Why does WoW have all the most cancerous, asshole and corrupt streamers?
Why does WoW have all the most cancerous, asshole and corrupt streamers?
Well, I don't know about the rest, but you'd have to be pretty damn cancerous to play neo-WoW to begin with.
All streamers are awful.
Because they stream for the most cancerous, asshole and retarded playerbase.
Says a lot about people that watch streams, like you for example.
>The WoW Twitch defence force arrives
Wtf, I've never even watched a WoW stream faggot, I just want to know why it's cancerous.
I could blame the corrupt streamers on Metzen. Other than than, i'm unsure
Other than that*
Jesus fuck
They play WoW.
What did you expect? That someone who is dumb enough to have played WoW in the past 8 or so years isn't going to be an insufferable retard?
Calm down kiddo
CS GO inarguably has the most corrupt streamers in that they were selling actual gambling sites that THEY OWN to children
>Current top WoW stream
>Giant fucking advertisement for G2A
>Giant fucking tip jar for donations
>So many fucking sponsors that it looks like a fucking nascar
>Stream title is an advertisement and promise of giveaways
>Not even the actual streamer streaming because 'marathon'
>watching streams
>watching streams of an MMO
>watching streams of fucking WoW
Wow. . . just shut the heck up. . .
Not my thing but I could understand people watching some "pros" in competitive games to see how they play and maybe learn something. We live in the age of "not reading" after all.
I totally agree that watching a MMORPG stream is beyond retarded.
AZ is pretty good. He has his few flaws like being a fat british fuck but overall he's way above and funnier than people who aren't human and need to be killed with fire like Francis or all the female streamers without exception.
>Towellie and Sodapoppin are massive faggots
who cares? just watch asmongold.
>Google his name
>Buckteeth rat looking motherfucker
Kill yourself, faggot.
You might be a little young for this website.
>Thinking rats are ugly
Fucking end your life or at the very least never spread your rotten genes, subhuman.
Assmongoloid? Really sounds like a WoW player!
I play football faggot
Are you sure you play football or do you play that weird pussy american game where they cover themselves in body armour?
>football faggot
That's how Americans call their Egghand, right?
That has nothing to do with you being a minor, son. Now get off of Sup Forums and go to something more appropriate.
Have you considered club penguin? It sounds like it might be more your speed.
Why do u watch streams
I randomly watched a 2 viewer stream of a 60 something year old guy regularly trying to beat his high scores on Donkey Kong arcade cabinet
It was really cozy, so I have to disagree
Because they are streamers
> tfw Asmongold got big.
I miss sporadic old streams.
Hes practically 'LE WRONG BELT' man now. I'd rather watch mcconnell than him at this point.
Youtube is still good though.
Also he got rid of the no spam rule because he conceded to twitch cancer. Wish he would slowmode or that no repeating messages function.
nobbel the lore guy is the tolerable one
>stream games you like
>you get popular and start making decent money
>you quit your job
>quickly realize you need big brothers help to keep a steady influx
>start sucking big corporations dick for ads and revenue
That faggot is probably the biggest pieces of shit on Twitch short of PhantomL0rd.
You mean LoL right?
Pretty much this to be honest.
This game is designed to attract players who under different circumstances would never touch a game.
You just named every stream on Twitch, not just WoW.
Surprisingly, most LoL streamers are pretty chill. I think this is because they have steady income and don't have to jew themselves out like the WoW streamers.
towelliee is shit, can't wait for that jackass to lose everything once the viewers start dropping again
I honestly can't believe how shit the wow section is, just look at the amount of drama they have even if you only focus on the one that's related to Mitch,