What multiplayer games can I play with this?

What multiplayer games can I play with this?

>600ms ping
Play-by-email games.

World of warcraft
Hopefully you'll kill a server.

civ v

Doesnt that lag out the game for everyone?
Or I atleast thought it worked like that.

What about me?
P.S. As you can see I live in Poo In the Loo

You cant play. Fuck off, we need less spics and poo in loos shitting up the MP ecosystem.

You can play pretty much anything. That ping is not bad.

Maybe so but I've tried playing something Dirty Bomb and I'm getting 200ping in Asian Servers and ironically enough, 150-180 in European.

As long as you're using it alone it should be fine.

I'm not a spic. I live in rural Texas fagboy. Which games would my internet have an impact on by just being there? You know, to avoid. ;)

It's all about the ping, not download/upload speeds.

I remember playin DotA 1 in 2005 with 512kbps DL and there was no difference when I went to 8mbps in 2007. Even today with 50mbps there's no difference in games.

Make sure to call your ISP and tell them to change your line to fastpath.

>tfw I *forget* to pay my bill when they start throttling me

You have to hassle your ISP for a consistent connection, otherwise they'll periodically lower your speed until it's borderline dialup.

>tfw good internet but PSN remains to be garbage and Steam limits your maximum download speed

How about me?

>only internet option in a 50 mile radius is shitty satellite
>absurd pricing and data caps out the ass
>maybe get half the speed I pay for
>680ms ping

Fuck this gay earth.

Never had that happen with my ISP, they've always been pretty good about getting me the speed I pay for (300/30, the download speed is because I need a new cable modem). Then again I don't live in an area with the demon known as Comcast.

>needing more than 10mbit/s download
You can literally download a 8gb game in just 13 minutes. Kys

>that status bar

I'm paying 30 dollars a month for gigabit internet user.

I remember when it was 2005 too user.

OP here. I'm paying $80 a month. 10GB cap. Pic posted shows the throttled speeds at best. Gets worse between 12PM-12AM.

there are 8 megabits (mbps) to a megabyte. I don't know why we measure in one for speed and the other for storage.

i assume you never buy digital games then

interesting where do you game on?

even updates are bigger then 10gb these days

just steam little indie shit?


>not even mentioning the software buttons for home, back and menu
absolutely disgusting. also
>(i don't even know what the "in" stands for, but i bet it's some sort of social media trash)
>having location services enabled while at home (i guess, since you're on wifi)

2.5/10 - please re-evaluate your life choices

No, I still use steam and shit it just takes days to download games. I just get throttled after the 10GB cap. If I wanted to, I could go to a friend's house or leech off some public wifi to download games on a laptop then install them on my desktop.

>tfw paying $40 a month for 20 Mbps
>everyone else pays the same yet get double the speed
>can stream games just can't play online at the same time
>can't use share play on ps4
>apartment I live in only allows 1 specific isp