"You have earned a trophy!"

"You have earned a trophy!"
>The bigger they are...

Exit starting area
>One small step...

Climb tallest point in map
>I can see my house from here!

>Do extremely tedious and time-consuming task
>Achievement unlocked: Go Outside!

>Start the game
>"The Journey begins!"
>0.1% of players have this trophy

>Watching the opening cutscenes
>The journey begins…

The journey begins

>game has achievement related to grenades
>Achievement unlocked: Hot Potato

>kill a developer

>do something
>actually get an achievement

>You have to actually kill a developer and prove it to the company to earn it

Kill 5 enemies with a single electric attack
>How Shocking!

Where is this even from and how do you get it?

>work arduously get all the game's trophies

>Upgraded your weapon to the max level
>"Lock and Load!"

>Completed the game without killing anybody

fallout 3, metal gear rising, and Borderlands are the first 3 results in.

>Kill X amount of enemies with a melee weapon
>"Slice n' Dice!"
>blunt melee weapons count towards it

>doing a Self-Destruct Mission with a timer
>5 mins remaining when finish
>Achievement:"that was close..."

>Strategically kill a boss so all the parts die at once
>No trophy

>Push a table off an edge

Kill more than 3 enemies with one attack
>One man army

So shit games. Gotcha.

you're not entirely wrong

Metal Gear Rising isn't shit.

It's pretty bad.

"it's ok"
I liked it.