Let's have a Siege thread

Let's have a Siege thread.

What's your favourite operator?

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone from FBI, especially Pulse because I fucking love the crying that ensues when I nitro 3 people after detecting them with a heartbeat sensor.

Sledge. 1v1 situations where I can just open up 5 holes in the objective room is the funnest shit.

Sledge, best non-OP ability and great weapons. The absolute madman has an SMG as a sidearm

Siege is shit and casual, siegefags are worse than codfags.

all tactical elements of previous games were dumbed down or removed

fuck off retard

shit thread is dying, go play the better older rainbow six games

you mean like vegas? top kek

>he doesnt know about rainbow six games
no, like rainbox six 3

Fucking newfag casuals, go play your CoD clones kiddo.

you mean the ones where you use 3rd person to look around corners?

yes, the better ones with good gameplay


get fucked

>plays Siege
>calls someone a retard

Give it a few more months.

>more casual dudebbros playing easy as piss game

this is a good thing?

welcome to siegecuck central may i take our money? that'll be 25000000000000 R6 credits game is NOT pay to win

>ubisoft backed the division horse instead of siege
Fuck they are dumb

Are you here, bro? How are your stats going?

Any new Siege memes around?

Still higher than at launch.

They'll release more content and drop the pricetag. It's like 40 bucks right now.

>playing as the most useless operators


I haven't played in a couple of weeks, but I was absolutely loving Caveira. It's really fun to roam and sneak around flanking people.

Bought it on PS4 the other day, much better than CSGO.
Thermite is too good.

the fanbase is dying at breakneck speed.

>more content

they need more than a few updates to fix that broken mess. the game has less maps than counterstike and is a hero shooter at heart. anyone who bought this full price is dumb as heck

>better than CSGO
its objectivly worse than CSGO and CSGO is already a steaming pile of shit


Why are you so against the game user?

You're very engaged in a thread that doesn't cater to your interests. Is there a reason you're in here instead of doing something more positive?

I usually go IQ to shoot pulse in the face or Ass. Defense I have to spawnkill to I'm almost always Jager.

>new game that brings something new to the table of PVP shooters
>reeeeeeee i hope it dies

What a bitter faggot.


>competitive fps

>Muh polly boogyman

could have made a better game with more interesting and controversial story with elements form previous games instead we get hero shooter countersttike. think the game they replaced was rainbow 6 patriots or something

thanks for the (yous) siegeniggers

I prefer a slower paced game, it works good on consoles.
On PC it is like playing COD

dumb animeposter


>more interesting and controversial story
>story in a shooter

The one where the game works and does not require port forwarding fuckery in Year of Our Lord 2016 just to fucking play.

Seriously, I would play the shit out of this game if the connectivity was not such an issue. And because I live on campus until next may I'm just shit out of luck.

How in CURRENT YEAR can ubi fuck up this badly with such a decent game underneath?

>never played MGS or half life

stories usually set the theme for the game and shieeet, so you wont be blasting ayys anytime soon


That's low quality bait, user. Show some effort

Half Life has a boring as fuck story too. You have bad taste

>doesnt go NUCLEAR

i guess im the only one who uses explosives and silenced guns to kill shit, no wonder my brother hated watching me play it

>calling MGS a shooter
Seems like you never played it either

so no one here killed everything in MGS??

>m-merely pretending!

I did not see this coming

>m-merely pretending!


patriots was vastly superior to siege.


So a QTE movie on one side and Splinter Cell: Blacklist on the other? Sure, "vastly superior".

That looks just like vegas, no thank you

better than CSGO clone #6878


would take that over siege, if siege had singleplayer squadbased campaign it wouldnt be so bad

>Got this a few weeks ago
>Play mid-weights mainly
>Buddy says I should try Kapkan
>"I swear he's not useless user"
>Git gud at traps
>Average 2 trap kills per round
>Use glorious 9x19 on the survivors
>It's mainly IQ running into my traps for some reason

>it's a your teammate kills you when trying to shotgun a drone round
>it's a smoke spergs out and poisons his teammates round
>it's a nobody can peek memebeard round
>it's a your teammate gives away a well placed drone by spotting everyone round
>it's a Fuze on hostage mission round

newest patch has sent netcode back a step

Siege is a more true Rainbow game than Vegas. Vegas fags are just mad that Rainbow is no longer Gears of War. Patriots looked like shit. I like Vegas and gears, but Rainbow did not need that gameplay.

1st one is what usually puts me off from the game, feels hopeless playing without friends in pubs.
Also fuck Blackbeard Nerf that p2w faggot already.
Serious? Its usually the only game where I feel like I can really notice the shitty netcode

doesn't mean its not dogshit

>all tactical elements of previous games were dumbed down or removed
No they weren't, stupid white man.

My question is to the samefags ruining the thread. Why are you here if you hate the game? You are not going to change the opinion of those who like it.





Probably because she's fast, gets careless and focused on hunting Pulse

It's nowhere near as bad as at launch but i've definitely noticed way more behind cover deaths lately.

You're playing against real people this time, you can't sit and plan out tactics for 10 mins against ai, you have to improvise more, not saying that there isn't planning but you can't stick to it as closely as in prior games.