Denuvo is always-online now

>Denuvo is always-online now

Other urls found in this thread:

>Having a problem with denuvo

>Buying games that use Denuvo in the first place
Why? They're always awful

I have a problem with it being always online.

>All the games that I can't pirate are coincidentally bad games I didn't want anyways

>always online
>not fucking awful

Holy shit it's real
Just tried launching Mad Max in offline mode and it doesn't work.
I launched online before to make sure it was 'activated' or whatever.
This is fucking awful, my internet drops a lot and I like playing games when that happens.

prove it
where did u get this bs from?

Not his fault you had the fault of having to shill a DRM only used in terrible games and terrible ports.

denuvo dicksuckers confirmed retarded, no further argument needed

Check PC Master Race reddit.
God Eater 2 devs actually banned someone complaining about it, a person who owns the game.

>denuvo shills all begging for Deus Ex to be good to finally have a decent game
>port is absolute trash, as expected
>entire game is quite average too

Sometimes I feel bad for them.

>people will unironically defend this

The only game with Denuvo that isn't complete shit is Doom. And that game is certainly not for everybody.

Total War Warhammer is digital sugar

Most Denuvo games are pirateable now and still have low or under projection sales though.


>always online
>worse performance
>stops Wine support
why do we like Denuvo again?

fuck you

I don't play RTS.

muh birades

>owning games

You mean owning the license.

That's disappointing.

All these delicious piratekek tears.

Even with all its problems MGSV is great but its been cracked anyway.

I'm convinced at this point DRM like denuvo is to secure some extra sales at launch until it is inevitably piratable.

>if you don't like something that fucks paid customers over more than it does the pirates since the majority of denuvo games aren't cracked yet you must be a pirate
I get that Sup Forums loves being contrarian but fuck you

>I'm convinced at this point DRM like denuvo is to secure some extra sales at launch until it is inevitably piratable.
is says this on the fucking box you idiot.

>MGSV is great

Keep crying, nothing going to change. Denuvo is just going to keep getting stronger and stronger.

You have yourselves to thank, if you didn't pirate Denuvo wouldn't exist.

Yeah this just look at Assassins creed 1, Diablo 3, and Sim City. Assassins creed was heavily pirated because the DRM was so bad it punished paying customers more than pirates.

too bad they don't remove it after a few months so we can play offline

but I don't pirate you cunt

i don't even pirate, but will never buy a Denuvo game

Contrarian shitposting.

Every single Denuvo game has been pirated user
>b-but they fixed afterwards

Ok, still not going to change anything.

>be buyfag
>spend tons of money on licenses so I can play games maybe
>internet goes bust for few hours for whatever reason you may imagine including goblins screwing it at night
>can't play them

>be piratefag
>lots of denuvo games are cracked anyway pirate them
>internet goes bust for few hours for whatever reason you may imagine including goblins screwing it at night
>can play them because lol

except it does and means that the dev will get less money


I just turned off my internet and tried DOOM, RotTR and God Eater 2 and they all worked.

>Sim City
>EA and every journos that sucked their cock said Sim City cannot be played online
>mod that makes Sim City playable offline is released
What was your reaction?

It was disappointing but as a long time MGS fan i still enjoyed it.

hey, anybody wants to buy me god eater 2 on steam? :D

But Denuvo has not been cracked, only exploits were used. Those exploits no longer work. New versions of Denuvo are released with every new game.,it gets stronger everytime.

Enjoy your no games or waitin 1-2 years before they get cracked.

Not all of us are no life poorfags with no money. We can afford to buy and play games.

Sauce ?

What? Haven't bought a boxed PC game in years.

>We can afford to buy licenses to play games if our overlords allow us.

Haven't we reached the point where "own" is an acceptable shorthand for whatever bullshit is the non-free software equivalent of ownership? Everyone understands that digital rights management and copyright laws exist.

Meant for


>This is fucking awful, my internet drops a lot and I like playing games when that happens.
What kind of third world hellhole do you live in subhuman?

I can play MD offline just fine though.

Didnt buy it or any of the games i mentioned. Thought it was hilarious honestly.

I don't care about Denuvo or any anti-pirate systems, but always online games that aren't multiplayer is a big no-no and I'm not gonna touch any games like that with a 3 feet pole.

Do these people really not think about players 10 years from now on? What if they go bankrupt and their servers are put down? What if they get bombed by ISIS or some shit? Some of the best games I've played were more than 10 years old, I'd be pretty upset if I couldn't start up VtMB today because some greedy jew decided he HAD to get those 10 additional sales.

Straya m8

>want to play game
>it has denuvo and it isn't cracked
>"oh well"
>pirate another one of the thousands of other games I can play for free ($0 (zero american dollars))
yeah I'm mad as fuck

>Do these people really not think about players 10 years from now on?
They think about them a lot. And they think they should buy new games rather than old ones.

You are a degenerate poorfag with no job.

Only good post in the thread as it is a legitimate reason to dislike denuvo (under the assumption the claim of always online is accurate). The days of developers patching out drm when a game is effectively EOL are long over.

Yeah the only reason doom got pirated was because of a steam exploit thats been around for years. The Denuvo version in it was never actually cracked.

