs), but there's always some reason that I'll drop it. Not even because I hate it. In SMT4 once I got to Tokyo and explored for a bit I was just done. Maybe it was because I worked really hard on the boss before it, but it just felt underwhelming. I also really want to get SMT Soul Hackers and Nocturne, but I know I'll fall into the same problems.
yes maybe i guess. But i like racing,fighting,tps games mostly.
thats another thing too but i mostly game mechanics. Finding keys to open doors,lots of stupid dialogue etc.
i only like games that give me gameplay satisfaction. like i can see fuck yeah that was good game after playing it , not reading it.
I doubt so, if that counts i liked Marvel Ultimate Alliance which counts as lite-rpg. due setting of course. I also played witcher 3 it was fun game but i played like RDR + ladies game .
yeah fucking trashman losers
Unironically you said avoid FF but FFXV looks like only RPG im excited for , it really looks like has neat combat mechanics, good settings and effects(graphics).I even seems to like emo styled characters so far.
Also i wanna play Kingdom Hearts3(never played others) , it looks like straight out from Pixar movies.
but both games looks like lite-action rpgs for you guys , i assume
thats a really shitty comic.
I think you mean WRPGs mostly but some JRPGs offer very interesting and unique battle systems. I don't dislike WRPGs but I just can't find the same variety there compared to JRPGs.
>playing JRPGs for the story
>I only ever liked the Duke sidescroller/3rd-person shooter games
3rd person duke games like Time To Kill and Land of the Babes were great, but so were the first person games.
thats also true.
but i tried to play some "classic" wrpgs found incredibly boring. Like Fallout New Vegas or Planescape Torment.
i didnt like Mass effect 3 either(from demo), or Skyrim(was cool for 5 minutes using magic&shit).
if Witcher counts WRPG i liked that game mostly for incredible world building,graphics,good missions etc.
Battle system wasnt so bad either.
You just sound like the kind of faggot who says something is shit if you don't get instant gratification from it the minute you hit play.
dont say things like this and pretend its less braindead than a faster genre
kill yourself
That's alright. Everyone doesn't have to like everything.
>Planescape: Torment was boring
>Enjoys Shitcher 3
This is why video games are dead.
Give me 10 WRPGs with good combat.
Pro tip: You can't
I'd really appreciate if you'd le kill yourself :^)
>graphics dont make you a game better
>crash bandicoot main purpose was graphics even made trailer joking about mario64
But all those games save for Heart Gold/Soul Silved had great graphics for their time.
I don't usually play wrpgs, but I liked the combat in kingdoms of amalur
What would you consider good combat? Flashy shit that gives you the dopamine hits you've been conditioned to crave?
Not every game is or needs to be a mindless killfest
Okay, so lets count the Diabloclones as 1 genre and game. Some of it is good, most of it is mediocre or bad
D&D combat is generally terrible, the sole exception being how Kotor did it. So 2.
Temple of Elemental Evil was amazing.
Fallout was extremely amazing, because GURPS is amazing.
So thats 4.
I really haven't played a lot, so I am not sure I could even list 10. I think if I thought a little deeper, i might reach 5 or 6.
And not a single game needs to be a movie or a novel
>"classic" wrpgs
>Fallout New Vegas on the same line as Torment
Kek, 18 to post here buddy.
>mentions Mass Effect 3
3rd person cover shooter with rpg elements
Action-adventure with very lite RPG elements
The only game in this entire post that is even remotely a full-fledged RPG is Torment. The rest are action-adventure hybrids at best.
You should stick to playing Cawadootie on your console, kiddie. I'm sure your friends missing you screaming "nigger" at them over the open mic while your mom tells you to clean your room.
>D&D combat is generally terrible
>"I couldn't get past the first hour in Infinity Engine games because I don't understand how stats work" the post
I agree. Games should take advantage of the interactive aspect of the medium to tell stories, instead of mindlessly aping Hollywood.
>D&D combat is generally terrible, the sole exception being how KOTOR did it
>Temple of Elemental Evil was amazing
You're a fucking idiot. Temple is the closest PC experience to tabletop D&D combat ever devised, significantly closer than any of the BioWare games.
So 1) clearly it isn't terrible, it just wasn't done correctly and 2) you have no fucking clue what you're talking about
There is more to a game than just the ruleset. Presentation and streamlining is important as well.
Which is why KOTOR improved so much on what is essentially reskinned Neverwinter Nights.
>interactive aspect of the medium to tell stories
>what is a Visual Novel?
