>playing video games during autumn
>it starts raining outside
Is there a comfier feel Sup Forums?
>playing video games during autumn
>it starts raining outside
Is there a comfier feel Sup Forums?
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Being held by the woman you love
it's fucking summer though, retard
Playing vidya at night when it's raining is also super comfy.
>playing video games
>sun starts shining blindingly bright
Is there a worse feeling?
>Southern Hemisphere
>Winter is ending
I wish it was winter all year long.
>cold as fuck outside and snowing
>curl up in a blanket with your controller just like in OPs pic
>Christmas lights slowly glow around the TV
>replay some cozy shit like Kirby or Sonic
>fall is only starting
Here user.
Any higher quality versions of that gif? It's fantastic
rain is shit tier
too humid
snow masterrace
Think this is a better version.
>autumn starts
>college starts
meh , i like summer more. all womans wear clothes like degerate whores, i see tities every day, can sleep nude,eat ice cream etc
>nintoddler shit
Name some other comfy games you like then
College fags need to leave.
you dont need to worry much more they wll
do americans really call leafdroptime 'fall'?
what's the comfiest game for winter 2016?
you have issues
I bought this foldable laptop table and am now playing videogames lying in bed
this is the comfiest fucking feel
What are some essential video games to play during a storm?
No Mans Sky
Not him but what?
Not really 2015, but I still like to replay Undertale once in a while when I want to get real comfy, but you can't talk about that game here
>that Halloween mission
>depression tier
>no LISA
Come on now
>not playing really optimistic games to contrast with your life for the ultimate depression
That doesn't work when it's raining though.
I really like the idea of a "Casual apocalypse" setting.
Like the idea of some horrible world-ending threat looming over society, but for the most part things are the same as they ever were, just with this thing to deal with.
I thought about a game where giant monsters start appearing across America and the military quickly devises a way to contain them, but it's really expensive and often costly to kill them so they decide to just pay civilian contractors to do it, who wear homemade ghostbusters-esque monster hunting equipment. Think working class dudes in suits and leather jackets and what not with huge energy-beam backpacks hunting monsters domed in cities and suburbs.
Much like No More Heroes, you could walk around areas and buy from clothing stores and small restaurants and stuff
I thought about calling it "Average Joes"
Rain never lasts long enough to get settled in and comfy. And I live in the fucking UK, moaning about how it's always raining is a national pastime, but it's just a meme, it never fucking happens these days. Or maybe I just don't notice it as a NEET.
If I put my headphones on I can't tell it's raining at all, my monitor doesn't face the window. I need to be outside to enjoy the rain, sheltered from it obviously, but only under something like a small bus shelter, not a real building. Now that's comfy.
Like GI Joes? Thats a pretty cool name t b h
Just like, these are absolutely everyday people who decided to pick up a scrap-built laser gun to fight Kaiju for a quick buck. They're just average joes. It's not a complex name.
The first part of the original Shin Megami Tensei until fucking Thor himself literally nukes Japan on behalf of God is a lot like this.
You basically just have a bunch of schmucks that constitute the party walking around urban Japan fighting and negotiating with demons, clad in whatever shit they could buy from the Kichijouji mall.
>tfw currently hot and humid
>hasn't rained in a while
>constantly sunny
>can't really enjoy anything
I can't wait for that autumn weather, rain and pure comfy feeling.
I don't like being touched. I think I may have autism or something but sure helps living alone and playing video games when you are at your happiest doing it.
In the northern hemisphere it's Autumn. It has been for over a month.
What fucking northern hemisphere are you living in?
>get tinnitus out of nowhere
>can't enjoy anything anymore because the incessant noise interrupts everything
>feels like life is ruined
>Astronomical fall
Absolutely disgusting. In any orderly country fall is officially September, October and November. Each season is cleanly 3 months.
The one where it's Autumn, not Fall. Mid-summer's in June, mid-winter is in December. The end of Autumn festivals are at the end of October, and the beginning of spring festivals are at the start of February.
Spring is February, March, April.
Summer is May, June, July.
Autumn is August, September, October.
Winter is November, December, January.
I fucking hate summer. I ALWAYS get swamp ass as soon as I move more than 200 metres. I'm not even fat or overweight. I hate shorts and you can't wear anything else without burning up.
Autumn can't some fast enough.
too bad the weather effects are loud as shit, there should be a second volume slider.
