Am I a hipster if I play the Japanese version of Pokemon Emerald even if I don't speak the language?
Am I a hipster if I play the Japanese version of Pokemon Emerald even if I don't speak the language?
No but you're a faggot
Dunno, but I know for sure you're a faggot.
I attend Princeton University.
Why would you even do that?
why would you even want to do that...
Sup Forums pay attention to meeeeee :3
You're still a faggot.
Because playing the US version in America is too common.
You, sir, are trying too hard.
And you are a massive faggot as well.
I don't understand how your school has an effect on whether or not you are a giant faggot.
You are, regardless of where you go to school.
Spotted the Cornell student. Kek
No you're probably just autistic.
It's the same fucking game.
No. You're just a massive fag
Y tho
>tfw rejected from Stanford
>had to settle for Princeton instead
Because you don't even speak the language. You're just being a pretentious fuck. Also, what does it matter what school you went to? You're still a cock gobbler.
Dude, I go to Princeton. I am pretentiousness incarnate.
No but you are a cuck
I don't understand why...
But to whatever you want.
At least you're not this asshole.
No, you're just fucking retarded.
You're a freshman, aren't you.
Is it easy though?
Ok. You can stop right there. (Assuming you moved into a dorm) You just crawled out of your Parent's protective, fleshy vagina. Your opinion doesn't matter because you're just a kid in his tweens. In regards to how you play Pokemon, you're pretentious and probably have no friends. Now excuse me while I go touch myself inappropriately to the thought of ramming my erect and bulging phallus into your still untouched, tender rectum and then proceed to cover you whole with my sticky love.
Isn't Pokémon in Japanese a pretty good way to practice your Jap, though?
Not if he can't read it or understand it.
How does it feel that my parents are richer than yours and that I have a trust fund? Once I graduate I'll be making more than you ever will.
I only know Latin, English, French, and Greek. I have no understanding of the Japanese language, I just play Pokemon Emerald in Japanese because I am pretentious.
Yeah? Prove it.
No, you're a hipster for playing GBA games and Pokemon Emerald when god tier ORAS exists. baka
you're just weird
like everyone on this website
which is pretty common
you're just weird
like everyone on this website
which is pretty common
>>like everyone on this website
which is pretty common
>>which is pretty common
If I play Pokemon Emerald in Japanese in public, would people call me a douchebag?
No. They'd call you a fag
this reads like a fucking Sup Forums thread.
Can you read or speak Japanese?
Do you understand a shred of Japanese or even read it?
Hell no.
That's why.
unless they know you don't even know Nihongo then no they won't
but I know now
English is mainstream tho
Being very pretentious and very important is the biggest Ivy League meme out there and I must follow it
>>English is mainstream tho
>>English is mainstream tho
>>English is mainstream tho
>>English is mainstream tho
oh yeah sure you can definitely achieve that in campus by playing on your fucking Game Boy hoorah
I'm an Economics major. I already hate my life.
It's called being a weeaboo.
You sound like a stereotypical spoiled kid in a Disney sitcom. Literally a special snowflake.
You should, because you're a pussy.
No you're a weeabo faggot
No, but you are an attention whore.
You're just mad because you didn't get an SAT score of 2330. Loser. Bet you can't even afford the tuition here at Princetom.
I'm in Economics too
I should be graduating this year if I wasn't such a lazy fuck when I first entered and now I'm delayed by two more years
if you truly are in Princeton and you're not just baiting
fucking get serious already
your quality of life will increase tenfold
You can't either. Your parents are paying for your tuition.
rofl the selfsuck is real
So? At least I go to the best Uni in the world.
I know, senpai. To be honest, I hate it here. It's too fucking cold and the gothic buildings are retarded as fuck. I wish I went to Stanford.
it sure as fuck isn't easy
What do you mean "so?" quit flaunting money YOU don't have. You're a fag who is still suckling on his dad's tit.
Actually, my mom's the breadwinner, you cuck. My dad's a house husband with a medical degree.
lol ok. So your dad is a jobless cuck just like you. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
if you really know then why haven't you done it already?
oh right
you're in the self-loathing I hate the world just kill me now phase
it's okay man I hate college too
which is why you have to learn to live and strive for yourself and just kill the noise
and please try to ease up on your parents by doing good in school
it's the least you can do
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I got rejected from Stanford. Two years after the fact and it still fucking hurts. My older sister went to Harvard for her undergrad and Stanford for her MBA. Do you even know how it feels to be the disappointment of the family? Shit hurts, man.
I used to jerk off into her panties when I was a teen tho
Desu, this thread is shit
Did you just make this thread to brag about yourself?
I usually go on /lit/, so I'm already an elitist by nature.
This thread is probably the most pathetic thread I've seen all week.
What are your political views? This is important to how much I hate you.
Good language choices, though.
>> so I'm already an elitist by nature.
Top fucking kek.
I think Trump is a great man.
Care to explain why? You're probably a sad loser who went to Cornell or Dartmouth lmao
You probably can't eithr.
Your parents money doesn't count if you can't live life without relying on their hard work. You're a faggot incarnate
You're still a hipster fag who fell for the collegiate Jew, but at least you're not a shitlib. I hate you a little bit less.
If your parents disappeared overnight with no money for you to support yourself you'd kill yourself in a week because you can't handle real life without mommy and daddy.
Yeah. I'm a Princeton student who secretly wants to inseminate his older sister.
>Do you even know how it feels to be the disappointment of the family?
yes I do
I got caught for weed and cheating on exams in high school
failed motherfucking college algebra three times which is why I'm so delayed
failed trigonometry once
failed physics and chemistry twice
even shifted to Psychology and failed horribly there so I went back to Economics
last sem was the first ever sem in my stay in college where I didn't fail a single subject and it's pretty much revived my hopes
and jesus fuck man I'm in a third world country
you have infinitely better chances of outliving half the world
start with what you have and go from there
And ching chong nip nong to you young lady
lol wot.
No one cares about what college you go to, but top tier fetish.
Because it's an RPG which means you need to be able to read the fucking text.
>This entire fucking thread
Incest is probably the most /lit/ fetish out there.
You must be memeing.
What did he mean by this? I am not a baiter, I am simply a Princeton student who used to jerk off into his older sister's panties when she was gone from home.
n-no! y-you! BAKA!
It's okay user-kun. I wanted ORAS to be god-tier too but it just wasn't meant to be. Accept my friend, accept it wasn't as good and move on.