Small game made by then unkown indie studio

>small game made by then unkown indie studio
>more worthwhile than almost any recent triple a title

Really tells us something about the current state of gaming now doesn't it

It really does have (excuse the word) "good game feel"

You can tell they just spent a lot of time perfecting a simple but effective control scheme instead of cinemashit

Yeah agreed

I actually had to skill way up before i could beat spectre knight, and it was fun even though i played through the first two levels many times

Question, will it be dethroned by cuphead?

It's also better because the developer didn't promise a gigantic amount of outlandish things so there wasn't a huge crowd to inevitably dissappoint with their incompetence

Just finished plague of shadows today. Feelibg bad for this company. How The hell are they going to top this game.
You can really see how they love making and playing videogames, avoid bullshit and go straigh for the fun.

Not a chance.

honestly "gamefeel" is any more ridiculous to say than "gameplay" if you actually think about it.

>A Ducktales reskin

But it's also good because the developers actually worked on the game and didn't intentionally leave content out to sell later or rush the development.

they did well for what they intended to do, which is that nostalgic feel of a specific era of games

however I think that era of games has some severe flaws in its design that carried over into shovel knight, most importantly instant-kill spikes and pits

and because of that I think plague knight is far far better because you can more easily avoid dealing with that archaic design choice and the focus lies more on the enemies which aren't even a threat in regular shovel knight

Only complaint I have is it feels like there's a small delay when you try to move. Nothing hugely bad but it is noticeable and can be pretty annoying

>implying basing your game on GOATales is a bad thing?

It's more of a mix of megaman and castlevania honestly.

>chromatic aberration: the game


Not sure why you consider it a flaw to punish incompetent players.

I was actually angry Shovel Knight had such a forgiving platform/checkpoint/lives system. The game was only a half-assed commitment to old school design philosophy. It tried too hard with the aesthetic and failed to follow through.

I don't think so, the game itself was still plenty challenging, it just removed the needless frustration of a limited lives system.

It wasn't *that* forgiving either, if you died repeatedly you'd lose a lot of cash. Keep that up and you're losing out on important artifacts and upgrades.

The philosophy in its level design and gameplay mechanics was absolutely on-point.


cuphead looked better as a boss rush game

The megaman-esque levels that people begged for so much look pretty bland

>most importantly instant-kill spikes and pits
Those design elements aren't archaic, no matter how mad they make you.

Have you maxed the game yet? Do a checkpointless/no death run at once for the challenge of it. You can break checkpoints and make them useless. Also look up the cheat code that makes it so you die in one hit, if you really wanna go there.

Not really, because you can always go back to farm/grind.
And why do you keep dismissing old-school design choices as pointless just because you disagree with them? It makes you sound like a stupid kid.

It's because they did something that most kickstarter games and AAA developers don't understand how to do: work within your budget and be transparent with your potential consumers.

What in the world are you talking about? the checkpoint/saving loot system is great, something that classic platformers should have had all along. Keeps me interested in the game, three lives no continues is so dumb

>Those design elements aren't archaic, no matter how mad they make you.
they don't add anything and only serve to limit the players exploration

they're not a challenge, everyone can jump over a set of spikes, so they only ever come into play when the enemies push you into them, which raises the question of whether both enemies AND spikes are really necessary

if the only way to fall into spikes is enemies pushing you into them, it would make more sense to buff enemy damage to the point where they're actually a threat on their own and not just an annoying hindrance on your way through the level

and then they also throw it all out of the window as soon as you get the spammable invincibility item, game's a joke from there on

Didn't hear they were doing levels. Yeah, I'm sure they'll fuck that up. Should have stuck with what they had.

You're thinking about it with too much of a modern mindset, where every game today is a non-stop romp through enemies without much else in the way.

Classic game design philosophy follows the idea that each level is an obstacle course, or is made of a series of small obstacle courses. It's up to the player to successfully navigate it and if they get too hasty or misjudge an action, they're punished severely for it. It's true that the enemies are there to accentuate the stage hazards more than to provide a threat on their own, but it's better that way. I prefer that method of game design because it forces you to actually think and react to everything around you or risk making a fatal mistake.

The alternative would be bland, hazard-less levels spammed by enemy types doing insipid damage and possibly with more health than necessary. That's tedious and not fun.

It's a platformer, idiot. YOU JUMP A LOT!!!

I disagree, making enemies matter worked well for ninja gaiden, but it has its own set of similar issues regardless

I also take issue with their dark souls death system
there are situations where there's no way you can get your money back, namely spikes and pits
dark souls always made it so that there's a fair chance at all times, not so much with shovel knight
again, plague knight circumvents this issue yet again, since you can sort of hover close to your money and still get out of the pit/spikes if you're skilled enough

then why did they put a spammable invincibilty item in there?
you won't have to jump ever again!




This game was trying so hard to be retro it actually made me sick. I had to stop playing.

Dude yacht club wasnt unknown. It might have been brand new but it was literally just a bunch of wayforward people.

>I disagree, making enemies matter worked well for ninja gaiden, but it has its own set of similar issues regardless
Did you forget how many times Ninja Gaiden was designed to have an enemy push you into a pitfall? It was death pits: the game. Not exactly the best example.

>no way you can get your money back, namely spikes and pits
You can actually use the fishing rod to get your money back from pits.