How do we make these bosses hard?

>how do we make these bosses hard?
>I know, let's give them HP bars the size the entire universe!

You know, this really hampers my enjoyment of the game. The bosses are reasonable early on, but once you reach the DLC and later Chalice Dungeons, it becomes fucking ridiculous. It's literally artificial difficulty and a huge slog.

I can't even imagine how the DLC is like in NG+. Sounds like a fucking nightmare.


thats what you get for being bad

>Oh no the bossfights last long enough that I have to actually deal with their mechanics

This is literally one of the best things about BB you pleb. DeS and DaS are great, but one of the flaws is that once you know how to minmax yourself, you steamroll the bosses in ~30s. That's fucking lame.

>Waaaaah this boss fight takes too long

Fucking disgusting.

Explain to me how Laurence being a giant HP sponge is me being bad and not artificial difficulty.

they have huge hp to compensate for the damage you can dish out.
>beast pellets + paper
>high level gems
>1-3k dmg visceral's depending on your build
you can literally do over 1k dmg per swing with something as basic as the saw cleaver on beast bosses.

i forgot that laurence exists. sorry :(

Laurence gets shredded by saw-type weapons.

A hunter must use the right tool for the job.

>game allows you to do high damage
>give bosses big HP to compensate

So what's wrong?

>>high level gems
Here's a incredible concept: what if I don't want to slog through Chalice Dungeons for 5 hours (which you have repeat for each character) to get top-tier gems before doing the DLC? What if I just want to get through it quick to get something like the Church Pick early on?

If you have chalice gems, then the DLC balance is okay. But why the fuck is it balanced like that? No other part of the game is balanced around chalice gems, and it shouldn't. It's just compeltely bizarre, and the game suffers for it.

chalice slog is shit no question. story gems are more than plenty here, the 19.8% gems the winter lanterns drop do more than enough, start using the beast pellets and a paper do dish out that damage faster, the game practically hands them to you like candy.
>What if I just want to get through it quick to get something like the Church Pick early on?
well you cant because bloodborne is very linear, you can thank FROM for that.
>No other part of the game is balanced around chalice gems,
you can argue depth 5 is balanced around them

Even if you only use the best guaranteed gems you can get in the game, the DLC bosses should only take you about 5 minutes to beat at the most.

How aboutyou stick to Farmville and candy crash
If you've played a couple of other souls games then you'll be lying if you told me that bb wasn't a walk in the park.
The only hard part was the dungeon with half hp.
No even joking here.

And guess what?
Souls3 is even easier.

>not killing bosses in 4 hits

>>I know, let's give them HP bars the size the entire universe!

badly memed, one problem bb had is that the bosses had too little health. Their attacks were menacing you were never in real danger because the bosses died after 10 stamina bars worth of hits

are you trying to virtue signal? Why do you think people care about how good at video games you are on a chinese cartoon porn forum? Shouldn't you get on with your life?

>whaaa i want to be super duper powerful without putting any time and effort whaaa

The only boss I felt that time was wasted on was Micolash, and that's only because I wasn't familiar with the area and didn't know where to chase him.

If you build your stats around what your favorite weapon uses, you shave off chunks of damage each hit.

shut the fuck up you goddamn idiot

>>I know, let's give them HP bars the size the entire universe!
each boss fight lasts literally 3 to 5 minutes

>mfw people tell me this is the easiest souls game
>mfw I spend hours on the same bosses, especially in the DLC
blood-starved beast, one reborn, Logarius and Rom had me stuck for a long time. Then in the DLC it went to a whole other level. They were really satisfying to beat though.
I found it funny that I was stuck on Laurence for hours where as my friend beat it on the first try and Laurence also, yet he couldn't beat Orphan at all. Really strange.

man, I always wanted to use the stake driver, but the charge up effect was so hard to pull off