What went wrong?


Getting bought out by Chinese overlords
"Change for the sake of change" development mentality
Listening to forum complaints and pandering to retards who don't know how to play
Forcing a meta
Excessive streamlining
Inverse item slot to gold efficiency ratio
General casualizing and retard-proofing
Building the entire game around "esports" despite the game being one of the worst spectator video games in existence

nothing major?

This desu

hiring Morello and Ghostcrawler

Honestly I think Runes/Masteries. It makes it punishing to pick up the game, as well as punishing to switch characters from your usual role, forcing people to spend money just to get to the same baseline as everyone else

It actually has a userbase.

People playing a game ruin everything.

And if you thing, that its bad in your server you never played in LAS.

>yfw LoL will die in your lifetime


it was made

Half the roster being irrelevant


Esports. Right around S3 where shit started to go wrong was when Rito wanted to embrace the esports crowd.



You can't fix this


Man, how I wish this game was still good. Abandoned it for a few months and came back to it recently since some bros wanted to play with me again, it's a total disaster
I'd list what's wrong with it, but I can't actually find anything right with it desu

The genre was just a meme.

>still top played on steam and top streamed on twitch
>just a meme

I remember when LoL shitpost threads would consistently reach bump limit.
What happened?

>Inverse item slot to gold efficiency ratio
explain this one? i haven't played since S2; I remember this idea being talked about but i don't remember what exactly it means anymore.

Yes it's a meme

Inventory space is a resource in dota. Three of an item that adds +3 to a stat costs less than a single item that adds +9, because you're paying extra to have the stats fit in less space. It's the opposite in LoL, the scale is smaller but it goes in the other direction so it costs less per point of stat to fit more stats in one slot.

It makes itemization a lot more interesting than LoL's one by one endgame item rushing because it's ideal to fill your inventory with cheap early game items because they're really cost effective and then sell them off later as you gather the gold to stuff more stats into those limited slots. It's kind of like doran's stacking, except it's on a curve throughout the phases of the game instead of just being one item you can optionally stack at the very beginning.

Guys do you want to save a soul?

I started playing lol for the first time 6 days ago

Should i continue?

>Should i continue?
LoL has always been garbage but even then it's still in the worst state it's ever been in. They'll rework everything you enjoy about the game, even if it's something they just reworked last year. It will turn you into an asshole and kill your ability to enjoy any other game.
Spare yourself the agony.

I think this is a red herring like denying. Yeah it's neat but it's really not that important.

The thing that makes Dota so much better than LoL is that items and abilities are allowed to be powerful and have an impact. In Dota you have heroes that stay invisible constantly, or can disable a hero for 10 seconds, or become invulnerable to spells, and all kinds of crazy shit that the shit-tier devs of LoL would not even attempt to balance. In Dota it works because Icefrog cares enough about having a fun game that he will take the time and effort to balance the insanity instead of dumbing it down. Every other difference pales in importance next to this fundamental lack of ambition at the core of LoL.

>everything I don't like is a meme

>I think this is a red herring like denying. Yeah it's neat but it's really not that important.
I don't know, I think it's pretty huge. The whole "buy your build one by one" thing in LoL is so boring to me, it feels like I'm just going through 6 upgrade trees one by one. I love having my inventory actually feel like an inventory and choosing if and what early/mid game items to buy and eventually sell adds a lot of dimensions to itemization.

Imagine how less interesting dota items would be if you just bought your final endgame six one by one, even with them being powerful and having impact.

That isn't interesting at all. Filling your inventory with lower cost items is interesting to you?

Jesus fuck dotards are genuinely mentally handicapped, they see their game as amazing in every aspect. Different shop locations? Genius (retarded). Turn ratios? So cool (except not).

It plays like a piece of shit, so unbelievably bad.

There's too much power in the items and gold.

Dota 2 is way better to watch because teams that are behind have a high chance for a comeback, even when behind in gold or XP - that's mostly due to the fact that a lot of the power is allocated in the heroes themselves.

The heroes are also much more diverse and the scaling is also more varied.

this, except that user forget to mention Riot employees that attack and white knight people on twitter, instead of working to fix characters/mechanics that are broken

>Filling your inventory with lower cost items is interesting to you?

Yes, making multiple choices instead of one choice is interesting, you fucking retard.

