>Tfw fell for the PC gaming meme
>Tfw every popular Steam game server is inhabited by Russians who refuse to speak the lingua franca (English) even on queues for English speaking countries
>Tfw keep getting spam friend requests from guys with Russian names and no games and no profile picture
>Tfw every Russian has some sort of "WWW.CSGOSKINS.RU" in their name on every game
Guess it's back to consoles.
Tfw fell for the PC gaming meme
Other urls found in this thread:
>things that never happened
>He said something I don't like he must be trolling
You're the OP
I know. That much was obvious. What a retard you are. Are you a Slav?
хeх нaйc мeм
more like you blatantly lied
>referring to yourself in 3rd person
It's almost as if there's more out there than csgo and garbage dota 2
>PCcucks pretending Steam isn't flooded with dirty foreigners
Wipe Gabe's cum out of your eyes real quick.
>Play on Steam
>Everyone is a Slav or South American
>Play on a console
>Everyone is an Aryan male from a civilized country
So....this.....is.......the power............of............ PC gaming.....................................
>believing any free service isn't flooded with dirty foreigners
PC community is by far the worst.
Full of 3rd world shitters
Anyone want to trade a game for my Black ops 2?
I accidentally bought an extra and now I'll take anything decent for it.
>lingua franca
American education.
Paying for online is a good thing. It filters out poorfag third world trash.
>play on PC
>contract aids
>switch back to consoles
>dick grows 5 inches overnight
PCucks btfo
>Being a dumb American who only knows English
>English is not the lingua franca of the world today
Who are you kidding kukboy?
>a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different.
Whoa, I never realized that there were retards in the US. And here I thought it was impossible for every nationality to have a group of retarded individuals with access to the internet.
I don't know about you, but I ran into a lot of hoodrats on ps3
>top 2 games in russia are the games they completely shit on the economy for
>Speaking the lingua franca (English) on this board, despite it being full of non english speaking states
>Claiming English is not the lingua franca
Europoor education.
delete!!! delete!!!
It's literally not America's fault that "lingua franca" became an expression with a meaning other than the literal meaning of its words. That's just human language being flawed and retarded as usual.
Yeh enjoy that PS4 brick OP. You must really like your multiplat machine.
>Doesn't know a basic high school tier definition
Jesus Christ do you live in Mogadishu or someplace with no school system?
A lingua franca /ˌlJŋɡwə ˈfræŋkə/[1] also known as a bridge language, common language, trade language or vehicular language, is a language or dialect systematically (as opposed to occasionally, or casually) used to make communication possible between people who do not share a native language or dialect, particularly when it is a third language that is distinct from both native languages.[2]
Then why'd you pretend it wasn't? Make up your mind.
>Sup Forums is one person
If you play garbage like csgo and dota 2 then of course you're going to run into garbage players. Why are you pretending like those are the only games on PC? You're either "trolling" or shitposting. Pick your poison.
In all seriousness, why is Steam full of Russians? Why do they ruin every game they play in large numbers? Why don't they queue in their own servers?
>play steam
>everyone russian,brazilian or turk
>play on console
>everyone nigger or fat
>play on nintendo
>everyone japan
>play on mobile
>that totally wasn't me! honest!
Don't you have some early access games to buy?
Nigga there's 34 posts and 20 posters. You're fueling your shit thread. Is it really so hard to believe that 3 people of 20 think you're a retard?
Cause they are the only games on pc that aren't multiplats or "godview point and click inventory management" games
The only point in getting a powerfull pc is emulation. Kind of ironic if you ask me
I didn't realize the entirety of PC players were handicapped by your ignorance.
>playing garbage games
>not playing superior single player
>Finally get to play KF2
>Russians/Ukrainians/Polacks everywhere
>shout, spam in chat and insult players
>join language specific servers and ignore server rules
>don't co-operate, ignore team mates or trying to actively kill them, griefing/trolling players
>uninstalled after a 6 weeks
No fucking point in further playing the game since every encounter with them was almost the same and a 60/70% chance of encountering them. Same with other online games. Feels like Steam was invaded by all the fucking riff-raff in the world with a toaster that can run Steam.
