Realistically speaking Sup Forums, will this game be any semblance of good?

Realistically speaking Sup Forums, will this game be any semblance of good?

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its a game made by bioware, of course it will be good

It will have very interesting planets and two new sexy species designs.

And I you can press UP OR DOWN on dialogue tree.

but bioware is a shell of it's former self, can this game be successful in spite of this?

>of course it will be good

Most people in Bioware now are new recruits. They've been recruiting people even for senior positions as recently as few months ago.
Quite a lot of veterans have either left or were fired. It means that the team is not tightly knit yet - rather it's just a bunch of new hires that are told to bang something up as soon as possible.

Also, we still have not seen any gameplay footage so far. Which is sort of alarming, considering how soon the release is supposed to be.

is that isolation? holy fuck senpai.

It's definitely delayed. Wouldn't be surprised if it came out in 2018

people come and go on a AAA project all the time, that doesn't really concern me, the no game play part does quite a bit tho


Considering the types of people Bioware is hiring, no, I don't.

Total recycle of ME assets (races, ships, weapons), you are a human again, basically shepard 2.0.

Killed every hype i had with the last trailer.

Still mad.

ME3 was a giant FUCK YOU to anybody who ever cared even a little about the series. The devs are retards who hate white people or "flow between genders". It's disgusting and anybody who supports Andromeda or Bioware needs to be fucking gassed.

Considering it's EA, Bioware, it's a Mass Effect game past ME1, AND it comes out somewhat soon and we still know nothing about it, no.

its shit

Right now I'm betting on
>generally bad writing
>generic gameplay with few rpg elements
>half-assed lgbtbbq pandering
>season pass that costs almost as much as the base game
At least it'll put out higher quality models for sfm porn.

>There are people who think Andromeda will be good

Let's be honest, what was the last good Bioware game? Dragon Age Origins?

I'll say Mass Effect 2

Yes, people come and go, but the core management usually remains roughly the same, and keeps everything together.
In this case, Bioware now is completely different from what it was even for DA:I. When there are no established workflow patterns, problems are bound to appear.

Sup guys!

Mass Effect 2 was pretty enjoyable even for multiple playthroughs

this guy got restricted to decaf semen

jade empire desu famalam

i heard they cleaned house rather early in the development cycle and since then have pretty much been the same

The setting was alright, but the combat system was horrible and stupidly easy to abuse.

Mass Effect and DA:Origins are much better imo.

Steps of AAA Game hell.

Step 1: Independent developer creates an amazing game

Step 2: Developer gets bought up by a major company like EA

Step 3: Corporate Overlord promises to be "hands off", provides plenty of cash. Developer can finally realize its true vision. Creates a Sequel that is amazing.

Step 4: Corporate bean counters and executives start to have "ideas" for how to better monetize their new franchise. Original talent in the Developer tells them to fuck off, and leave the company. Corporate overlord brings new "talent" in.

Step 5: Rush out a third game, promise that it is "the end of the story". Game is playable, enjoyable at times, but nowhere near as good as the Second or First games.

Step 6: Corporate overlords demand the franchise continue, because "muh Shekels". A new plot line is shoehorned into the story that makes no sense stylistically, but is used to justify continuing an already ended story.

Step 7: Release 4th Game after spending millions of dollars in advertising and paid hype. Game is a glitch filled monstrosity, and an insult to its predecessors. However, since it still turned a profit, Corporate demands a 5th game get produced. 5th game kills the Franchise for the next 10 years.

Step 8: An independent developer creates an amazing game...

I liked 2 but it was showing obvious signs of EA meddling.

I'm all for a new galaxy and all kinds of planets and shit to explore, but I have no idea what sort of storyline could be fun to play. The first one was great because it was a space opera with that feeling of mystery, rouge agents, and a looming threat. Bioware's writing just keeps getting worse, so I feel like the writing will be some shit like, "Oh no, the reapers were here too afterall!?"

>the M.U.R.R.A.Y. system
brb making an indie game

It shouldn't be hard to make it good but I am certain Bioware will fuck it up massively, unfortunately. Lack of gameplay and internal problems are never a good sign.

i heard the story is "ebil white colonists killing the innocent andromedans"



could it be that they are waiting for battlefield and other big titles to release, then they start showing gameplay

>that doesn't really concern me
Just about all talent leaving and getting replaced with tumblr retards should be concerning in general.

user, that doesn't even make sense.

>series gives you multiple opportunities to commit genocide and kill off characters
>then tries to make you feel bad about other characters getting killed

Holy shit

Some signs, yes, but it was still a very solid game. A lot of the problems 3 has started in 2 and as a middle chapter nothing happened narratively, but judging 2 on it's own, it was quite good.

Will Krogan romances be a thing?

>Hype the normies up with BF1 and only BF1
>Prevent them from thinking about any other releases
>Hype up ME:A after BF1 releases
>Rinse and repeat
Makes sense to me

Isn't Bioware super PC, why hasn't they kicked this fucker out already?

