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for the fans
Another DMCA 2 Remake when?
>please notice me cripple sempai!
>make Nintendo fangame
>Nintendo shuts it down
>release a reskinned parody of it mocking the DMCA
more people should do that, really.
Seriously, what is with nintendos lawyers these days?
One thing is protecting your brand which actually is not true, but killing any project that has any little inch of notoriety? Thats just evil, man!
Every single dev should do this
fuck Nintendo. That Metroid fan mod should've just recolored Samus and named her Scathach, and told Nintendo to choke on a bag of dicks because they can't copyright a game aesthetic.
Nintendo can't survive without wringing out as much possible cash from as many possible avenues with regards to their IP.
>inb4 youtubers make a video about the issue
>then Nintendo DMCA's their video purely because some fucking bot heard the word "nintendo"
Nintendo's on the fucking hunt right now for fanworks what the fuck
Fuck Nintendo, they're the only games company (and Konami too, but they hardly even count anymore) doing this shit
>Copyright a game aesthetic
I love how stupid Sup Forums constantly proves itself to be
Your telling me you wouldnt make a clickbait video to get a guaranteed 100,00 views and get ad monies??
This is getting ridiculous
Nintendo doesn't make games anymore so they have nothing to do on Nintendo's end except look for fanmade material.
Hey Indie Devs, make an original fucking game.
I get it that it is easier if you piggy back off the notoriety of something someone else created, but that's not how this works.
If it was, you'd have thousands of hack authors writing a book called "Harry Potter 8" and there would be so much shit out there with Harry Potter on it that the brand would be worthless.
Get real.
>Being this fucking stupid
They'll probably use the word "rape" or "Suicide" in the tags and get monetization turned off.
I know you're baiting, but goddamn are people with this mentality fucking faggots
Corporate cheerleaders are scum of the Earth
I can dig it. whatever Nintendo is doing marketing-wise is working. allowing projects like that could lead to a change in company image and they don't want change, they're doing fine, they want stasis.
Wait, if all of Sup Forums is one person and you are posting on Sup Forums then that means you just called yourself stupid. Smooth move ex-lax.
Fuck YouTubers. Bunch of whiny ass bitches.
>Waaaahhhh!! YouTube hosts my terabytes upon terabytes of videos for free!! Wahhh!!
>Waahhh!!! They also also do my ad sales for me give me a cut. Wahhh!!
>What!?! Advertisers don't want their ads sponsoring content they find objectionable?!!?! I'm entitled to those ad dollars on that video YouTube hosts for me!!!
Every time something like this happens, this bitchasses need to think about diversifying away from YouTube. Instead they get their leigons of 12 year old fans to rally behind them and "fix it" because they post a video saying, "Guys! I really don't know what I'm gonna do!? Muh livelihood!"
I heard that Nintendo sues because if they don't sue, they can be sued back. Is that true? If so, that's retarded.
An erotica website I go to from time to time pulled every single fan fiction story because of legal threats. It does happen, but Sup Forums won't admit to reading "Mario turns into a Werewolf and forms a pack"
>I know you're baiting, but goddamn are people with this mentality fucking faggots
I'm not baiting. Do you want to live in a world with shitty Chinese knockoffs all over the place? That world sucks IMO.
First of all, cease and desist or a DMCA takedown isn't a lawsuit. Second, I think what you've probably heard is that if they don't defend their copyright, they can lose it because someone can show in the courts that they've been lax about defending it in the past.
They stop being lazy and find a job like a normal human being.
>Fangames in which no profit is made are the same as chinese knockoffs sold and are trying to make people think they're real products
>I think what you've probably heard is that if they don't defend their copyright, they can lose it because someone can show in the courts that they've been lax about defending it in the past
That isn't a fucking thing holy shit stop parroting it
>I think what you've probably heard is that if they don't defend their copyright, they can lose it because someone can show in the courts that they've been lax about defending it in the past.
That's exactly it, thanks, man.
There's apparently precedent for it.
That's fucked up if true.
>They stop being lazy and find a job like a normal human being.
I'm 100% okay with YouTubers making money. They've got an audience and that is clearly worth something.
What drives me crazy is that they act like they're entitled to YouTube running a huge portion of their business for them (hosting and ad sales) for free.
If YouTube won't monetize your video, then it is time to pound the fucking pavement and line up sponsors on your own.
It's time to get all your subs on an email list and direct them to your website where you pay to host your own content.
90% don't do that though because it's hard. Yeah, running a business is hard, no shit.
This is where we are though. The web opened pandora's box and now everyone things everything should be free.
Just because you have the charisma of adry sponge doesn't mean you have to be bitter because some people make money of being an entertainer/ content create. I hate the people that give em support not them
Looks like Nintendo got Nintendominated.
It's complete bullshit
Stop believing everything you read on Sup Forums
>That isn't a fucking thing holy shit stop parroting it
Didn't say it was true, just saying it was probably what the guy heard. And I was right FWIW.
