Just like Xenosaga, it should have just been a single game. It did a better job with its gimmick, but the four-release format just causes padding instead of giving the story and world room to breathe.
Storyline A+
Everything else C
Seriously if the storyline doesn't hook you then there is not reason to play the game.
This, on release it might have been alright since you had months to forget the grind each game had, but marathoning and looking back, only the 1st, bit of the 3rd and 4th game area really important. 2nd mighta been able to be forgotten entirely i think. Obligatory remake or PSN release never, same for GU
I think it was fine for having additional things to flesh out the characters, but I don't really think it was necessary to split it up in 4 parts for IMOQ. G.U was more servicable in terms of content in each of the games, so it felt like less of a problem there.
Too grindy, hack in 99 of every virus core if you want to actually finish the game and not burn out 2/3rds of the way.
I found //GU to be much better gameplay wise, but the characters were a bit more "eh".
I have fond memories. I want to play it again. The anime hooked me as I'm a lonely only child
>staying up way late watching cartoon network trying to catch the anime as a kid.
>back then it was the coolest shit, seeing a cartoon about a videogame.
>bought all the manga volumes
.hack will always have a fond and special spot in my heart.
If you can emulate or somehow find it cheap, it's worth trying. Otherwise just watch it on Youtube instead.
said, it holds up better than stuff like Xenosaga, and I'd place it above other big names from the time like FFX and Tales of Symphonia, but as a whole it's just a mediocre, very long RPG.
At most both should have been two parts. OG and GU both have a pretty sizable amount of padding that really shouldn't be there given the price of admission.
Also, it's pretty funny that a ripoff achieved greater success a decade later and its games fail to reach the quality and scope of any single .Hack entry.
Played G.U. first on an emulator a week or so ago, was pretty neat. Liked that Haseo started out as a emotionally stunted edgelord and grew into just a pretty nice dude. Tried watching //Roots and holy fuck pls no.
Currently at mutation and I'm somewhat blown away by some of the models actually having animated 3d lips, IMOQ seems to catch the gameplay of a more traditional dungeon crawler rather than a more action oriented view G.U. did. Also //SIGN is the best nip cartoon series.
Hope you like debuffs user, as that's pretty much all of OQ
I burned out on the 3rd. Tried //GU. burned out again. Awesome games, but too much.
Story and everything NOT related to gameplay was great.
Gameplay was a menu simulator
My first PS2 game. I remember having the game before the console, since my parents ordered it from Comp USA or something and it came late. I ended up getting like five games free though to make up for it, including Vice City, Onimusha, and Marvel Vs. Capcom 2.
Anyway, I read the manual so many times, preparing to get to play it. The game felt so mysterious. I'm kind of surprised I finished it back then, since I remember some of the bosses and mechanics being a little difficult if not obtuse.
It's honestly still mysterious to me because I never picked up 2-4.
It would be cool of they could all be merged into one game.
Pic related is best IMOQ girl
Atoli was best G.U.
I want to cum inside Aura
Blackrose is the bestest girl. Even have all four of her LNs.
Like everyone's said though, if you're trying to marathon it (like I currently am) you might get burned out. Especially if you don't get enough virus cores early on and have to go back to lower levels to grind for them. I'm currently on Outbreak and the same old dungeon-crawling does get a bit tiring. The music, characters, and story are all top-notch though.
With optional online.
And the create-your-own-character option from Fragment.
It's one of my favorite video game series, but it's pretty flawed. I'll always love it anyway though.
>Mfw realizing you get more emails from party members the more time you spend with them.
I just wanna finish the game but I also wanna '100%' it too.
It just did so many things together so right that it made up it's mediocre combat system for me.
>The music.
>The boss battles.
>Those OVAs.
I also like rolling around with 5 different pairs of twin blades but that's just me.
Exactly. Lots of great stuff about the game despite ifs flaws. It's got a permanent spot in my favorites.
>get to skeith
>that pants-shitting realization that you're going to be fighting something unlike everything you've fought prior to this
>he even gets his own intro
>the intro is fucking weird, creepypasta-esque
MAN the first time you fight a Phase is great.
I really fucking wish that they stuck to the yoshiyuki sadamoto style instead of the 3dpd shit that they were pulling recently
I didnt like it, it copied sword art online
>I also like rolling around with 5 different pairs of twin blades but that's just me.
No user, that's normal, if you're talking the 1st series. i had so much gear for spells that last 2 games were indeed menu simulators cause fuck not silencing/slowing/stunning/confusing everything possible
this bait doesn't matter anymore
the series is dead
What was the main town/hub called again? I wanna listen to the music
Mac Anu? It's posted in the thread.
I didn't spend so much time silencing and shit. Since that shit can MISS.
I just love switching blades for element counter for HUUGE DAMAGE.
>Tfw draining a rare item early in the game.
>Tfw draining a rare item later in the game.
i wish i played it
Runs fine on ps2 emulator
You can still emulate it user.
Just take the games slowly. Log in and play maybe 1 or 2 hours a day. Don't binge it. I would say play it like an MMO, but most of us here would binge in one of those too. So play it like you have a life user.
>Dat new mail sound when starting the game back up after saving in Za Warudo.
Thought it was shit, since gameplay was boring and story wasn't anything special.
Skipped to the third game due to finding it on sale years later, and stopped playing it pretty fast for the same reasons.
So how do you guys feel about Fragment?
We should get a Sup Forums.net going.
Never played it, I assume it's literally dungeon crawl menu the online game
You're not wrong.
Something I think would be pretty comfy with a couple Sup Forumsirgins.
I tried it out a time ago back when they still used the old IMOQ portraits (they've since moved to the G.U. ones) and it was basically online .Hack with a basic ass character creator.