>doing something remotely fun
you must be new here

The multiplayer might be fucking fantastic again. No hope for the single player though.

We need some Mass Effect 1 quality genocide and bants.

I'll show them. I'll wipe out all the Native Andromedans and call it the Paragon ending. Paragon of the human race.

Because discrimination against white straight males isn't racist.

If it has the same level of combat the previous games had and same type of storytelling but with added exploration of planets then I'm in. Really wish they'd fire their animators though holy shit.

>hating whites
>not PC

pick one. i bet you're a FUCKING WHITE MALE.

yeah i was trying to think in terms of an EA jew

hope the mp is good

walters is directing it, 0% chance it'll be good

ME1 and 2 had great bantz. I don't remember much about ME3 for some reason, it did have some nice moments.


There was this in Inquisition.

curry thunder has no effect on the story at all, hes just a loudmouth shitskin on twitter

Story elements were leaked - looks like shit
Alpha animations leaked - looks like shit
It's a BioWare game. Of course it won't. I am still so fucking mad that DA:I could have been so fucking good but it wasn't. God fucking damnit.

Also, if you're not convinced, consider googling "Manveer Heir". He's the lead gameplay designer.

Realistically speaking, it'll probably have some fun points, but the Bioware that created the first Mass Effect no longer exists. It won't be terrible, simply mediocre to okay. And it'll get multiple sequels anyway.

ME3 has the best bantz. Watching Javik fuck with all the "primitives" was great.

whats wrong with walters?

>iron bull

He's one of the two people who wrote the ending.


>our characters have flaws - physical and mental - that's what makes them so great


I literally cannot stop thinking about that ugly buck toothed knife eared nose picking bitch every time I look at this image.

What happened to "blue alien space babes" bros?
What happened?


You know that he wrote the ending to ME3, right?

Maybe I was a little too sour against it to enjoy it properly.

The only moment I remember is the sniping duel with Garrus.

>Best anything

Neck yourself kiddo

I think that has more to do with the frostbite engine desu

it would be easier to count the things that arent wrong with that bald textbook definition of beta male

The WHOLE ME3. Also last half of ME2

He is literally the cause of everything that went to shit with ME's plot.

I thought it was Hudson? I really do not know my shit lol

>changing some values in an ini is illegally hacking

The Bioware forums are comedy gold.


Bioware has been bleeding "talent" for years
so i'd say a small chance of that happening

>tfw only in it for the multiplayer
I think I'm the only one who WON'T be dissappointed

Baldur's Gate

Everything else is trash



I disagree. This cutscene from BF3 looks alright.

>they killed off Emily Wong in a fucking tweet to replace her with this bitch

Still fucking mad

Frostbite is great if you can use it right. Unfortunately, DICE seem to be the only ones who can.

Fat chance

Hating whites IS pc. It's pretty common knowledge

Newsflash lefty, PC is code for anti-white. They don't give a fuck if your "white feelings" are hurt. Now stop invading our safe space and step into the shower.

ME3 multiplayer had a lot of content because they released all the planned DLC for free as damage control, if Andromeda has mp expect it to be full of cashgrab bullshit.

>Story elements were leaked - looks like shit
>Alpha animations leaked - looks like shit
Got a source for any of this or any details of the story atleast and what makes it shit

Jesus Christ.

DICE had previous experience with frostbite. DAI was bioware's first game with the engine so that's why every charterer was a grease ball

>There are people who are even considering a Mass Effect game made by Bioware post 2007

>i heard the story is "ebil white colonists killing the innocent andromedans"
Really? Noice.

why the fuck does everyone like emily wong so much, shes on par with that reporter bitch you can punch

Not sure about the story leaks but here is the alpha.

New antagonist race is Protheans 2.0 - ancient race awakened blah blah blah. Just fucking Google "Mass Effect Andromeda leaked story" and you'll find it in a minute. I've posted several sources in the last fucking threads about this game and refuse to waste another 10 minutes of my life doing something what you can do yourself. It's there.

Anyway heres the leaked Alpha gameplay

Best case scenario?

It will be passable. Which isn't good mind. I don't see it ever getting back to the first one in terms of quality.

I'd see it somewhere between 2 and 3 in terms of quality and spectacle. But again, that's best case scenario, and even then, that's not "Good".

and say what you like about 3, I thought the way it ended would pretty much ensure there would never be any slap dash halfassed Mass Effect sequels ever, because while the ending is a shit show, it is also pretty much impossible to follow up without giving a middle finger to anyone who either liked the ending or hated it.

Honestly they should make a spinoff. A Battlefield clone or an Xcom clone would be great.

The problem isn't frostbite, the problem is Bioware has little in the way of talent left. Their modelers are almost as incompetent as their animators.

you realize it probably looks nothing like that anymore right?

they both locked themselves in a meeting room and basically wrote the abortion of an ending we got.