>rushing six permanent items one by one like a caveman is more interesting than managing inventory space and reading the game to determine what progression of temporary and permanent items is the most efficient
LoL players, ladies and gentlemen

While LoL became popular and what i'm about to say is not a popularity contest, from a design standpoint it failed where hots succeeded: making a casual dota

LoL wanted to make the dota formula more accessible to everyone and that was it at first, but through years of changes it lost what made it special at first and went downhill in terms of pure FUN, with a strict meta that you can't ever break and changes brought in in order to promote e-sports based on things the pros do, as opposed to dota or hots that change depending on the playerbase and the dev's own views

I played LoL for 4 years and all my friends feel the same way i do and they've either stopped or hardly play anymore

The only thing LoL has really going for right now is the artstyle

>different shop locations
makes buying most powerful items come with a risk (secret shop) and allows you to buy some stuff without leaving the lane, how is that retarded?
>turn rates
make melee carries viable
want to talk some more about vidya design since you obviously know so much about it?

1000 employees

Critical updates to the game super slow

Yeah its actually an unfixable problem for League. Everyone falls into predesigned roles, and there are clearly "better than the rest" champs. The only thing you could do to get more diversity is to add 2 more bans per team. At the amount of champs League has there is no reason there isn't 10 bans a game.


Just don't man. It makes you a shitty person and games in general are a lot less fun. Plus when you try to quit, you will go back. Always. Plus the company that runs the game is full of cunts, and the community is one of the worst ones in gaming.

Do you like waifu fapbait retarded shit that cerebral palsy invalids can do well at? Then continue.

>every game you currently enjoy will die in your lifetime

ok casual, i will just rape your ass when you will try to turn back

>only playing multiplayer games

Over sensitive community which reports you for nothing. And riot even encourages that.

There's literally nothing wrong with turn rates

Riot is retarded and run by retards. Their CEO shittalks one of the original founders of the league scene and owner of the most popular team in the west, guy has probably done more for the western scene than any other person. Stupid idiot CEO got fucked so hard even sponsors like HTC pitched in and made a statement about how stupid Riot is. A bunch of Riot employees are quitting and saying how shitty the company is

can you give me a tl;dr on that pic?

riot devs are retarded

>Stupid idiot CEO got fucked so hard even sponsors like HTC pitched in and made a statement about how stupid Riot is
Sauces? I need some laughs.

Basically he calls Regi(the team owner I was talking about) an exploiter of his players when the guy is loved by his players and says Regi should take the money he makes from league and pay his players more(when he pays top tier salary) instead of investing in other e sports scenes like Smash.

first post best post. COuldnt put it better myself

But they can entertain you longer than any singleplayer game ever could.

LoL will not die within your lifetime.

MOBA mentality will keep it alive just as long as DotA will stay up.

The only thing that can make it die is if some other game comes in and kills it, and that has to be a very good game and everything has to be done right from gameplay to marketing to be able to make people leave 6 years of experience and in game item collecting.


should have an even more advanced visual update optional for better GPU people tho.

If you already enjoy it you can play it until you find out how shit it is. If you are still trying to get into the game without really enjoying it give up. Its not worth it.

i feel like this thread is the people who blame everyone on their team and flame and "troll" in low elo games.

ive seen some autistic ass people in my day playing this game.

>entire thread full of objective reasons as to why the game and its developer is garbage and the game is loaded with poor design choices

I have played against early game 5 dorans blade Rengars. No thanks.

except its artstyle is all over the place. I loved the cartoon look at the start, the map was a lot sharper, very little human heroes, and even then they were wacky like GP. I wish they kept the whimsical artstyle rather than put in a bunch of generic fantasy humans. But I guess the anime knockoff shit they currently push really makes wannabe weebs cream themselves

>the way a vague mechanic is implemented in this one specific game is strictly representative of how it would play in another completely different game build separately from the ground up

Only a LoL player would be capable of reaching this level of retarded logic.

I exaggerated a bit, HTC team has better PR than to call Riot stupid to their face, but here it is

tldr: Riot threatened Reginald and told him to take down an ad for HTC Vive on their team's youtube channel because it was a "tactic advertisement for another game". They also won't allow them to wear stuff like hats from their sponsors during games. Sponsors like HTC are at a loss on how to actually function with Riot around.

team owner makes money and invests it in various Esports including LoL. The CEO says he doesnt pay the players of the LoL team enough and should pay them more rather than investing it in other games and then talks about how some team leaders are exploitive.
Meanwhile the team leader in question pays a good amount of money.

