Dan is moving to giant bomb east, in other words giant bomb east is now the better of the two

Dan is moving to giant bomb east, in other words giant bomb east is now the better of the two.
Giant bomb thread.

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He's going back west.

>You will live to see dan and vinny regularly play games together
Jesus christ someone pinch me

Never mind, I'm a faggot.


They're gonna need someone with a fuckton of energy at West, Vinny and then Dan were the ones keeping that place from falling asleep on itself.

They also need a fourth hire for East Mario Party Parties

Now we just need to kick out Alex and the Shenmue Endurance run won't be spoiled by his shitty attitude and terrible sense of humor.

>jeff confirmed on twitter they are not hiring danny o'cucker and will have applications soon to fill dan's spot

Thank fuck.

>Alex will always be there

>Vice Gaming is literally all the Giant Bomb SJW rejects


>mfw persona 5 endurance run is all but confirmed
alex might ruin it but vinny and dan might save it

>tfw appreciate alex more now that fatso has left to follow patrick
He's really not that bad
And he's perfect for the endurance run, he's actually watching and remembers what to do. Couple minutes in vinny and dan don't listen to the characters and don't hear what to do, only alex was listening so he repeats it. His autisim is finally good for something

He's really not that bad. He's certainly the weakest member of the current GB crew but I've never understood why so many people hate him.

Why does Vinny always get paired with dead weight?

because half of the shit he says its about he's a huge fucking loser/depressed man, i get trying to play that on but jesus its not funny

I wonder how awful the replacement at GB West will be.

70% of GB seems like dead weight.

who enjoying Shenmue endurance run here?

Dan, Vinny and Alex are ultimate comfy for this, and the weather today is super grey and dark so it's perfect

He at least somewhat knows when to shut up, Austin was slightly better but would prattle on and on about bullshit.


They're severely lacking a token sjw now so they will have to fill that spot.

>tfw in the near future there will be an episode of the Giant Bombcast where everyone falls asleep during recording and they just upload it as is anyway because fuck it editing eats up nap time hours

Cards against humanity is all about triggering normies.
Explain your point coherently or leave my thread.

they dont need a sperg in GBWest
they'll probably have that other Jeff or that other Brad to play with them.

vinny elevates everything

>that tranny game designer feature on gbeast followed up by the quick look ex featuring phil fucking fish on gbwest

this fucking garbage

I wouldn't mind a Jeff/Jason combo for P5, but I agree GBEast would be a better fit at this point.

I hope gamespot closes so they can grab the kish.

gotta fell some diversity Quotas if you live in San Francisco or work for CBS.

Did people actually believe Gamespot would let O'Dwyer leave?

>still listening to anything giant bomb related when EZA is a thing now

>Jeff/Jason combo

Oh God, please be joking. Jason is absolutely the worst, he has no personality, just constantly trying to fit in with the GB crew, always trying to copy Jeffisms.

He is leaving though

He is leagues better then Dan "HAHAHAHAAAA FUCKYOU" Ryckert or Alex "suicide" Navarro.

>they allowed Phil fucking Fish of all people to come back

What is that

"Watch new friendship simulators, but keep the old. One is silver, the other is gold."

>shenmue endurance run


His only brand of comedy is shitty sarcastic comments you'd find on any message board. He's awful behind the mic but they'll never get rid of him because he'd never find work in the industry outside of GB.

>ywn be Drew x Kish
he announced it
Gamespot is dying

GB West

>Drew (probably off soon to fly airplanes)
>Rorie ("What are we talking about?")

GB East

>Jeff (Blacklabar, for the podcast)

I can see it.

no he's not. Jason has no personality of his own.

Dan has energy and makes everyone else wake up, and at least Alex has been in the industry for a long time so knows how to get other people to talk even if everything he says himself is about how he wants to die

Danny was there five years. About time he leaves for something more substantial.

I hope Drew flies away into happiness away from that place.

I would like to see for comedic purposes Jeff and Brad stuck just talking to Rorie on podcasts for eternity, while Rorie's speech becomes increasingly more slurred and unintelligible as each year passes.

I agree Jason is a bit bland but you seem to be under the flawed basis that a dull or nonexistent personality is some how better than a bad one. If you are shitty, you are worse then someone who amounts to nothing.

Is the Persona 4 endurance run worth it? Someone spoiled the ending to the game for me but I really wanna see some good Jeff and Vinny content

>bring back Vinny
>send that piece of shit Jason Oestreicher

never ever

it is literally the quintecential jeff and vinny content, it gets dry on the dungeons especially if you played the games and see all their mistakes but its worth it nonethelless, use the dungeons as white noise while you play something else if i were you

Will jeff and vinny play persona 5?