And it's not about this stuff making profit, it's about diluting the brand. If No Mario's Sky is 1,000 little kids first introduction to Mario and they say, "This is kinda janky, Mario sucks." Nintendo is hurt by that.
>Hey guys, I made Super Mario Brothers 4. It's free so Nintendo can't sue me ever.
>Look at my new search engine Google2. It's totally free.
>if it's true
It's not
looks like some whiny indie dev is supremely butthurt because he found out he's not entitled to getting notoriety from Nintendo's intellectual property.
Go home Bill.
Good. The game was shit.
>It's Super Mario Bros 4. I added my fursona as a playable character.
>It's Marigi's Furry Adventure. I my Fursona is a playable character
Please publish this on PS4/Vita/Xbone
Is this a knock at Freedom Planet? Upset that it did Mario AND Sonic better than Nintendo and Sega ever did?
Control your jealousy.
forgot image
>world with shitty Chinese knockoffs all over the place
Yeah totally dude, before Nintendo DMCA'd fan projects there were literally all over the place, like I walked outside and you know what I saw? I saw a Super Mario 3 Remix by Todd Huey on the fucking ground dude. Like I went to my nearest game retailer and you know what they sold? Bunch of fan games of every known popular IP, hell The Legend of Zelda: The 7 Seeds of Choas preorders sold out man.
delete this :D ur penis is showing
>Trying to make it out that fangames are trying to pretend to be real products from Nintendo because reasons
Reach harder
>Start pronouncing it as "Nentindo"
Real talk, it would be dope as fuck if Nintendo looked at AM2R and said,
"This is cool. People are having fun, it's free, it's quality, and we're not doing anything with Metriod 2 anyway. No big deal."
But the idea that someone at Nintendo like Reggie or Kimishima is making this decision is silly.
This stuff is most likely outsourced to a legal consortium and their default mode is, "take down anything that infringes on copyright."
It'd be cool if the higher ups at Nintendo could step in an show some nuance every once in awhile, but if they spent their time auditing every little fan project that comes along, they wouldn't have time to do anything else.
Make an original fucking game and this won't be a problem.
>If YouTube won't monetize your video, then it is time to pound the fucking pavement and line up sponsors on your own.
Here's the thing, the big ones wouldn't even need to do that. All they would have to do is pick up a fucking phone and bitch at their agency/parent company and someone there would do all the work.
This, no one but the biggest retard would think it is a good idea to copy copyrighted franchise characters/assets and get away with it. If it weren't for the big offenders AM2R and Pokeyman SJW this one might not have gotten taken down though. When there are so many people stealing your shit you can't afford to be nice or selective about it.
>Jew mad that his herd of goyims is suddenly finding off the radar ways of making money
Copyright law is the reason why you don't see this stuff.
I'm not sure why this is such a difficult concept for you.
But this is how they see
>Nintendo sells Metroid II
>This guy took Metroid II, repackaged it and is distributing it
>Why would anyone buy Metroid II if they can get a remake cheaper elsewhere?
It's an example. Indie developers don't realize they can get away making a game with similar gameplay, just changing how a few things look. This guy has gotten away making a Wind Waker spiritual sequel and ported it to PS4.
Lawyers won't do shit unless they're told to
Almost no other game companies have their legal teams trying to shut down fan creations, so fuck off with that bullshit
Thats actually a way more legit argument than 'hurrdurr they must stop fanworks or they will lose the ip!'.
Still, they are fanworks, supposedly they are protected under fair use, every fan game has a fucking disclaimer clarifyng in one way or amnother that they dont own anything except the code they used to program the game and all this fucking hunt is way too recent.
Theres no sense or reason for nintendo to start doing this now, for all we know it is that troll that has been banning shit in nintendos name.
If fangames were that big of a problem, nintendo would start cracking down shit aeons ago!
>Fangames in which no profit
Some of these fangames were making profits indirectly. Not the Metroid one but that site they nailed recently.
>supposedly they are protected under fair use
Eh, this is really a muddy area.
>Almost no other game companies have their legal teams trying to shut down fan creations
Almost no one has brands as strong as Nintendo either.
>Here's the thing, the big ones wouldn't even need to do that. All they would have to do is pick up a fucking phone and bitch at their agency/parent company and someone there would do all the work.
Too hard. YouTube should do all that shit for me.
Heck, even Pokemon Uranium could be seen as competition to Sun and Moon!
But holy fuck. What's up with Nintendo lately? Have flash games been hit?
Metroid is almost 1:1 copypaste with sprites copypasted from other Metroid games. If someone actually thinks it's actually fair use, stay in school. Didn't they take donations too?
Also look at fucking Mother 4. Not Mother: my shitty fangame, "Mother 4". Fan game creators must be delusional children if they think this is OK.
