Anyone else think this movie was pretty good? It accomplished what it set out to do. Top-notch special effects, good action sequences, plot and characterization were fine for what it was. It's not fucking Casablanca but it sure didn't deserve an 8%.
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Worse than Advent Children
Literally V13 Trailers Filelr Edition and then over the top Pacific Rim meets FF
agree 100%
nothing outstanding but a solid film worth watching, just like warcraft
>just like warcraft
It was burdy good
Warcraft was shit, and I even went to the movie being biased on it being good.
Kingsglaive is better.
>the statues start sword warping
It was shit
I really liked it
I can't believe anybody could unironically like this pile of trash.
Name a vidya movie that's better.
Advent Children Complete
It was funny because everyone was saying that KG was better than AC and then people watched them back to back and were like "Nvm lol"
I'm actually on the fence on this one. Advent Children was a more fun watch, but in Kingsglaive they ACTUALLY used magic and not everything boiled down to an anime swordfight.
I think, as far as shallow spectacles go, I enjoyed both about equally.
The Ace Attorney Movie.
Silent Hill.
Also the fact that most video game movies are shit doesn't somehow give this movie a free pass for being shit you retard, it just means this one is shit too.
>I had this planned out all along
Thanks for killing most of your citizens.
So is this a prequel or something and do I need to watch it to get the story for when the game comes out?
It happens at the same time as the game
It' shit.
>All the lore nerds and leakers telling us for months that Nyx was Gladio's brother getting BTFO
The movie was pretty shit but I enjoyed that
Except the movie really wasn't that bad. 4.1/5 on Rotten Tomatoes and 8.2 on Metacritic for user reviews.
tarantino approved film
Can I easily pirate this movie yet? No, I don't care enough to google.
Yes, 5 seconds in google
I wouldn't tell non-FF fans to rush out and see it but it's a good companion piece for the game.
Kinda wish the Glaives actually used glaives and not just daggers, though. Or if the daggers morphed into pole arms, that would've been cool.
Why the fuck is this image trending on Sup Forums?
Anyone else notice most of the bad critic reviews were aimed at how they didn't understand the story?
>The narrative content of "Kingsglaive" is a barely coherent muddle.
>The film's convoluted plot and dense mythology ... may leave even "Final Fantasy" devotees scratching their heads.
>Ultimately, the Kingsglaive story is too muddled to ease viewers to this new world.
>This glorified video game trailer combines eye-popping visuals with an eye-crossing story.
Those are all separate reviews. Is it just me or was the story pretty straightforward?
Terrible VA, probably due to bad or non-existent direction. I'll wait for the Japanese dub.
It's bad too and the english lipsynch makes it even worse
The story was straightfoward if you accept everything at face value, but if you even slightly think about it, it's entirely nonsensical
It really was good. Best FF movie by a large margin and decent overall.
Way to give everyone a solid reason to discard your opinion, FF7 fanboy.
what? The story was the simplest thing ever.
-Industrial baddies VS Magical kingdom
-Big crystal gives power, baddies want it
-Guard of the King betrays him and sides with the enemy
-Final showdown fight
How could anyone not get it? I don't even follow FF15 and it was so simple. The cuts and scene transitions weren't hollywood-like at all, especially in the first third, but it wasn't hard to follow either.
The only major knock I have against the story is the ending may be unsatisfying for those expecting a standalone film. If you have no interest in playing XV there's a lot of loose threads left hanging in KG - the kingdom is in ruins, the main bad guys steal the Crystal and the few surviving heroes are on the run.
Imagine if Empire Strikes Back was the only Star Wars movie and Return of the Jedi was a long-ass RPG you needed to play for closure. If I were a movie critic who didn't love video games I'd be kinda pissed about that, too.
Yeah, it was straightforward and solid. Especially when you compare it to utter clusterfucks like Advent Children.
What were the pills?
I really liked the ending even as standalone. It was nice and bittersweet.
>Guard of the King betrays him and sides with the enemy
You mean a general of the industrial baddies is a spy as the head of the kingsglaive.
Painkillers I imagine, which apparently is a shameful thing in FFXV's world.
I really enjoyed the movie and how they actually use magic not to mention seeing Cerberus and a fucking Weapon monster(looked like final fantasy 7 emerald weapon)
>I really enjoyed the movie and how they actually use magic
I was blown away by how they managed to take such a simple idea for a magic spell and make it look so badass.
Just "teleport to where your weapon is with whatever momentum your weapon has". It's brilliant.
I have a feeling it's going to be like .hack where the games take center stage & the movie get's relegated to the backburner
User reviews for movies don't mean shit. Remember when DC fans were bombing IMDB with 10/10 reviews for BvS before it even came out?
Crowe showed she could use magic the more traditional way outside of blink dagger.
They all had some basic spells, and they were used well, but the signature magic of FFXV is pretty brilliant in my book. It's such a basic idea, but it makes for such great action.
It was okay.