>tfw no more Dave x Vinny x Drew

Drew moving east would be the dream tbqh

>You will never be such a cuck that you accept getting bought out by the company that fired you for not falling in line
Hope that money helps you get lube so you can prep the Gamespot bull Jeff

>jason with anybody

pls no.
Jason is the most bland and boring fucker to ever walk the earth.

Persona 4 ER is the best thing about Giantbomb.
After that it's the simulation/flight crew QLs.

>its Tuesday September 4th 2046
>7 years after the San AndreasFault EarthQuake hit the west coast turning it into a wasteland
>Jeff" cop stabbing" .zone, Brad " the Shoe Maker" ShoeMaker and Mat "rorie" rorie were still broadcasting their daily show about an old entertainment method called "videogames"

RIP Random PC Game and Flight Club

>video game personalities

Is the move to East actually official?
I thought he was just on vacation in NY or something.

>It's a Rorie being a bonafide autist episode

yeah I thought last time he was on the beastcast he said he was moving back out west after his vacation.

I thought he was just there for Summerslam and some other events

He was talking about going back to California soon though it wasn't clear if that meant permanently or not

who think Rorie is capable of being in front of a camera or being able to speak into a mic?

he doesn't make sense in the way normal human beings do. he acts like an old man with dementia like 80% of the time

>Heading to the airport after another fantastic PAX. Looking forward to my final months in San Francisco before the big move!
I guess this means he goes to GB East later?

>This winter, I'll be moving to NYC and joining Giant Bomb East. I'll miss the crew in SF, and we'll do plenty of fun stuff before I leave.
Well, fuck.
Guess this means OG GB will become the ultimate sleeping pill.

he's moving back to Kansas to establish Giant Bomb Flyover

but muh geoff
he's based, even though he got bought out by a corporation and is a corporate lapdog that lost all soul since getting bought out

>its autists judging a fellow autist for not being a good actor infront of the camera
would love to see u niggers do this for a living.

>Dan + Drew + Vinny Kerbal Space Program


I was listening to a podcast from 2008, Jeff says something about a videogame forum and the first thing Vinny says was Sup Forums

it's not that he's not good in front of a camera.

the man cannot speak, and what's more acts like he thinks the way he speaks.

At least I don't walk outside wearing mismatched shoes, Matthew.

Nah man fuck Jason.

>Dan leaving Giant Bomb West

That's a bummer. He keeps Jeff in top form and Brad and Drew play well off of him. The Mario Party Parties are hilarious.

They're corporate lapdogs now, they can't go on the problematic Sup Forums, need to get upvotes on reddit and twitter

>people unironically liking Dan now

The fuck happened?

Drew moving East ->
Jeff moving East ->
Alex moving West

Yes, it's amazing. I occasionally repeat it and it still makes me laugh. Some of the best inside jokes.

You can skip the dungeons if you want to, but you might miss some story content. It does get a bit slow at times.

Considering he and Jason revitalized the site after the depressing nightmare that was the year after Ryan's death, yeah, I've always liked him.

rykert is listenable but its baffling how stupid he really is for being some kind of new age hipster weirdo. as long as bakalar stays in the mix gbeast will still be a go to for me. gwest is basically fucking rip now. unless hearing brad "nuke japan" shoemaker whisper into the mic over and over and shutting down conversation topics is your idea of a good podcast.

It's the best Let's Play, with Pokecapn's Sonic 2006 LP.

They all hate San Francisco, probably all of them are moving East soon

Drew will leave to become a rich pilot, and Mary will be left behind as she becomes an aged middle aged woman

They already filmed the entire Endurance Run, according to Dan's twitter, so Alex will be in all of them.

Jason was only good when Dan rekt him at almost every fighting game. Outside of that Jason is boring as fuck.

study this post closely
this "only the liberal states even matter! central america (80% total pop) is just a bunch of hicks! XD" attitude
it's why trump will win

Pls do not bully the puppy fucker.

He drink himself retarded.

Oh, hello there. Hi.

It's friday. Also known as unprofessional VICEday. My name is Austin Walker and I'm joined BY... the elite... the professionals... the TALENT and former members of GiantBomb.com

I hope Shenmue being an 'official' ER means daily updates.


Brad being back with Vinny would also be great

I'm not even from North America.

We are talking about video games

That guy's a moron but let's not go crazy here, user.

I like how weird Rorie is though. Not enough to want him around regularly but just a pinch of Rorie here or there is fun, he's such a fucking weirdo.

lol he shaved his head because he wants to be Vinny

He had a cancerous growth on the back of his I think. Also he was going bald.

Dave and Vinny were the best combo the site ever had.

>There are people that don't like Dan


Yeah. At first it seemed like he shaved because he had a stye and went full on for the Big Boss look with an eyepatch, but he mentioned in passing once that he had a "gross thing" surgically removed from the back of his head.

remember teenagers
if you want to know what video games you should buy; listen to only fat, middle aged, cynics who hate their jobs almost as much as they hate themselves.