What are some Sup Forums approved podcasts? Vidya or otherwise
What are some Sup Forums approved podcasts? Vidya or otherwise
2 Good Boys
MechaGamezilla's Mean Bean Machine
>listening to people talk about video games
For what purpose?
>going to Sup Forums
>needing the approval of others, at least in your private life
that being memed, SuperBestFriendsCast
I want to like it but every time I hear woolie talk it's like I am getting stabbed in the ear. I think it's a combination of his fake hype faggot bullshit and his stupidity. Weird combination of second hand embarrassment and anger
I don't listen to any vidya podcasts so this is a good thread. Other shows:
>The Daily Shoah
>Fash the Nation
>Wolf 359
TOVG cast is pretty good.
Man you sound like a clump of fun. But yeah, Woolie needs to clear his throat permanently
How anyone can stomach the amount of asinine pomposity and pretentious twaddle from these fucknuts is beyond my comprehension. Maybe it's a deep subconscious desire to feel superior by listening to cynical middle-aged slobs wank over who hates the newest game more or who can be the bigger contrarian in the room without sounding like a 18 year old film student tell us why Citizen Kane "is the worst film ever made."
fuck your own asshole with a cheesegrater and stop posting non-video game content on here.
Easy Allies podcast for optimism and Friendcast for dumb bullshit to fill my work hours.
you're not wrong. I tune in for Pat, mainly.
*subject to fluctuation based on fartgas, pizza pasta stories and gunjumping.
>its a Woolie talks about a gay ass room escape he did episode
>its a Liam defends the worst practices in the videogame industry and gets butthurt if you don't agree episode
>its a Pat is being a shitass just to be a shitass episode
>its a epsiode with Matt in it
This is the only podcast I listen to. I started mostly because some in-jokes from it started spilling into their LPs (also the only LP channel I follow) and I wanted context.
I don't regret it. I can understand how someone wanting vidya and only vidya wouldn't like it, but at that point I'd ask why you're listening to a podcast in the first place.
Easy Allies is pretty decent but Ian is such a shitter he makes everything unwatchable
That's why I like the rotating guests. I only have to endure his faggotry once in a while.
I prefer to be able to understand what the hosts are saying.
he really ruins everything he's in, ESPECIALLY tabletop
They speak English, you know.
Sorry to hear you live in a bubble, you're missing out on a lot of great stuff.
If only you did a podcast so we could enjoy your wit and insight instead
sleepycast for anything that i would be doing for more than two hours
>Dan is going to GB east permanently this winter
One step closer to having the bombcast be tolerable again. Jason needs to be removed and Jeff needs to host again.
Is there any vidya podcast that isn't full of faggots, sjws, betas and or numales? I usually listen to total biscuit's just because i'm familiar with him, dodger and jessie cox already, but they can be cringy at times, and there's barely any disagreement between them so it gets pretty boring. And the guests are almost always fags
>1) GB
>2) GB
>3) GB
>4) GB
>5) GB
All else is trash.
I don't understand why you'd subject yourself to this.
>reading anons talk about video games
For what purpose?
I need something to listen to for 2 to 3 hours while doing work, podcast are perfect for it
Outside of vidya shit usually I'll listen to:
>Ricky Gervais XFM podcasts, fucking hilarious
>Bill Burr's, even though he's rarely funny anymore and I'm getting sick of his sjw shit
>Dick Masterson's, which is pretty alright overall
What else is there that's remotely funny or interesting and not full of faggots?