Name me one video game that doesn't treat its player like a complete retard.
Name me one video game that doesn't treat its player like a complete retard
old games
every game
get the fuck out of here
Dwarf Fortress
Yeah sure, if you ignore the entire opening sequence.
Although they're in the process of dumbing it down. So ask again in a few months.
Soulsborne series
Everything pre-2013. I'm being really fucking generous there though, some would argue 2006 was when press action button to win took over.
Old games came with 200 page manuals detailing every aspect of the game and how to play it.
So no.
Dark Souls
arcade games?
Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link
First minutes you find messages explaining how to move your character and your camera. The rest of the game is just bruteforcing it.
If Twitch can collectively complete it, so can a retard.
not with those telegraphed attacks and infinite continues
Dragon's Dogm-
Wait, never mind, there's a ton of "game pause, here's a box of text" tutorials in the beginning. Once you get to the city you're on you're own, though, so it isn't too bad.
Not all of them. Some of them have the basics that were about 10-12 pages and that was it.
Pretty much any traditional roguelike
Arcade games are designed to dupe the players out of his quarters. it's meant for retards who keep on paying to try again.
I remember in Fallout 1 that I accidentally encountered one of the final bosses because I thought going into a ghoul slaughtered town filled with mutants would be a smart idea.
what are the criteria
That's a pretty vague quality to judge, considering even hard games will push your shit in. Nearly all official games would be marked off since they include tutorials/instructions. Many games that go for difficulty will insult you as well.
There's more circumstances to consider but the message is that you should specify.
And yes this post is treating you like a complete retard.
Faster Than Light
jagged alliance 2
THIS is what I'm talking about.
We have our first winner.
Do you have a bitcoin wallet?
is this bait?
And the other Myst games
In fact I think your average person is too stupid to play them without a guide
fuck off
(you), no
Well, make one.
Bioshock Infinite
this is bait.
>33 posts
>still no "Deus Ex"
What the fuck is that?
I Would Bang Two Guys?
I see Zoe Quinn's been taking it easy.
No it's "I Will Buy Two Guns"
xcom comes to mind. the true survival experience
The first Bioshock.
How far that series fell
The Talos Principle
It's not a hard game but MGSV in general expects quite a lot out of the player for a 3rd person shooter
World of mixed martial arts 3
don't like the UI? change it. don't like the select screen? change it. don't like the roster? make your own. don't like this character? edit it yourself.
probably the most modular, customizable game.
It doesn't treat me like a retard but it makes me feel like one
Spacechem. But it does makes you like a retard.
Dwarf Fortress
Not on caloric intake.
And every game has either an instruction pamphlet digital or physical or tutorial which can or cannot be slipped but is still there. Dark Souls features optional tutorials through messages and still punishes you severely by messing up.
>brute forcing it
Dude just shut your dumb cunt mouth up. You don't even know what that fucking means because every game makes you do the shit you were taught in a tutorial. God I'm so through with dumbshits like you just throwing buzzwords around to sound credible.
>completed it
Twitch completed it with JUMPS and ASSISTANCE you fucking dumb bitch. Don't you have a ylyl thread in Sup Forums to post a fucking banana in? Please get the hell off this board you pathetic dingus. Most cancerous post of all time, holy shit your family would be disappointed.
wow someones mad dark souls isn't the pinnacle of difficulty.
TIS-100 and the Witness.
>actually being this mad
stalker series, but mostly because there are so many retards on Sup Forums now bitching about it
Card Saga Wars
Except half of the game is full of those baby ass "puzzles", yes they're supposed to be a joke but there's so many of them you eventually start feeling like the dev considers you being retarded.