Also a low tier team owner pitches in and says that it's hard to make money in the LCS scene because Riot pays diddly squat while expecting teams to dedicate their life to them and not make money elsewhere through sponsors

LoL is bad but so is Dota, ASSFAGGOTS are a cancer that should stay exiled to /vg/

If that's interesting to you, kill yourself.

Don't play LoL, nice try samefag

Ahh, because there are no other ways to make melee carries viable besides having obnoxious and dull as fuck turn rates.

Enjoy your "game", it's pure garbage.

When you start the game you start with exactly 0 dollars and unlike literally any other game in the genre new players don't get any kind of boost or advantage to help them catch up to people who have been playing the game for a number of years or to help them buy an interesting looking character or two. You don't even get to play characters on the free rotation until you're level 6. And you can't play against other players until you're level 3 even if you start the game by telling it that you've played tons of other games in the genre and consider yourself pretty good.

The damage scaling on your skills is pretty random too. I played a couple games as this bug guy and one time decided that I was going to level up my leap first because I could leap in to finish off an enemy hiding under their tower and leap away without taking too much damage. Turns out that having 90 attack damage adds 87 damage to my short cooldown slash but only 6 to my leap that I invested so many points into. He also has a heal that scales from ability damage but spending money on that does litereally nothing for my character except increase the value of that heal. I'd probably get much more benefit out of buying lifesteal or flat health since that works for me all the time.
Between that and everyone having their own little minigame it's bascially impossible to tell how or why people are hurting me until I'm dead and have time to read the deathboard or bring up the wiki. In dota you can click on another character and read exactly how each of their skills works, HoN and Paragon's skills are pretty low impact and super obvious.

The shop is the least generous out of anything. I played the whole weekend with my friends and I'm not even a fith of the way towards Baird who looks cool because he has Windranger's shackle and Janus' portal. Every single skin costs real money, even the shitty recolors which are 100% free in other games.

It's way behind the times and its age is showing.


A few years ago Riot tried to implement a rule where pro players in the LCS couldn't stream any other game but league. They had to take it back because the backlash was enormous.

rushing 3-4 core items on heroes is ofc so much better right
well it is only low mmr players anyway which are getting offended by league of legends

>rushing 3-4 core items on heroes is ofc so much better right
What game has you do that?

>Ahh, because there are no other ways to make melee carries viable
well what's league's solution? :^)))

It has been a long time since Ive played but from what I recall new players do get a lot more IP for the first levels of they play.

The damage scaling is fine since the leap (which character?) is probably AoE and if you let those scale on the same level as a single target attack it would be OP. Those balance things are in dota as well and without it the game would be broken

before any dotafag starts whining dota doesnt have scaling I mean shit like the weird damage scaling on BHs shuriken

because league of legends kids play dota and spam memes in allchat and basically ruin the game with their boots-first, rush crit shit. high mmr players don't give league any thought, and they don't ever need to because lolbabs will never play at their level.

No i quit it a week ago. If i look back it just robbed my time and was only fun the first few months.

Who in their right mind makes it a goal to own every skin? There's no way any one person likes every single skin in the game, so your image is just creating a scenario that doesn't exist. On top of that, thanks to the hextech crafting thing, and the ability to buy champion shards for super cheap means that your little image there is horribly outdated.

I think his name is KhaZix?
Don't think it's super unusual to have worse scaling on AoE abilities but adding a whopping 9 damage for buying 100 attack power in items it might as well not scale at all.
How much do you earn at your level? I get between 40 and 90 for winning a game.

>Season 4

I mean everyone already knows the answer to this. It's been said a million times and we get a thread about it every 1-3 days.

It sounds like to my that you were anally ravaged and have created a thread here to seek validation is to why you're so bad.

Prove me wrong.

That guy has almost all his damage on his Q. His other skills do little to no damage at all, and aren't supposed to. If you want to leap in and out you can evolve his E(leap) while skilling up his Q.

It has been 3 years since ive played and back then the IP rates were a lot better. They rescaled the IP returns to giving more on longer games but less on shorter games. The net income is lower because of that. but I remember once that they would give you more IP income if you did vs AI until lvl 10 or something like that. That said I thought at the time the income was just way too weak considering the amount of content they added over the years.

As for the low damage on his leap. If I recall right once his leap had a better scaling and you can upgrade it to reset on kill. So what happened is that he could get so fed he could jump on 5 people, kill 1, jump again, killing someone, then keep jumping to kill everyone. So they butchered the damage on it. They might as well remove the scaling but then people would be confused htey cannot get pretty numbers from getting gear.

Artists draw Sona with tiny tits.