Also don't forget Russians/Ukrainians are the ones constantly trying to rip people off in TF2, sharking and even duplicating items, actively trying to destroy the community they infest.
We need a new iron curtain, a physical and digital one
CS:GO is on consoles too you retard.
Name 6 games that don't involve what I described in my post.
Then what the fuck is? English has worked wonders for me so far.
>visiting yurop
>country I'm in doesn't speak English even as a secondary language
>go in some mom&pop hole in the wall bookshop
>it's in a dreary basement
>I'm the only customer
>shopkeepers still speak English
>they even have a small collection of English books
Dominions 4
Mount and Blade Warband
Space Engineers
CK2/Vicky/HoI/any gsg/4x
In case you're going to get super autistic about any perspective that isn't first or over the shoulder
STALKER series
Slavs should be eradicated, apart from Czechs and Estonians.
>2 Mediocre strategy games
>3 Early access/Survival cancer for 10 year olds
The only decent ones are Stalker and Insurgency.
Mount and blade would count if it weren't incredibly inferior to Medieval: total war, the sequel looks decent though.
I stated this before in another thread, but if you don't care for strategy or early access/survival trash there's no point in owning a pc.
>judging a game on anything other than itself
Literally tumblr
I left out tons of rpgs, roguelikes, and lesser known titles because no matter what I say you'd find something to bitch about since it's impossible for you to be wrong.
Literally just the first things I'm seeing in my steam list
Cities XL
Cortex Command
Darkest Dungeon
Just Cause series
Payday 2 (before it died)
STALKER series
Endless Legend
Civ 5 (implying Endless Legend isn't better)
Towerfall Ascension
Risk of Rain
Portal series
And thousands and thousands more, there are more games than just volvo's shitty hat simulators.
It's not that it's impossible for me to be wrong, it's simply that that entire library doesn't cater to my tastes.
I don't like top down point and click shit.
I don't like the strategy genre.
I don't like inventory management rpg's.
I like many genres, I still play a shitton of ps2 games every week. Those involve fast-paced fun. The typical "pc" games (actually every single one you listed except insurgency) are slow-paced and that's just not what I'm looking for in a game.
Each to his own in the end, and for me, that's not what most pc games are.
>hating entire genre's
That's you're own fucking problem dude. And really, a system is not defined by a small handful of it's games. It's like saying the WiiU is bad because you don't like Mario.
CS:GO was originally made for consoles.
Bringing it to PC was a later decision
I don't hate it, I played a handful of strategy games. I just don't like it enough to go play the more niche ones.
Most PC exclusives are slow paced. That's why I don't like them.
I like fast paced/Arcade games most.
Console exclusives are nearly all in that area while the opposite is true for pc ones.
Don't be mad at me for not liking what you like.
Also mario isn't a genre, a better way to put it is saying that you don't like the wiiU cause you don't like platformers or action games. You see, that's most of the wiiU library, if you take those out there's no real reason to own one.
Let's see all those console danmaku games
>learn all the languages of the world to play games on pc
>otherwise u a dumb american moran
>Buying a dedicated gaymen peecee to play danmaku games
That shit runs on a 10 year old macbook running 3 windows virtual machines with a different version at the same time.
>Guess it's back to consoles.
for what?
PC's just have an abundance of strategy because it's nearly impossible to have a strategy game that's played with a controller.
The only issue here is you're specifically requesting non-multiplats, which really thins out everything that isn't a strategy game, because non-stratagy's are easier to multiplat.
That said:
Strike Vector
Most classic shooters
Tribes series
Enter the Gungeon
Binding of Issac series
Trackmainia series
Half life series
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
I want to say the Metro series but I feel like that's got ported at some point
EYE: Divine Cybermancy
This is more second person actually, which I don't think you can possibly refer to yourself in.