>Top-notch special effects
Sure, but the cuts are horrendous and the SFX hides the action
>Good action sequences
See above.
As far as 1.5 hours movie with lite politics, it's fine.
My main gripe. Ravus' motivation and the sudden change from implied rebellious Luna to submissive is kinda jarring. Anyone else, it's fine save for several Kingsglaives' betrayal.
>caring number from imdb/RT/whatevs
The sites dead since forever.
The movie doesn't even deserve great or good review, but it's enjoyable as it is.
for his diabetes
and I skipped on the little details, such as the father figure being seperated from his loved ones cliche, the conflict between brothers cliche (brother/sister in this case), throw some more romeo and juliet here and there. And more interpersonal relashionships that aren't anything new.
I'm baffled how anyone could get confused, outside trying to follow the fights and maaaaybe taking some time to understand the weapon teleportation thing in the first 5 minutes.
Sure. Although it doesn't make much sense, he got really pissed at the King for giving his homeland (and of his team) to the baddies to make a truce, but this only happened later on. The guy was already in the baddies side in the beggining when capturing the princess, the king, AFAIK, was still protecting his land at that time.
In the end he even admits it doesn't matter which side owns his homeland, only his homeland matters. So why did he even bother? Why get pissed at the King for peacefuly surrendering his homeland to the baddies without a war, especially when he was on the baddies side from the getgo?
yeah that looked great and the spells they showed looked badass .
Wish she had more time on screen.
>Statues come alive
>They start warping to their swords
Honestly what I liked the least about the movie was Ultros. So out of place.
A lot of the final fantasy enemies we'e seen in FFXV look pretty out of place too, due to the modernized setting. Fucking goblins, really?
>This is a fantasy based on reality
I agree, I'm just saying some viewers wouldn't see it that way.
Warping with different weapons in the game has other cool effects, too. Using an axe makes you do a Helm Splitter for example.
I get it, and I don't think ALL monsters are out of place. But not all of them feel like they belong, like the goblins or Ultros in a goddamn airship.
>Warping with different weapons in the game has other cool effects, too
With Noctis it's a little different, since he can spawn weapons and make them fly. It's badass, no doubt, but I absolutely love the simpler version of the Magic that the Kingsglaive used.
Keep moving them goal posts user.
FF7 is one of my least favorite FF games, AC is still a better FF movie than KG
>Who gives a fuck? My son got away :^)
AC is a terrible goddamn movie with a real clusterfuck of a plot that has nothing on Kingsglaive except muh animu action.
Silent Hill is horrible. They shit all over the plot of the original, toss in some dumb Sean Bean story that is literally completely disconnected to the rest, insert SH2 monsters and it has some of the worst acting ever
I liked Kingsglaive, but Mortal Kombat is the best Vidya movie of ALL TIME.
And KG was just a glorified V13 trailer compilation
The only good thing was the banter between Regis and Iedolas
>And KG was just a glorified V13 trailer
With a less retarded story fantastic action, making it a much better movie than AC.
I watched the first half hour and honestly couldn't tell you what was going on. For a movie that's billed as a prequel to the game's events and thus a natural starting point for someone interested, the fact that there was no discernible narrative is jarring. It feels as if I had to read and watch a bunch of shit just to have a hope of knowing what's going on.
I felt like I had to play the game to understand this, which is funny, since the game isn't out yet.
>the fact that there was no discernible narrative is jarring
There was a clearly discernible narrative, maybe your comprehension is really really bad?
>Single digits on Rotten Tomatoes.
I don't think so. Maybe you're just use to the literally gibberish stories JRPGs tend to run with.
He's a model for Nyx
>Maybe you're just use to the literally gibberish stories JRPGs tend to run with.
I doubt it, but if you're one of the people who thing AC was better, that would describe you instead. The story in KG was straightforward as all fuck.
>rotten tomatoes
opinion discarded.
Was Aaron Paul really top billed when they have Sean Bean and Lena Headey? Lol
>b-but muh user scores though
Everything is allowed as far as XV fags are concerned as long as it positive, but negative things do not count
Those critics have no interest in XV and judged it as a stand alone film. So in as a stand alone film they are right.
I liked it though. Despite all the negativity and shitposting in the XV threads, it got me hyped for the game. Wish they didn't fuck up with the lip syncing so badly though. You can clearly tell when it happens even if your not looking for it.
How can you trust these people with movie reviews?
But there's a narrator telling you everything you needed to know... There really is no lore or background knowledge required. It's really not anymore complicated than:
>Niflheim is the evil empire conquering everything
>they can't conquer Lucis because of crystal
>Nyx and the Kingsglaive have to save the day, etc.
Is it me or was the action all over the place/hard to keep up because the random camera cuts that wouldn't stop which gets even worse at the night battles?
It was all over the place and anyone that say otherwise is retarded. It's not hard to follow, but it's still bad. Why go full CG if you don't take advantage of it with long oneshots and shit
Yeah, as much as I liked Kingsglaive the camera cuts were jittery and confusing a lot ot the time.
