How can anyone defend the Wii-U when it barely has any exclusives left and still overpriced?
How can anyone defend the Wii-U when it barely has any exclusives left and still overpriced?
Why are people still using Useless Mario Maker 3DS as the poster child for this
it still has more exclusives than Xone and Ps4 together
I love this meme.
Well to be fair this version of Mario Maker is useless. A shame though because I was ready to drop money on it the second I saw it.
This is the power of the Wii-U.....Holy shit....
>truth = meme
And? There like...four great Wii-U games now, the rest are trash.
You all realize that this version of Mario maker doesn't have online right?
There I removed all the shovelware
No need to thank me
I disagree, but hey, what are you even doing in a thread about 3DS/WiiU if you dislike Nintendo games?
if you're really shitposting, shouldn't you be doing something else?
It's still no longer exclusive.
I actually have a Wii-U though.
This isn't a hugbox, go to reddit and neogaf if you feel otherwise.
>bought a WiiU
>while not being into Nintendo games
did you get your retard certificate already?
Are you retarded?
Are you implying all the nintendo games on the Wii-U are great?
There I removed everything about your post that's cancer
No need to thank me
I'm outright saying that most of them are
besides, just sell the thing, you idiot
You sound assblased nintentoddler.
How can you hear my post? Last time I checked it was just text.
I'm terribly sorry you are brand loyal nintendrone that will eat anything out of nintendo ass.
>when you're autistic and need to tell people that their opinion is wrong so you samefag
>dislikes Nintendo games
>buys a WiiU
>wooooooooow these games are shit
>keeps it around
You left Mario 3D World on there senpai
>Same price with Steam/PS4/XboxOne games
Wii-U has shit nintendo games though.
Stop being retarded.
It has a lot of games exclusive to it I enjoyed immensely. Why does that cause so much butthurt? Why do you feel the need to win at buying video game consoles?
>still no slopes
I actually liked Fatal Frame 5, but I'm a european so it doesn't take up a shitload on my WiiU hardware.
Otherwise I think I agree... except maybe Pokken Tournament should stay on
>Lot of exclusives
I never said ALL of them are good
or perhaps you can quote me where I said that
Even going by this image that's still 7 more exclusives then ps4 has
>baiting this hard
It still has Splatoon. When Splatoon 3DS gets made I'll officially stop caring.
Read the title
Those are basically all the games I have and I don't regret buying a Wii U one bit. My life would be lessened had I never played splatoon or 3D world.
That's right. A lot of exclusives I enjoyed. What now faggot?
I would be more upset if the handheld versions these Wii U games are losing their exclusivity to weren't complete downgrades across the board.
Plus, it is completely logical from a business standpoint to do something like this. The Wii U is going out the door, it had a good library but that library doesn't deserve to stay chained and rot along with the Wii U, they want to get the most mileage they can out of these games.
You are making assumptions I dislike nintendo games.
That's not the case, they are all shit.
If they are good, I would actually like the Wii-U, sadly shit like NSMBU and Mario Maker which isn't even exclusive now isn't good.
Unless you have terribly low standards, which most nintendo fans have.
(cont) Woolly World is amazing too and there is no way the 3DS-version is going to do the graphics justice, so it might as well stay on the list imo
tl;dr "i have superior taste therefore you are wrong"
kill yourself man
>You are making assumptions I dislike nintendo games.
>That's not the case, they are all shit.
you're hilarious
>IIl make a subjective statement and present it as objective, that'll really piss them off
I hope the NX has backwards compatability with the WiiU-titles
>Lot of exclusives
I do have superior taste though.
Again, anyone who legitimately like shovelware like NSMBU, Mario Maker, W101, Kirby, Captain Toad, etc isn't really worth talking too.
Again, anyone who thinks taste can be "superior" isn't really worth talking to.
PS4 already has exclusives and more in the future.
Just admit the Wii-U a gigantic failure already.
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Mario Kart 8
>Pikmin 3
>Bayonetta 2
>Super Mario/Luigi Bros U
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water
>Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
>Super Mario 3D World
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
>The Wonderful 101
Those are the Wii U exclusives that I enjoyed. I didn't list the games that are also on 3DS but are better on Wii U, or HD Remasters.
You're just going to claim they're all shit, though.
Don't be a faggot. Vita games sharing games with Ps 4 is the same concept.
So yes, they both lose exclusives to themselves.
God damn, That's a trash list.
Poor Wii-U, even the Vita is better.
Somehow I left Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze off this list. Whoops.
I bought mine for dirty cheap and I have been following the pirate way a month ago.
Great rebuttal. You don't like any of those games?
He's just trying to bait you, dumbass. The less you reply to these threads, the lessthey stick around. Even if he's 100% serious, he's still just baiting morons like you.
Even if you kept the multplats like Mario Maker, Hyrule Warriors, Smash Bros, Yoshi Wooly World and Zelda BOTW on there the Wii-U still be shit.
He probably would, but he never tried them because he's afraid all his immature Nintendo hate is pointless.
>wanting a crippled mario maker
>a game that's pointless without its online features
Besides Mario Kart 8 which is the only Wii-U exclusive that any real effort put into it, no.
>the only Wii-U exclusive that any real effort put into it
Why didn't you just come out and say you didn't play them?
Nah, Neo-Nintendo just sucks family.
Wii-U was a awful console to buy, rather purchase a bloodborne machine.
At least it can play bluerays too.
After the WiiU, I will never purchase another Nintendo device ever again.
>nintendo took the exclusive spotlight away from sony
How the FUCK do we stop them, bros?
Wii-U owners are the biggestcucks.
