What game do you plan to play today? I don't have anything in mind myself

What game do you plan to play today? I don't have anything in mind myself.

is that a wedding cake made of chips and gravy?

It's a Poutine instead of a marriage cake.

Well I finished Psychonauts yesterday (fuck those final platforming sections)
So I will probably either play Shadowrun hongkong or dragonfall. Hong kong seems like the better story so far so I'll probably play that

I don't play I just browse Sup Forums

Finishing RE Revelation 2


Maybe Paragon, maybe Overwatch.

Sat around playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided and Resident Evil 4. It's been a good day.

I haven't played RE5 since it came out and I did not like it then, played through 4 like 30 times though. Do you think it's worth picking up again after I'm done with this playthrough?

Bless Putin

The only thing poutine is missing is some kind of meat in it.

Then it would be 10/10

I'm going to play Deus Ex, take down that frieghter in the Boston shipyard.

Maybe later Mechcommander, then Master of Orion II later tonight when the girlfriend and I cuddle up in the smoke room to watch horror movies

Pulled pork would be ideal because gravy.


add bacon and pepperoni slices and it will be better

More TQAE.
I'd forgotten how miserable the unmodded droprate was.
SoulVizier and Diablo 3 have spoiled me.

It'll kill you, though.


would you believe it helps? I don't do horror movies or games, she does. But DUDEWEEDLMAO and having someone else in the room is how I finally beat Call of Pripyat.

I am thinking at what game on the Gamecube (that I would emulate) would be the most fun to use cheat at.
I played some Second Sight which I finished for the third time, messed around with cheats,

I think people tend to overstand overrate the difficulty of the meat circus, I barely any trouble with it while a level in Super Mario galaxy with the ball kicked my ass for 4 hours.

Those already exists.

One of my personnal fav of mine is onion/steak addup.

Topping pepper, ketchup, bit of vineagar and sriracha.

Gonna play some yakuza 3 and midnight club 2 then I'm gonna pick up gta 4 and final fantasy xiii

I found my disc for DUB edition yesterday. My goodness Midnight Club was a great series
That soundtrack and just zooming around an empty city is how I survived my parents divorce.

Blacklight Retribution

Dark Souls 3


Uncharted 4

Grand Theft Auto 5