Yeah, I thought it was great.
This place is just fucking awful and always bitching and moaning about things because people just want to unload their misery on everything to feel better about themselves.
Sup Forums was constantly saying how the first half of the movie doesn't even make sense, then I watched it and had no problems understanding anything whatsoever.
What the fuck do people expect or want out of a fucking final fantasy movie? Some kind of ASOIAF tier political drama or just the well known maniqueist simple plot the series has always been know for? I feel like the people bashing this movie have never played a final fantasy game in their entire lives and think they know what the fuck they're babbling about.
The effects were amazing, the Kingsglaive are an incredibly cool concept and I even hope we get a game focused on them, the plot was good and perfectly in line with what you'd expect out of a FF title, the action sequences were amazing, the Old Wall was a really cool thing to see, etc.
People bash this thing and then go out and start slurping on the cock of your average capeshit or some cringeworthy teenager-pandering crap like that awful second 300 movie.
>I feel like the people bashing this movie have never played a final fantasy game in their entire lives and think they know what the fuck they're babbling about.
I haven't played FF since VIII and the story was perfectly straightforward. I really don't get the confusion.
>Especially when you compare it to utter clusterfucks like Advent Children
This is what's bothering me the most about all of this.
You don't even have to know a single fucking thing about final fantasy to understand Kingsglaive's plot perfectly (I watched it with a friend who never played FF in his entire life and he had no problems understanding anything), but for AC if FF VII isn't fresh in your mind you won't understand fuckall. And even if you do, Kadaj just suddenly turning into Sephiroth just like that was the most retarded thing ever.
It was mostly the first half that was weird. The second half could get a bit hard to follow at times but it was mostly ok in that aspect.
The first half was just weird.
Same here. It was such a brilliant execution of such a simple concept. Like I said, I really hope we get a game focused on that, maybe a spin-off with more actiony gameplay where you can do that shit.
>A lot of the final fantasy enemies we'e seen in FFXV look pretty out of place too, due to the modernized setting.
You've literally never played a final fantasy game before, haven't you? Fucking neo-Sup Forums
>mfw platinum Kingslgaive game never ever
>People are actually saying pieces of shit like Kingsglaive and Warcraft were good.
I dread for the future of films.
Good storytelling is no longer required, what's important is canon and lore. It's not about telling a tale worth telling, it's about adding new information to an established universe, or putting old information of an established universe up on the big screen.
When staying true to the fictional source material is the most important thing for people you know that we are beyond fucked.
I've played up to 8. enemies can be out of place at times, but it's worse than ever in FFXV because of the realistic artstyle and the extremely modern setting.
So yes, fighting goblins in a modern military industrial complex feels out of place.
>In the end he even admits it doesn't matter which side owns his homeland, only his homeland matters. So why did he even bother? Why get pissed at the King for peacefuly surrendering his homeland to the baddies without a war, especially when he was on the baddies side from the getgo?
It was about supporting what he perceived as the better ruler. Supporting the most powerful side meant his homeland was in less danger of becoming a battlezone and the ruler would actually take care of it.
I don't see how anyone who isn't a FFXV fanboy would like this trash.
I thought it works as a 2 hour trailer and intro to FFXV.
The only thing that turned me off was the Suicide Squad tier editing.
I didn't watch WoW, but Kingsglaive has the best storytelling out of all FF movies yet.
Then I'm afraid you have a terminal case of retardation.
How can you not understand what was probably the most basic baby tier plot ever? The entire thing is carefully explained by Luna in the very first two minutes of it. Jesus christ, are you just dumb? They even used that cliche thing of calling the good guys a "kingdom" while the evil guys are the "empire".
>here are the good guys
>they use technology
>here are the bad guys
>they use magic
>here is the cristal
>bad guys want it
>bad guys are expanding
>good guys are trying to fight back
That's literally it. Holy fuck. You're joking, right?
I legitimately think that this is the greatest video game movie ever made. A gorgeous work of art that shall be remembered for many years due to its immersive lore and impressive visuals. Top-notch voice talent from the likes of Sean Bean and Lena Heady breathes life into the charismatic characters. Singe-handedly managing to push the medium towards greater than ever before technological heights... this is not a film that you should miss if you possess even a passing interest in the genre of science fiction and/or fantasy, which it has managed to blend together perfectly.
Watched it with Sup Forums twice. The only way to watch mediocre movies
Early FF were the opposite. Chibi worlds and players with realistic looking monster sprites.
Congrats for never touching an FF retard.
>Silent Hill
That's exactly what I had in mind.
RIP best girl.
>clusterfuck of a plot
Why do all FF7 haters struggle with complicated plots? Let me guess, your favorite is FF6 and you think Kefka was a well written villain?
Congrats on missing the point and sperging out at the most minor of critical opinions, autist.
With mediocre companions?