It's going to be bad.
It's going to be bad
Other urls found in this thread:
>open your eyes
>open your eyes
>open your eyes
>try to remember
More like, it won't live up to the hype.
I'll drop Nintendo entirely if that happens. I bought a Wii U for Tropical Freeze and eventually this. I'm not buying an NX unless I see actual games for it, and Sun/Moon is the only game outside of Monster Hunter X that I want.
Of course.
Nintendo hasn't made a good game sing Galaxy.
yeah probably, in all honesty I think they will fail completely on trying to make a 3D Zelda 1
all the talk of "how big" makes me concerned
Wow. Such writing.
Bravo, Aonuma.
Don't hype. Never hype.
Friendly reminder that open-world is a meme and linear design will always be better.
Yeah, how unrealistic that someone trying to plead with a character who just woke up would repeat herself. She should have launched into a verbose soliloquy instead.
I never hype. I've only just started playing Skyward Sword for the first time.
user, you are the light–our light–that must shine upon Sup Forums once again.
That's actually an interesting thought because it fits every company
Why are games objectively more and more bland ? sjws, capitalism, both ?
Casuals, SJW games don't sell at all.
>actually defending bad writing
Already looks more fun than 90% of games these days, and we haven't even seen the real dungeons yet.
Okay - Is it just me, or does this game seem too easy?
From all the gameplay shown, Link can steamroll through a bunch of enemies using a wide variety of different moves. Do you think this game will offer any sort of challenge at all?
Because between refunds, Sony's cut, 4 year development hell and the office flood it sounds like they won't break even.
Most Zelda games are pretty easy but I think this one is probably going to at least be a bit challenging.
Link got his shit absolutely wrecked by the Golem boss and even the cannon-fodder goblins were seen doing 3-4 hearts of damage with every blow.
Refunds represent only 1.5% of purchases according to steamspy
Let's say Sean Murray gets 10% he is set to go and produce some more shit
I haven't seen them hitting that hard. I guess you're right that some Zelda Games are really easy.
I mean, this is the first contained area in the game, it's going to get harder. Which is why I'm actually pretty hyped, they've only really shown essentially the tutorial area and it stills looks fab.
I'm personally really excited to the see how they do dungeons and harder areas with all these new mechanics. Imagine ZORA'S DOMAIN. Or mount doom, or the inevitable swamp area.
>Game starts
>"Open your eyes."
>"Please wake up."
>Screen fades in
Looks like a game from 2007.
>inb4 someone replies with The Last Guardian which literally is a game from 2007
Wasn't a bad year.
If you can legitimately do shit like you showed in your webm, I am fully expecting Sup Forums to shit on the game simply because of lack of imagination. Same reason people shit on Crysis 1 despite having 11/10 gameplay.
He knows what he's reaching for
Shhh, just emulate it you tard
Nigga, unless you're fucking Arin Hanson, Zelda isn't Dark Souls. Shit has been baby mode since it's inception, with the exception of Legend of Link.
The artstyle is weird, some places look like total dogshit but in the next four seconds you get beautiful vistas and amazing visuals of the shrines
The game play's gonna kick ass though.
>Saying anything good about this game.
This is not the place for that.
>Zelda isn't Dark Soul
And thank god for that Amirite?
Nah it looks dope.
It's like Skyrim except that the things you can do it it actually seem fun and charming.
It's like Skyrim except the world isn't butt ugly.
Yeah, why anyone would want every game to play the same like the FPS genre post 2007 is beyond me.
Still looks better than anything else that's coming out soon
I honestly think this is going to be the game that makes the entire sorry shit show that has been Nintendo this gen worthwhile. In a weird way though I sort of hope the NX isn't a huge hardware leap so I don't get cucked into buying a new console for the obviously better version.
Please be good.
The issue I have with the gameplay from what we've seen is that link is simply too powerful making yet another painfully easy zelda game.
Enemies can hit hard which is definitely nice compared the the quarter heart tickles previous zelda enemies did but enemies aren't nearly aggressive or capable enough and link has so many tools to absolutely dominate any foe without a scratch.
>hyping a game
what are you too young to remember spore or something?
There's a WebM out there of Link running up Toa Blue Bokoblin and start hacking at it. It proceeds to not even flinch and then one shot him at 3 hearts. At the very least it's going to be a lot easier to die if you want to not wear higher quality armor and such.
>uses Spore as an example
>completely disregards that much more obvious, recent example.
Who /naked run/ here?
Yeah it looks fucking boring and soulless.
We've literally only seen Bokoblins and Stalchilds so far, two of the most basic enemies in the series. Just wait to see what Iron Gauntlets, Stalfos, or Lizalfos do.
They'll find some way to fuck it up. So far, it looks like the world is completely fucking barren between key locations. Hopefully Nintendo noticed what happened with Nu Male's Guy and fixes that.
There's also the combat which looks too easy.
No its a casual babby game.
At least we got link without green clothes. I like that.
no one's fucking arin hanson, not even that sloth he married
That aside, it doesn't need to be le dark souls difficulty maymay. We just want to feel like we're fighting enemies so they don't kill us, instead of just trying to clear a path.
Enemies have something akin to levels now. It's been shown that if you rush an enemy too strong for you with no strategy planned or you wander into a late game area you're not supposed to be quite yet, you will get your shit kicked in.
>boring and soulless
What did he mean by this?
Not even memeing. What the fuck does soulles even mean
>inb4 the best armor in the game is the hero of time's clothing
Similar to Dragon's Dogma, then? I approve of this. Level scaling would be kind of nice, too, though.
