If you were Sony, how would you have handled this series?
Ape Escape thread
I would keep it platformer and the only spin offs that were to exist were 2001, PP, BM and MM, and maybe to an HD remaster.
HD Collection
Vita sequel
Give it to Nintendo
make a new one or ps4
Made more games with shota and loli bait for maximum sales.
Does Spike get to be a femboy?
Stop making games nobody cares about like Tearaway and Gravity Rush and put those teams on Ape Escape 4.
>Ape Escape
Is the term Platformer dead?
I love the franchise, but it's as much as a Platformer as Banjo Kazooie.
Anyways, I would've just made one per console. Delay 3 for PS3. Make 4, the series doesn't really need too much evolution. And I'm sure with the timespan, they could think of new gimmicks for ways to capture the apes
Isn't this what killed the franchise in the first place? Oh right, you're a pedophile, you're too dumb to think straight.
Actually it was the spin offs that did it, i'm not him but most AE don't even have any humans in them
Yeah, it wasn't the shit PSP games that killed it at all.
Wasn't GR done from the creator of Silent Hill? At least that series looks creative compared to TLOU and Uncharted.
I want one a sequel to the Pumped & Primed/Million Monkeys saga desu
MM was the only game I've ever imported and it was worth it, never thought an Ape Escape game would have a guy get choked to death or a giant alien
>Isn't this what killed the franchise in the first place?
no, but killed any proper discussion about the games here though
>never thought an Ape Escape game would have a guy get choked to death
When did that happened?
Loli escape
Play as a monkey that captures little girls
Make a sequel to the brilliant PS Move game on PS3, but this time with PS VR.
Where's the shotas?
The evil guy behind the events of Pumped & Primed gets strangled to death by a "perfect" ape he creates in Million Monkeys.
The pipotrons?
Anyone remember how Spike was stabbed in the anime?
I would make a sequel with adult player characters
Thinking about it, do the kids in AE have any parents?
In my basement
Yeah. MM was in Japanese so I'm not too sure but the way I understood it he makes the "perfect" forms of those little red, blue, and yellow monkeys from P&P and then they kill him and go apeshit crazy
Leave them alove, they're pure unlike those secound mouthed demons.
How long until Ape Escape gets a TLOU clone reboot like GOW?
made it more enjoyable by mapping actions to the buttons instead of having to flick the fucking stick
Reminder that model's resource has Ape Escape models. including Yumi
Including the net?
Where the fuck's all the sfm porn?
Thre models are low poly though, there's also Kat from Gravity Rush in SFM lab.
Kat's model is also low poly
HD Collection on PS3 (Featuring Brand-New Monkey Mini Games)
Ape Escape 4 on PS4 instead of Knack
I want an AE4 with all the 4 protags playable
Ape escape is product of 90s. No one would buy ape escape game anymore maybe if it was 15-20$ priced game i would think.
Give ip to rent for indie devs
I'm playing the original now. How are you supposed to get Tellis? The fan blows me and I've no way to get to him.
>AE from an indie dev
>Spike keeps walking until he finds a note that the real Ape Escape was in his heart.
I've never played Nigger Escape, what's it like?
I think the market it swaying back. The Ratchet and Clank game sold millions.
You play as kids that must try to catch monkeys with a lot of tools and gadgets
Don't forget Yooka Laylee
Someone draw Spike getting tickled by the monkeys