>visual novel
>Presentation and streamlining is important as well.
Oh, so you were too stupid to actually play through the games. Well, at least you admit it.
Baldur's Gate and Icewind: Dale had amazing combat if you had the slightest clue about how to build characters and they weren't that complicated. Sorry you couldn't enjoy them.
>tfw you dont like fps'
i dont get how people like them. they all seems boring to me with mediocre gameplay parts
You really should bring a argument. You are talking about games where hitting things is painful until you have stacked feats to do so.
you dont know what classic means kiddo
>I want games with engaging gameplay
>"thats because you like to turn your brain off and mindlessly shoot at things."
>You are talking about games where hitting things is painful until you have stacked feats to do so
You can build your character do that right from the get go. Hell, in BG2 you start at a high enough level to damn near max out what you need. Replayed through it a couple weeks ago with a custom 2h fighter and pretty much everything was exploding on touch for the first few hours of the game. By the time things got tricky my party was good enough to pick up the slack.
...And this is ignoring how fucking amazing the magic is in that game.
>tfw you dont like video games
i dont get how people like them. they all seems boring to me with mediocre gameplay parts.
t. Sup Forumsirgin
>mediocre gameplay
you could have at least switched story with gameplay, it doesn't even work in this instance. fps are all gameplay
>You can build your character do that right from the get go.
You should play Baldurs Gate. Its one of those games where your priority isn't to hit things, but to figure out where to go, so you can hit enough things to reach level 4-5, and finally get the ball rolling.
I like the idea, but most Infinity Engine's combat isn't presented well.
Its functional, i will give it that.
Maybe once upon a time, but nowadays they shifted their focus to story too and now they're just all bad.
yeah well thats kind of why people like op shit on rpgs, its poisonous and infectious ruining every other genre with rpg elements and story, the worst things in videogames
That dude you replied to literally gave Baldur's Gate 2 as his example, why are you telling him to play 1, he 100% surely did
most games now try to make their story the most important thing in a game, even if it is an fps
the problem is that they don't give any focus to gameplay and make everything really bland samey shit
besides fps games very rarely divert from one another to show how different of games they
the duke nukem sidescrollers sucked ass, duke 1 even ripped sprites from several sources, but it wasn't really dervived from commander keen more than any other platformer around at the time
Now that I can agree with, even though I grew up playing tabletop RPGs with friends. This trend of injecting RPG elements into other genres usually comes at the cost of mediocre gameplay
>You should play Baldurs Gate.
I did play it. The idea is that you start as a normal guy and slowly become a literal demigod as the game progresses.
>shooters - point reticle at thing and pull trigger
>fighting - smash buttons
>racing - keep box between lines
yeah, real stimulating.
For me it's story and character progression, it's got to have one or the other be very solid.
I enjoy going into an area, getting my ass kicked by a boss, then going back and preparing for the boss by learning specific skills or gathering the right items and using them at the right time.
I enjoy controlling skill allocation to create specialist builds that excel in unique ways
I love rpgs but most of them are so shitty in terms of gameplay or story.
It doesn't help that every rpg made by the veterans of the industry on kickstarter money turned out to be shit.
Dead state, pillars, wasteland, all just terrible.
>Daggerfall is mid tier
I suppose it is Sup Forums
if its not an SRPG its better off being a Platinum tier action game.
Well you're the son of the God of Murder so yeah.
>Nehrim not on the list
It goes in High tier
I like the concept of RPGs, but most of them are pretty fucking boring. The only ones I have ever actually liked are the Pokemon and Etrian Odyssey. Even then, both of them put a twist on the RPG genre by mixing with it with others, instead of having it be a 60 hour snooze fest.
>Baldur's Gate and Icewind: Dale had amazing combat
They really aren't if you've actually played D&D Baldurs gate is basic bitch shit.
I think you may actually be mentally handicapped.
I don't like like WRPGs and I fucking play D&D and TTRPGs all the time.
good counter. completely changed my perception of the world.
>rpg - smash buttons to skip dialogue
>play role-playing game
>skip the role-playing
but why?
>Baldurs gate is basic bitch shit
Calm down, /tg/.
I had a DnD club at my high school. Our English teacher was the DM. It was fun.
I really want to get into Divinity OS but I'm really not the best at old-schooly CRPGs.
Majority of RPGs have mediocre battle systems. Play some SMT and then come back here
it doesn't even deserve a section on there. best use of stats in a game ive ever played i can admit but it doesn't feel like an epic or anything, the whole game is precedurally generated garbage outside a handful of areas