>NoA butchered #FE
>NoA refused to release FFV physically
>Nintendo Ported 4 Exclusives to the 3DS
>Nintendo abandoned the Wii-U completely and the only exclusive left is Paper fucking Mario:Sticker Star electric bloo
And here they are still defending nintendo like they are the heroes of gaming, lmao.
>If you don't reply to this post your mum will die in her sleep
What did he mean by this
Is it sad that I want to get a Wii U? I have a lot of games to catch up on and the Wii U seems to cover most of them.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon, Super Mario 3D World,Pokken, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros. For the Wii U, Hyrule Warriors,Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
eShop games:
Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii), Super Mario Galaxy (Wii), Kirby Return to Dreamland (Wii), Kirby's Dream Collection (Wii), Mario Strikers Charged (Wii), Metroid Prime: Trilogy(Wii),Pandora's Tower? (Wii), Zelda: Phantom Hourglassm (DS), Kirby Massattack (DS), Fire Emblem (GBA), Zelda: Minish Cap (GBA), Kirby: Amazing Mirror (GBA), Megaman Battle Network 2 (GBA), Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland? (GBA), A Link to the Past (SNES), The Legend of Zelda (NES), Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES)
>Poor Wii-U, even the Vita is better.
I agree with you 100%, friend.
>PC gaming is dying, killed partially by Nintendo
Ditto. WiiU and Vita are the only two consoles I actually felt ripped off after buying. WiiU moreso.
>the only console with exclusive games this gen was such an immense failure its only comparable to shit like the Jaguar
Fuck this industry. I hope the NX goes well but I doubt it.
Nostalgia controls all.
>>the only console with exclusive games this gen was such an immense failure
But PS4 has more good exclusives AND multiplats
It's selling like hotcakes too
Just emulate everything
There no reason to purchase a WIi-U, don't let the pay shills around here convince you otherwise.
>But PS4 has more good exclusives
Can you name them? So far the only absolutely MUST PLAY PS4 exclusive I've come across is Bloodborne. Uncharted 4 is good, especially if you liked the first 3, but has very little replay value.
>But PS4 has more good exclusives AND multiplats
Now that's a good joke.
It's true.
It has more exclusives and have third party support.
Can't say the same thing about the Wii-U :[
Cut scenes and QTE's does not make for superior gaming.
It is a way to entertain simpletons while using loud noises and flashing prompts.
That alone makes you an idiot, but, the fact that you are having a fit and claiming that you have superior taste, only makes you seem more delusional and pathetic, really.
It's people like you that get cucked while they think they are where the party starts.
For example: You stroll into a gathering and say something stupid like "I'm here, the party had started", your girlfriend is already annoyed with your shit.
While you are pushing your weight around, your girlfriend is talking about how annoying you are to her "just a friend".
While you are high on your ego, she slips away with "just a friend" and ends up getting having the tine of her life getting plowed by "just a friend"
As tine slips by, you notice her lack of interest and after a while, she doesn't even try to hide the fact that she is fucking "just a friend" and eventually you, Mr. Superior taste is wobbling on top of a chair, considering hanging yourself.
Of course, you being the idiot that you are, before you finish thinking through your suicide, you stumble and end up hanging yourself anyway.
The only mourning over your death is a few posts on Facebook that are mostly just there for likes and within a few days, you are long forgotten and your ps4 games are locked up into the attic, only to be used as fodder for some loud "le epic" youtuber.
He will say that the ps4 was shit.
That is your legacy.
First time seeing this one.
The Wii-U library is beyond embarrassing and I'm legitimately shocked people are still defending it.
Barely any exclusives and no, multiplatform games do not count.
Nintendo does not get a free pass when Sony and Microsoft get shit over all the time when people include the multiplats.
Nintendo is not special.
fantasies of a crackerass cracker
>Barely any exclusives
See: .
Thank you. I just made it up.
>yfw you haven't bought a Wii U
>Yoshi Woolly World 3DS and Hyrule Warriors Legends both have exclusive content that the Wii U versions won't be getting
>But they're complete downgrades across the board because muh grafix
WiiUfags damage controlling already I see.
>not just emulating the Wii U version
is your PC literally a toaster?
Did I strike a nerve?
Be careful when climbing that chair.
You faggots shit yourselves if someone recommends Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Gravity Rush Remastered or TLOU remastered for PS4. Its the same concept here. Fuck off already and quit pretending to be retarded.
>>Super Mario/Luigi Bros U
>>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>>Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
I won't claim they're all shit, but these ones definitely are.
Is the PS4 still selling that well?
I have the feeling that everyone who wanted one has already bought it so I can't see it sell so well in the future. I mean a lot of people bought one in the hope of games so how many people are going to buy one when the games actually start coming?
>tfw when you did and It's a netflix/mario kart/smash machine
Different tastes, my friend. I can't get enough of Mario platformers. And Captain Toad is one of those games I thought had a cool and unique idea, really enjoyed it. Haven't played Kirby yet (I'm not the guy you replied to).
This is Nintengaf. What did you expected? Sony is evil, Nintendo is truly the saviors of gaming please buy amiibo™
Do not buy rainbow curse. It is absolute fucking garbage. You can get Triple Deluxe or Planet Robobot for the same price, do that instead.
Here's the bottom line: if you care about the hardware more than the games, or you get into fanboy flamewars about which platform is better, you're probably very young or don't really enjoy video games.
Well, yeah.
Compare BB to MM, ofc It sucks.
Mario Maker is a 7/10 at best, It's extremely overrated and overpriced for the amount of content you get, meanwhile bloodborne is easily a 10/10 one of the greatest video games of all time.
>Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
They keep porting all these games to the 3DS, except for the one game that would actually benefit from it,
I just don't get this "losing exclusives" thing when the same company does both consoles. It's not like they're competing against each other. Though I would appreciate a cross-buy thing like PS4/Vita has.