Plays as female character

>plays as female character
>genuinely thinks he's not gay

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Kot Blini approves.

>not playing as female
Are you attracted to men?

>concerned about other peoples sexuality to hide his own homosexuality
Looking at you OP.

>I'm not gay I just like being a girl!

*Applying enormous amount of Greek fire*

Would you rather look at an attractive female the entire time you're playing vidya or a hunk of a man?

>I'm so insecure about my sexual orientation that I NEED to play a male character

Also, should I just boycott all games with female protag just because I'm not gay?

Cause, ya know, Tomb raider was definitely made for a gay demographic

how about playing the game instead of staring at the chracter

>Not wanting to stare at some nice ass while playing.

I mean, to each his own, but girl ass is superior.

you should boycott tomb raider because it's shit though

It's not gay if it's Skyrim and your intention is too have that character raped by animals.

But it's hella gay if it's an MMO.

what mod allows for this though? I need to know so I don't accidentally install any gay mods

Oh boy, rev up those trap pics/stories

Point taken

>Video game character decides your sexual orientation

No, a ceaseless burning lust for cock is what defines your sexual orientation.


No shit but you brought up character gender in relation to player sexuality and that is the best way to put it in perspective. If you rather play a game with 17% of the game is cover with your character's bulge then there is no other explanation other than you're gay.

I'm not OP so I'm not even gay

>sexualizing your game characters, can stare at the man ass because it's too sexualized to you for some reason

now that's gay

Who does this?

I'm bi, OP.

I'll continue playing as girls in my free time. You can't change a thing.

i play female because i enjoy hearing the screams of pain and agony as they're being killed

that and their panting, heavy breathing, or sometimes gurgling from choking on blood

Wait, do people NOT play as females if given the choice?

That's one of the few reasons one should play as a girl

If there's no gameplay difference, i pick the best looking character.

>Wanting female ass in my face constantly instead of male

Whether or not you're sexualizing the character, the simple fact you'd rather have a man onscreen more than a woman is homosexual if we're thinking in OP's terms. In real life it doesn't even matter what you choose because it has literally nothing to do with sexuality

>little kids don't realize FemShep is the real protagonist

Only did it once in Blood borne because I felt the overall theme makes more sense if your character was a woman.

Sup Forums think thank is best think tank.

Thanks guys I feel better about playing female characters now.

I'm OP btw.

Woah there, watch that edge boyo

>I'm bi, OP.
You're special snowflake or cowardly faggot desu

Enjoy the ride

But not too much.

Can be bad.

>shaming people for their fetishes

No, you're the edgy one.

>still manages to embarrass himself

Nice meme

>not playing the little girl
what happened?

Male because I am a man and can relate. I just don't see woman doing or having the same aggressiveness as a man.

So in most RPGs where I can create my character
I make it in my image and just do wild shit.

If it's a predetermined character like Witcher 3
I still don't mind since he's a man.

That doesn't mean I don't play games where there are female leads, it's just that I prefer male ones. I ain't gonna skip Nier because the main protag is female.

>having an edgy fetish

>"I just like looking at her ass!"
>uses first-person when talking about the character

>3rd person game
>not making your character visually pleasing, when it's going to be in middle of your screen for tens of hours
unless there's actual roleplaying involved in your character design, there is no excuse, male or female

Its not a meme lad. The vast, vast majority of "bisexuals" aren't. You're basically said your uncle works for Nintendo and expect people to believe that shit.


>implying we can choose/turn on/off our fetishes

user pls

I said I'm bi on an image board.

After being me for 24 years, I think I know better than you.

I wouldn't reply normally, but you really need to spend less time parroting shit. How do you function off the internet?

OP has literally never played a tabletop RPG.

Class, you have my permission to point and laugh.

>be gay
>only play as cute boys in games

Doesn't seem to prevent them from fucking people of both genders.

>He self inserts into his character

confirmed for pedo rapist

Hmmmmmnmmmm, scary[/scary]

Every one in this thread is uncomfortable with their sexuality. Playing as dudes doesn't make you gay. Playing as girls doesn't make you gay. Play as whatever the fuck you want. That being said, 90% of dudes who make all their rpg characters females are awkward weebs who can't function well in society. Nothing to do with their sexuality.

>If you play as something you like, you don't actually like it

sound logic there.

I can't imagine a world in which my self image is so fragile that it is challenged by what sort of character I choose to play in a fantasy game.

Like, if you genuinely feel compelled to play as a dude because you are a dude, you probably have had some real depressing shit beaten into you that you may need to see a therapist to untangle

>plays a gay character
>legitimately thinks they're not OP

>using gay as a insult
>in Sup Forums

All gays are.

>I-I'd rather be staring at a girl's ass than a man's

Why would you be staring at the man's ass?

Why would I care if a man thinks I'm gay? I only care how women percieve me.

It's on your screen all the time, I don't know how you've never looked at it?

I'd rather look at a girl ass for any amount of time than a boy's ass for any amount of time


literally gay

>2000 + 20 - 4
>Thinks it matters if someone is gay

Yeah because playing several hours as male character isn't gay at all. I bet you love watching your characters sweat muscles as you beat up bad guys and listening his grunts when you get hit or his panting when you are out of stamina~

That is why i love playing as male character at least.

>I Am Not Gay: The Post

>plays as OP irl
>genuinely think he's not gay

bisexuality is pretty common among women, but very rare among men.
Most men claiming to be bisexual fags still not fully out of closet. It's just hard to accept that you can't have 'normal' relationship, so you lie to others and yourself that it's a choice, not your nature.
Other common type of bi-wannabees are hetero men so desperate to get laid, they're fine even with other men, so they convince themself, men's ass is fine too.

reddit tier generic predictable and useless damage control

it's your own goddamn gay fault for sexualizing the characters, either you self insert as a girl or you stare at the man ass you homo

I play male characters and I'm gay.
take that OP

>the "le staring at a mans butt xDD" strawman

Who healslut here?

yeah, actually

I'm straight, I like women

no fronts or exaggeration

>claiming to be bisexual are fags still not fully out of closet*

women aren't really bi they are just degenerates in general

>join random roulette
>fucking male Roe SCH

God damn bara fags.

>I can't choose not to be attracted to something
I bet you also believe homosexuality and pedophilia aren't a choice either.

Well, I'm straight most of the time, but I can appreciate a good dick when I see one. Does that make me "in the closet"?


>Substitute most of my diet for Soylent
>Sudden urge to play as a female


which should the straight aryan man choose?

I'm a man that wants to fuck anything that's decently feminine. I wonder if tumblr came up with a snowflake term for that.

girl who looks like boy is best

Nigger please. I want to see you fap and cum to shit you aren't genuinely aroused to.

Sticking your dick in dudes/kids is a choice, being attracted to them is not.

i don't carve for that dick at least not yet

yeah, gay


They're both patrician choices. I'd have to go with the girl just so I could slowly bring her feminine side out with the power of dick.

of course, are you retarded?

So what you're saying is i'm not actually attracted to women, even though I've been fucking them and fapping to them for many years and am clearly attracted to them.

but that's like the most self insertion shit you can choose

i like dressing up cute female characters in games
you can't stop me

nah you're gay

>in games
for now

I bet every time you fuck them you imagine a dick hanging and every time you fap you imagine being the woman


Good to know.

wtf does that even mean I don't self insert like a faglord

Female characters tend to have smaller hitboxs, It's like you want to be garbage at every vidya you play

even worse is picking furry

This is some next level projecting.

>Woman listening to music
>It isn't so loud and obnoxious that you can clearly hear the lyrics from across the way

Not realistic at all, senpai.