Oh shit I didn't realize only poor people hired illegal immigrants.

>pirate a game
>get dank chiptune in installer
pirates win again

That's a straight up lie though.

Only MGSV, Mad Max, LOTF, Inquisition, Arkham Knight, Tomb Raider and Inside are pirateable.

Just Cause 3, Hitman, Deus Ex MD, Warhammer, Homefront, Star Wars, FARCRY Primal, Need for Speed, Mirror's Edge, God Eater 2,and DOOM all remain uncracked.

But it's not. I can play God Eater offline without issue

As usual, Denuvo is defective by design.

No Denuvo version has been cracked. Every single crack for Denuvo games is an exploit to get around it. Denuvo itself has not been cracked and with every new version it gets stronger and harder to crack.

For now there really wasn't a single game with Denuvo that I'd like to play.

But I admit there are going to be some soon. Like Nier: Automata and Tales of Berseria.

piracy is a sin

>kek piratecucks le piratekeks are so mad
>but I'm not

And Xenoverse 2. Damn that's gonna be a shame. I mean Xenoverse 1 was fun and all but fuck me if it was worth anything near 60$, that was just a grindfest and XV2 is probably no different and gonna be bombarded with DLCs.

I ain't payin for that shit.

>68 posts
>38 IPs
>only source for this is "Go look on Reddit, guys!"

This surely isn't going to a be a problem for legitimate buyers a few years down the line...

nope... no problem at all....

Anyone that supports this kind of thing literally needs to get their head read.

Uncracked doesn't mean unpiratable child.

You were able to pirate all denuvo games easily by buying them, launching in offline mode and then refunding.

Now that it's online only it doesn't work but until recently it was as easy as that.


OP is most likely a butthurt faggot that is mad about God Eater having Denuvo and he can't pirate it so he made this shit up thinking he can scare people off Denuvo.

Even if this were true (which is not) that would only means that publishers would be able to abuse the customer more, making more DLC and charging more money for their games just because they are greedy bastards, also they would be able to do shit like the one that Gearbox did recently, which is erase Duke Nukem Megaton Edition from steam only to put on sale another version of the same fucking game so if you did not buy the megaton edition, which at some point was at $1 and you would not be able to pirate, you are fucked if you wanted to play the game without using the shit that is DOSBOX, but since pirating exist I not only can pirate the megaton edition, also the new version, or if I own the megaton edition I'm not going to even bother in getting the new version and just pirate it for the new levels if my desire is big enough to play the game.

In the end there would be consecuences for customers one way or the other, and yet still this is the better outcome since there are people who are working to crack denuvo thus fucking over the always online bullshit thus making more playable the pirated version than the legal version just because there is no always online shit

Inside and tomb rider are both cracked not bypassed, get with the times grandpa.

That doesn't actually work as far as i'm aware. Steam DOES count your time in it even if you don't even launch it from Steam. Tried to pull that shit with ESO, didn't work.

False Flag: The thread

What the fuck are you talking about?

Make a new account
Buy the game
Install it
Launch it once
Switch to offline mode
Launch steam in offline mode and never go online

Works perfectly fine.

That only works if you leave the game running and don't close it until you finish it. No doubt that will be fixed soon as well.

Thanks pirates.

>unironically browsing reddit



enjoy not being able to open doors or take part in the FOB component, which has the best gameplay in the game

>this whole thread

I bought MGSV at launch not sure who your post is directed towards.

It's been years since I pirated anything, but pirating is inherently good. It's probably the last bastion against publishers and devs that couldnt give a flying shit about quality.

>um pretty sure I directed it to you

good goyim

I get where your coming from, but that's wrong. The best way to tell publishers and devs to fuck off is to just ignore them. Don't buy their shit, don't pirate it, just ignore it completely. Pirating it just tells them "hurr durr potential lost sales"

Is this a shitposting thread? I can launch GE2 in offline mode, I literally just checked it.

I am not autistic.

So you basically can't go online anymore? That's kind of a shitty tradeoff unless you are a pure pirate.

>Denuvo is always-online now
You can thank the pirates for that. Reminder, that if there was no piracy, there would be no need for DRM. These shitters like to posture themselves like someone having the moral high ground or as victims of the DRM tyranny, but in truth, they are the cancer that have caused this in the first place.

Fuck piratescum.

This basically happened with Darkspore. I know it's a shitty game, but no one is able to play it, because of always online.

I've bought Denuvo games and was thinking about buying some others later on, but now I know I'll not. If not for internet problems, which happens here from time to time, then for the reason I mentioned above.

I remember seeing an interview with some devs talking about piracy. They said the big reason they have DRM is for the non hardcore pirates. They know the people getting the cracked shit online are unstoppable, but the big problem for them is when timmy loans his copy of diablo to bobby and lets him install it. One kid would pass their copy around to all their friends. They made DRM to stop that kind of piracy. It's the normies fault really.

Didn't Sony win this gen by promising everyone that they could lend games?

well nowadays there's always a 1 day patch anyways. If the game requires to connect to their server at least once, it should be fine.

no, they "won" by being the fifa machine and selling retards online features that are free for PC and wiiU.

They won because Microsoft wanted draconian DRM that is actually the standard on steam