>swamp ass
Fall and autumn air is comfier
Stalker. I prefer Call of Pripyat of the three.
I think you need to dial back one month
Dec, Jan, Feb
Mar, April, May
Jun, July, Aug
Sep, Oct, Nov
>thunder strikes
>power shorts out and everything goes dark
>doesn't come back for hours
Swamp ass is when you sweat profoundly especially in your crotch area, so when you walk it's all wet and nasty, like walking through a swamp.
Also when you wear light coloured pants it can sweat through!!! And it's fucking visible.
Where the fuck do you live that power goes out because of lightning?
When you have a sweaty ass and loins, sometimes unwashed so you really get the feeling you sit in a pool of sweat, dingleberries and possibly driedup piss/cum.
The grip and rip technique my friend, works every time.
It is for about 10 minutes. Then I just feel like gtfo and playing vidya
Nope, I was spot on. In your version the longest day would be nearer the start of Summer rather than its middle.
This is true for every Castlevania, OP.
>Playing SotN
>It's raining at the Outer Wall while it's also raining outside irl
It hurts though.
>tfw my shower was once being reconstructed and I had to rip them out of the dingleberry forest that my asscrack contained at the time
No one wants to be touched all the time. But when I got that feelin, I need sexual healin.
Well I sleep in a racing car. Do you?
>Be a kid
>Cousins used to play jump-scare pranks on me all the time
>Would sneak up on me and "zap" me (poke both sides of your ribs and the same time to make you jolt)
>Years later, I am extremely uncomfortable with having people close behind me
>Whenever someone passes by me too closely, I feel my sides twitch
I've developed a near sixth sense when it comes to sensing if someone's behind me. I can even manage to catch my cat, who moves without a sound. But it's fucking annoying, and I'm also very ticklish because of it. I once went for a massage paid for by work benefits, and it was excruciating. However, it has served to amplify my femdom fetish.
>autumn is august
>wrapped up in a blanket
>bad thoughts creep up
>too comfy to panic
>spike in adrenaline
>feel my body start to move on it's own
>intense desire to run
>look around
>too comfy to get up
>just out comfied my panic attacks
>mfw a normie tells me the weather has been so awful lately
>it's been raining non stop
Why do normans hate comfy weather?
Because they can't go shopping or sitting outside of starbucks or sit in the park pretending to be sociable. And the most important part is they can't make fucking selfies of how "fun and outgoing" they are.
>snuggling with the girlfriend in autumn
>it starts raining outside
I miss this.
We get it, you have gf.Congrats
Not anymore, user.
Who's the artist for these?
this, underrated post desu
Playing video games on my balcony, wrapped up in a cozy blanket, while the autumn rain falls.
That's the comfiest I could possibly get.
post pics pls
Too generalized. I don't like the rain cuz it gets all humid and makes my hair frizz up. Also, I walk to work which rain makes lame.
>playing heavy rain in heavy rain.
>february is spring
are you retarded?
>February is not spring
Are you?
Winter ends at the end of February in the northern hemisphere.
Good autumn games?
>Chrono Trigger
>Bullworth Academy
>Animal Crossing (GC or WW)
>Gothic 2
>Fire Emblem:Sacred Stones
>Chibi Robo
>character is hungry in-game
>hungry in real life as well
Any Monster Hunter. Any Harvest Moon.
There is somerthing extremely comfy about Max Payne 1
>Bullworth Academy
you mean Bully? why would you call it that? It's like calling SMB ''Mushroom Kingdom''
> ywn be a lowly janitor in a dystopian Neo-Tokyo who comes home after a 14 hour shift to gaze at the splendid of the distant lights and play vidya
>when your character eats delicious food while you cant
I'm playing FF9 at the minute, at my pace it'll be my Winter game too.
If by some twist of fate I beat it sooner, it'll be Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
I hate rain because it aggregates my symptoms and I want to sleep all day.
Fuck I hate winter but love the feeling of a warm hoodie and pajama pants.
Comfy Jams of 2016
>FF9 (most final fantasy games)
>stardew Valley
>Souls games
>The elder scrolls games
>Paper Mario series
>Resident evil
>Kingdom Hearts
>The Long Dark
>Most TLoZ games
>Metroid games, (think tallon over world)
I borrowed FF9 from a friend as my first one and honestly it was too tropey and shit. I played Chrono Trigger before it and I was bored in the second disc.