Will this be the only console in history to go by without a single worthwhile exclusive?

Will this be the only console in history to go by without a single worthwhile exclusive?

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(biting the baiit) forza sunset overdrive halo

Wjats with all the sudden forza love?

>sunset overdrive
you cant be serious

Horizon is free and 6 is marked down

Isn't that Raiden V supposed to be good?

what about pc?

Yes, but the ps4 really only has Bloodborne and Uncharted 4. Hopefully Nioh gets added to that list.

its not popular dont see why you hate it

what is ps4?


Since Scalebound was announced for PC, there is no hope

because the gameplay is dull and aesthetics are unbelievably obnoxious?

fuck off xbot


You have nothing on Xbone and the worthwhile ones are on PC.


that's funny, but didn't sony tout 90 exclusive by the end of launch year?
What the fuck happened?

I personally liked it, it reminded me of the old tony hawk games with a 90% green day soundtrack

bloodborne is shit niche garbage just like all souls rehashes.

also, it runs at fucking 15fps. How do you even play that trash.

>Uncharted 4

There probably was 90 exclusives by the end of that year, but with almost all of them being indie trash.
Numbers mean nothing.

It has recore out in a couple of days. I'll dust it off them.

Gears 4 is probably going to be the best shooter out this year, I have trouble believing that are going to bend over and take Activision's dick and Battlefield 1 looks barren.

I understand people want MW1 but Activisions jew mode shows at 200% i'm hoping people have enough sense to realize they're being baited out of their money.

I disagree

I pre-ordered that today. Just for that sweet hat, that i'll never use :)

But it is whether you like it or not.

>with a 90% green day soundtrack
don't compare THPS to that trash

dont click links sorry

I don't think I've ever played a game that actively tries to prevent me from having fun as much as Uncharted 4 does.

Well, Halo 5 sucked fucking dick and dropped all local coop and multiplayer so it doesn't even have that. MCC is just rereleases too, so what's left? Forza and and fucking Sunet Overmeme?

PS4 sucks almost as much dick but it still has a single exclusive in Bloodborne. How Wii U would up the only console worth owning is astounding, this is by far the worst set of consoles to date.