>Battlefield has the biggest audience on PC
PS4 won again
I've always said PC and Sony were bros and together they have the biggest margins so I don't know where this divisiveness comes from
>Battlefield has the biggest audience on PC
Said no one ever?
>the second most popular casual lowest common denominator first person shooter is more popular on consoles
>People don't like Origin
Surprise surprise
I don't think any PC fag cares because Battlefield was already pretty consolized.
>Need defeat shitty controls to aim from a corner
>Half the time it doesn't even work because you need do it when the pop-up appears
>origin only on PC
no shit it's gonna have less players, I refuse to buy games that are origin only.
>PS4 is literally the new wiiU bloated with normies that eat up EA and Activision monthly garbage
to nobody's surprise, except maybe those 1M PS4 owners that actually believed to have bought the "hardcore gamer" machine this gen.
i'm surprised anyone actually gives a fuck about another battlefield
After paying 200€ for bf4
>Console babbies enjoy casual FPS shitfests
well shit, I think I found the problem captain
>PC has better taste
Nothing new
Tried Battlefield 1 beta and got bored, back to Insurgency.
Military shooters are entry level, no matter the platform.
Is it still cancerous full of reddit, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and other memsters?
BF doesn´t have gambling and microtransactions for hats and weapon skins so it´s naturally uninteresting to the average PCuck.
>pc is irrelevant
nothing new
>so desperate for shitposting that you use stats from a beta
pretty sure PCfats were the ones that cared more about OW though
you get used to people yell "alahu akbar" after a while
PC has always had 10% of the market share when it comes to AAA multiplatform titles.
If this is new to you, you should be banned for being underage.
>pretty sure
too bad your fanaticism doesn't match real data.
No shit the witcher 3 also sold more on the ps4.
>run 3 minutes in an empty desert to get to the battle
>die to some sniper in a cliffside a mile away
>spawn in a plane
>never see anyone
>finally see one person
>manage to get 3 shots at him because you're both moving and are a mile apart and your FoV is tiny
>it takes away less than half his health
>get BTFO by giant artillery round
>spawn again
>run three minutes in an empty desert to get to the battle
>horse with as much health as a tank flies out of nowhere and instakills me
Fun game
Battlefield has been dead since bc1. We've been saying this for almost a decade now.
EA are too fucking stupid to put it on Steam so they lose alot of sales.
dont tell the console kids , they still believe they are better "gamers" for liking bf over cod
>tfw paid $4000 for gaming PC only to get experience identical to $400 console because devs optimized for them
>more retards playing on console
>battlefield hasn't been a PC series for 8 years now
Since when the fuck was this news
Fuck off you mindless newfag shitstain
The game is shit but
>literally too casual for fucking modern battlefield
Kill yourself
Don't really understand that either.
Both Mass Effect and Dragon Age are on steam so why not Battlefield? Origin is to Steam what WoW-Killer MMORPG's are to WoW.
>120$ for a mod
>updating a pc for console ports
welcome to 2007 , the last year a game made for pc was worth buying
Because they were before origin became a real thing.
DA3 is not on steam
>being proud of having the most chads
The good days.
Shame how things are now.
>consolefags make a thread to celebrate the fact that they buy more shit from companies like EA as if it's something to be proud of
>accidentally admitting that it's their own userbase that's basically fueling every cancerous trend in modern gaming
Very nice...impressive..
Maybe you should make some threads about how you buy more COD, FIFA and Ubisoft shit while you're at it.
mobashits, hearthstone, and mmo's dominate pc gaming WEW
Consoles have always gotten the lion share of game sales since normies are scared of pc's.
And it's a war shooter too, the most normie of normie games.
>*rubs face in feces*
>*cracks literal shit-eating grin*
Yeah, I can feel the burn.
Early access is a PC only thing.
That aside, yeah consolefags are cancer
Fun exercise: had GabeN sold Steam to EA, how would things be now, aside from ME3 and DA:I on steam?
>*rubs face in feces*
You didn't really establish a high ground here reddit.
>make valid criticism
>b-but you're too c-casual!! g-git gud!!
Must be a Dark Souls babby
>Early access is a PC only thing.
Why though?
But thats wrong you fucking retard
I fail to see how any part of your reply makes sense that I would need to refute or take high ground for.
god damnit that gif
thats actually clever, I like it
>early access is a PC only thing
Oh I'm sorry what was it called on the xbone? Game preview?