The Legend of Zelda and The Lamp of No Real Significance was my first introduction to Zelda. I was 10. I still knew that 'this isn't a real zelda game though' and eventually played a real one and loved it.
Then Skyward Sword came out and let me tell you that is how you dilute a brand.
Yes, but Nintendo has been hitting fangames that don't make a profit off of their work (No Mario's Sky and AM2R), so clearly that's not the actual reason Nintendo is doing it
>Didn't they take donations too?
They didn't
>Almost no other game companies have their legal teams trying to shut down fan creations
Almost no other game company has to. I mean how many Madden or CoD fangames are being published onto the net?
>Uranium isn't claiming to be a Gold remake
>Nintendo doesn't make Pokemon anyway
>Another Metroid 2 Remake claims to be a Metroid 2 remake
>Nintendo still sells Metroid II
>Didn't they take donations too?
What does that have to do with my post my man?
Nintendo learned to internet as they started shifting their business to an entertainment company. They're taking tips from Disney now.
>They didn't
Delusional fan game devs, delusional fan game players.
Dude ur pinky finger is showing ecks dee
Capcom gave their blessing for the Streetfighter X Megaman fangame, and Sega outright hired the guy who made his own engine for Sonic to get improved versions of Sonic 1 and 2 out on mobile (along with promoting ROMhacks on the Steam workshop)
>Nintendrones defend this
The people I've met who exclusively own nintendo consoles are all 80lb milk nerds who play Smash with an autistic obession.
how many more times will the donation meme have to be regurgitated for every fanmade project no matter if it actually happened or not before '98-born Sup Forums realizes that there is a difference between chinese bootleggers and a bunch of nerds who decided they wanted to make a game for fans by fans?
Check any internet reviewer, like the nostalgia critic or so.
A lot of their videos use footage and sounds from the stuff they review, but nobody bats an eye, why?
Because its fair use! They dont make money directly from the video like other monetized yt videos, they make money from indirect mediums unrelated to the use of that footage. Like legally checked dvd sets, shirts, random stuff, etc.
In am2r case, theres no reason for nintendo to attack, as the author never, in all the time he took to make the game, asked for money, at all.
>can only be used toward upgrades offered by, and not for game servers
>not for game servers
Yeah while making money off of it, fucking retard.
Do you think cheap hosting costs money? They even use blogspot and freeforums. They literally incur ZERO costs. Which means donations = paying them to steal the IP.
Dammit! This was meant for
>Sega now encourages fan work with their property
>Nintendo now trying to snuff out anything made by fans
How the times change
I'm literally none of that and I almost exclusively play Nintendo games.
Keep crying Sup Forumsirgin
>A lot of their videos use footage and sounds from the stuff they review, but nobody bats an eye, why?
Nostalgia Critic gets raped with DMCA's constantly you dolt.
Can anyone on Sup Forums answer me?
Why is Nintendo doing this? No really? Is this their way of staying relevant? They're literally telling everyone to either buy their games or fuck off and not do homages
Sure you aren't.
>it's okay when Nintendo does it!
In this case, and most cases it actually is.
The only one i remember, is the room one, and that was fixed actually, because [email protected] is indeed a retard.
As far as i know, at least for the nc, im sure thats the only review he had dmca'd.
in your dreams
$5 says they're gonna get even more into licensing out their IP to other companies, and they probably think allowing fangames to exist is going to 'dilute the brand' because people clearly can't tell the difference between a fangame that blatantly tells you it isn't an official product on a flash site and a game you need to buy on one of Nintendo's systems
Lolol. Nailed it. Multi millionaire John Lennon wrote that song in his Manhattan Penthouse. "Imagine no possessions DURR"
...........weed should be legal tho
Thats probably the reason, but again, this fucking witch hunt is simply unnecessary.
Fak you gaijins, stop making betta game dan us.
I agree completely
I still can't believe how shit Nintendo's become in the last 5 years
>Be a wee laddy in preschool
>Drawing Mario with some crayons
>I love Mario, his games are so fun
>Reggie bursts in through the door, the preschool teacher tries to stop him but he grabs her by the throat and throws her against the coffee table cracking her skull
>He approaches me fiercely and demands he take my Mario drawing for confiscation, something about cobbyright?
>I say no, I put effort into this scribble
>I hold onto my drawing with my toddler strength
>Reggie snatches it from my now papercutted little hands
>Tears up my Mario drawing and tells me to never draw Mario again, but to look forward to Mario Sports Superstars coming soon to Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DSXL, New Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 3DS XL and Nintendo 2DS
Iwata was protecting us from this
With him gone there's nothing to stop Nintendo from taking away everything
Rip Iwata, it only gets worse from here.
As its been noted countless times before, both companies were approached formally by those respective devs. They didn't just see a mod on the internet that was getting donationbux and decide they wanted to hire them.
>Why is Nintendo doing this?
Because fuck you. That's why.
Maybe people should try making games with characters they own.