It's what someone uses when they have no legitimate complaints yet wanna seem contrarian
Its world is as empty as No Man's Sky.
Soulless is a good criticism, but not of this game. Don't know what the fuck he's on about. A soulless game would be a popular IP getting shoehorned into a shovelware title.
>That aside, it doesn't need to be le dark souls difficulty maymay. We just want to feel like we're fighting enemies so they don't kill us, instead of just trying to clear a path.
I think this is a fair argument. Devil's Advocate though, I'm old (27) and busy. Fun new games are coming out faster than I have time to play them. I've started liking easy games.
I played Uncharted on retard mode here you can basically run in the middle of a fire fight and be fine. because I had one weekend free and wanted to knock it out quickly.
I don't know, but I feel like it properly describes No Man's Sky and Star Wars Battlefront.
Breath of the Wild looks good though.
Soulless isn't the word for that. Try barren or something synonymous with empty.
Really? I feel like it's already showing a lot of it's unique style with the Sheikah artifacts, and open natural spaces. It feels like Legend of Zelda, but a side of it we haven't really explored before.
thats fine when games provide that option just dont feel like all games owe it to you to do so and we're OK jack
You make it sound like those are the only 2 enemies that are going to end up in the game. Surely there are going to be more.
No one is going to show promotional material for a Zelda game where Link is getting his boy pussy smashed, user. That would only make faggots on Sup Forums wet.
can i be a girl link so can dress her in skimps and jack off?
You mean like Pikmin being turned into a sidescroller or Animal Crossing being turned into a board game?
Fuck off.
Miyamoto confirmed Link will always be Link and unchanged. Waifu fags and sjws be damned
I was just fuckin' around but damn good on Miyamoto. Nintendo may be stupid but they're not stupid enough to pander to that demographic.
Nintendo has always been slow to the party. Just wait.
Spinoffs dude, there will most likely be a pinkmin 4 on the NX and you can bet your ass that another animal crossing will be made
Don't even bother, user. Most of Sup Forums is new as fuck to vidya, and don't realize that companies have ALWAYS made spinoff games between major releases since the dawn of time, especially Nintendo. But the TORtanic effect here is too strong.
>a conservative jap company
>pandering to the tumbler crowd
I think we're safe user
Okay, then Chibi-Robo as a 2D platformer and Metroid as a rinky-dink co-op game.
Agreed. Link is best boy
I feel like this game is going to be incredibly huge but there will be nothing to do. Sorta like Skyrim. Shitty story, mediocore gameplay at best and that's it.
I never said they were perfect. Some franchises get treated better than others.
Careful not to get your head stuck in your ass while it's up there. I'm just saying that Nintendo seems to be exclusively only releasing spinoffs recently. I can't remember the last time a main game for any of their huge franchises has come out.
It's Neo-Nintendo. Of course it will be.
I'd be okay with that if the town's and villages are filled with minigames, subquests, and other fun things to do
At this point it isn't really a far stretch to realize that all their big manpower is going into the NX is the thing comes out next year.
What we're getting now is just leftovers until then
The gameplay actually seems to be the best thing about the game.
Considering there hasn't been a proper Metroid since Prime 3, Paper Mario stopped being an RPG, StarFox was completely abandoned until Nintendo joined this generation's remake re-release remaster meme, Kirby hasn't had a Kirby game in many years, etc., no, I'm not expecting this to stop any time soon. Zelda, Pokemon, and Mario are the only surviving franchises.
If they add a lot of interesting things to do and discover, it could be very good. If they fail to do that and it's just a giant empty world with some physics puzzles, it's going to get old very quick.
Not him but I have a theory that Nintendo is using all of their top developers on NX projects and they have younger B list teams filling out the current 3ds lineup.
>Monolith Soft is working on it
Even if it's bad the open world design and exploration is going to be god tier.
Would you want them to just release Mario and none of the spinoffs for all time?
It's just that they're not clever spinoffs like they used to make. They just lazily paste characters on a 2D sidescroller.
It's not that black and white, dude. The problem is Nintendo has been putting out nothing but spinoffs and shovelware with big names pasted on for two generations.
Knowing modern Nintendo, it does seem likely they've shown 80% of its novelty in the E3 reveal blowout. There will still be a handful of awesome things (like whatever that giant thing crawling around Death Mountain is, one or two cool new abilities yet unseen), but it won't live up the hype Nintendo has engendered by suggesting the E3 blowout was only a small portion of the game.
It's a good thing you like those moblins, because they're probably pretty much it for enemies.
It'll probably be to ambitious and-, and do nothing right. The open-world meme already ruined games like MGS, Witcher, and NMS. Zelda is next.
Could someone explain to me in non-neckbeard what the open world meme is? Also, which Zelda isn't open world?
Sup Forums is so thirsty for another tortanic that its so embarrassing.
inb4 8.8
When a established series abandons proper structure in favor of WOW YOU CAN DO ANYTHING world without direction. With the exception of Zelda 1, all other Zeldas had goals you had to accomplish before moving on, and often gave you little option on tackling temples or missions without getting a certain item.
Zelda hasn't been worth caring about since Wind Waker, of course it's going to be bad.
You're retarded to expect anything otherwise to be brutally honest.
I'm not even sucking WW off either, that game has problems, but it was the last one worth caring about before they got lazy.
crysis 1 has terrible gameplay that gets worse as the game becomes more linear as you progress.
all they did was lower the ai view distance from farcry.