Solo play was unforgiving as fuck too desu.
where can i get it?
Great derp portraits
>that shit eating grin
Fucking Sadamoto, giving Kaworu tits won't make you not gay.
i think generally mobs had some debuff or debuff they were weak to. Mainly it was those stupid super speed casters/enfeeblers that made me start going into debuff spam, fuck those guys, specially when you get a room full of them
I was able to snag a compilation of .Hack//IMOQ-G.U. that came with Fragment and Terminal Disc off KAT RIP but you might be able to find it on another public tracker.
Then you just download some shit from here
and you also need to download the PS2 network adapter start-up disc as well to allow for netplay.
They've since changed to pretty alright quality 'custom' (I.e. recolors) of animu portraits with the G.U. layout.
What if you make him brown too?
>You will never be smug with Blackrose.
>Not rolling around everywhere with speed charms.
But yea later into Mutation and Outbreak I started carrying scrolls that lower magic/physical defense because of those FUCKING MAGIC/PHYSIC IMMUNES FUCK YOU.
It's just like I'm on The World BBS!
Fragment was such a disappointment.
It's nothing but grind you have to grind everything. Even the fucking server has an exp bar you have to grind.
I still played it for a year. My server only hit level 15.
Even speed charms doesnt fix 4 of them instantly sniping you with confuse/charm/stupid aoe based on zone. And i forgot about the fucking immune shit they threw in later, fuck that noise
The in-game BBS for the .hack games were probably one of the most immersive features I've seen in a game. Everything just seemed so real with all the constant bitching that happened there.
Today I spend money on //LINK, played halfway through it feeling nothing but regret. Hated everything about it, hello it's ωrice!
CC2 needs to stop making shitty fighting games and mobile shit and get back to making decent story games that don't try too hard at anything other than telling a pretty simple and decent story.
fuck bro dont even remind me.
>rpg with no equipment. even though gu and imoq were filled with rare items to collect
>rpg where you hit 1 damage every attack unless you play a baseball minigame
For once i actually agree with you butt rice
>butt rice
OHMrice, not butt rice! Grrr.
It was a damn atrocity, even worse they took all the different arcs of the previous games and completely removed what made them good.
Giving everyone and their coma'd brother a fucking X-form was also pretty stupid too.
They need to tone down on the fanservice. I'm even fine with new characters, just give us cameo costumes.
Favorite Hackers faggots.
>Piros the Third
the xform thing has an in universe explanation at least even though the story in LINK is shit
but there is no excuse for what they did to the gameplay and theres enough jrpgs on psp to know it wasnt a handheld limitation
I like the design of Kite's Xth form. It looks matured which fits how much he's gone through. I do feel like it trivializes Haseo's Xth form though, so I wish it wasn't there for that reason.
"I've got nothing to say."
>make anime about an MMORPG
>all everyone does is sit and talk
>that one fag that gave his copy of infection to super best fags
that's actually what people want to do in WoW and other mmo's
who plays an mmo for the gameplay?
Kinda yeah, but it's more interesting when I'm the one leading the discussions. Anime writers are barely able to hold it together when it comes to any form of writing.
You and me
We are same
It may be true to want to see the conversations revolve around you, but i think its also a given that people get to know each other through friends of other friends and I think that's a good way to really flesh out their character
did suikoden have something like that?
>1 game cut into 4 pieces
>released within a year
>$60 each
>more expensive than a brand new PS2 at the time
>piece of shit, ultra simplistic action RPG with zero progression, level caps and no relevant improvements between each "game"
It's shit.
The Xenosaga games all run on different engines, have brand new assets and combat systems with several year development cycles. .hack was just a single game split into 4 parts and sold at full price, i.e, a scam.
its true that it was such a fucking scam but i fucking loved the world and the characters all the same
Suikoden had people with pre existing relationships, yes. It's pretty neat.
its really neat to see characters with pre-existing relationships grow along with the new ones that they make in the game
>The Xenosaga games all run on different engines, have brand new assets and combat systems with several year development cycles.
That doesn't change that Saga was poorly planned and 2/3 of the trilogy is shit. How are four mediocre games made on the cheap worse than two shit games and one mediocre game?
>B-but they didn't try as hard!
Trying doesn't mean shit.
I wish it was easier to get ahold of the entire series. I only got to play the first one. ;_;
But I would like another Versus. A proper one this time and not one that feel like a DVD extra.
I've never used one.
The series doesn't improve much throughout.
>Just like Xenosaga, it should have just been a single game
I only have a copy of Link because 1, it was the super limited edition I managed to find for dirt cheap, and 2 because I owned every single other game release including Fragment so not completing the collection just felt wrong.
>Suikoden is dead
>.Hack is dead
.hack literally just came back as waifushit
THen it's not really back.
.hack//quarantine had .hack//gift included on a dvd that you could only access in a specific way and .hack//gift is ecchi as fuck. That was the first time I saw animu tits and ass.
so on reddit there is apparently a person who got these signatures from the VA's and apparently they "couldn't confirm nor deny another .hack game"
inb4 fuck off to reddit
i just want news of .hack
I could handle if it came back as waifushit. What I can't handle is it becoming a generic mobile game.
I remember really enjoying them when they first came out.
Replaying them has proven difficult. They did not age well.
yeah I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with gift but the fact that no one has done anything like it since just shows how shitty things are now
you're telling me
i watched it with my sisters when we first discovered it and they saw me pop a boner and they screamed while hitting me and they hid it far from where i could reach
This was also at sacanime with the OP waiting in line for Helba and other's signatures 18 hours ago
One of the best video game experiences I ever had, probably because I played them as they were released. The extra OVA dvds were also a nice bonus.
Only finished the first game. Cant remember anything about it besides Skeith.
G.U. trilogy was great though;