(You) still have aids.
You can, it's just kinda weird.
I was giving an example of an entire genre that has the elements you like.
First off, binding of isaac and gungeon and at least a few trackmanias are multiplats.
Also metro got indeed ported.
Other games are actually more my taste this time, I even played 3 of them and went so far to put ziggurat on my wishlist.
Thanks for the good stuff.
>it's simply that that entire library doesn't cater to my tastes
>2 Mediocre strategy games
>3 Early access/Survival cancer for 10 year olds
Certainly sounds like they don't cater to your taste rather than blanket shitting on anything you don't care for.
Have you tried playing games other than Dota?
and I replied to you that the point of this all is that there's no real point in getting a dedicated gaming pc for danmaku games
My bad, I haven't had a console since the Gamecube, It's a little hard to tell what gets multiplat'd sometimes.
You're right, and there's more on PC than danmaku games.
We're making a full circle here user
There's more on PC that is in your tastes than danmaku.
Yes, they're called multiplats
>I like fast paced/Arcade
>Console exclusives are nearly all in that area
Like what?
You're right, anything you don't know about doesn't exist. My mistake.
He's in too deep
Nearly every single ps1 game.
Nearly every single ps2 game.
Here are my favorite ps3 ones:
littlebigplanet 1/2
Ratchet and clank (first 3 or 4 up till crack in time)
Demon's souls
Katamari series
As for the current generation, so far pc has nothing for me to offer, even though my piss4 has been collecting a shit ton of dust as well, it's mostly cause all vidya games are shit these days, but here are my 3 out of 5 games that I own on it that I love and are exclusive:
Infamous: Second son
Bloodborne (this is currently my favourite game post ps2/gamecube era)
One Piece: Burning blood (this might have actually gotten a port, but it's koei so it's one of the few multiplats better on consoles)
If you want me to list the ps1 and ps2 games just give me a reply and I'll fill your emulator backlog up.
>Play HTC Vive
>eveyone is either a white male or an asian
it's like gaming 15 years ago. it's glorious
Really, I'm going to argue any Xbox or Nintendo game since you apparently only own Playstations, and emulating is 10x easier than hunting down obscure overpriced stuff on eBay.
>I play single player games because everyone's better than me at multiplayer games.
Well those games are surely fast paced. Especially Demons Souls.
Furthermore do you honestly believe that for 20 years PC didn't have any good platformers / action games?
>because everyone's better than me at multiplayer games.
Where did I say that? I was saying it was a good way to avoid a cancerous community because there isn't one.
Oh sorry my bad!
>someone apologizing on Sup Forums
I also own every single nintendo handheld and fell for the wii meme. Don't own anything microsoft and really it's all playstations cause as a kid my friends got a playstation, I'm not going to be the retarded kid with an xbox playing by myself. The best console is the one your friends got.
so here's some for that: Batallion wars 2, mario galaxy 1 (second one was good but it was so damn easy it got boring near the end), smash bros brawl, rythm heaven fever and donkey kong country returns.
Action/arcade style games are a dying genre for some reason, 95% of the AAA games released these days are either cinematic trash or filled with bugs.
For your last question: No, I'm simply stating that it has less to offer.
>Battalion wars
Muh nigga
Also games in general are dying, it's not really limited to certain platforms. E.T.2 WHEN?
>he plays on public servers with randoms instead of finding a good server with active admins who ban douchebags and people who dont use english in chat
your fault for being a retard
>tfw battalion wars and battlefield: modern combat for the ps2 are the only games of the strategy genre where you can actually control any of your characters of your troops
I came playing both these games, just thinking how there'll probably never be another one like it makes me angry
console gayming even worse.
you are the reason of problem
>No, I'm simply stating that it has less to offer.
You actually stated that nearly all console exclusives are fast paced, which is not really true, or at least not more fast paced than what PC had to offer way back (we agree that today games are slow as fuck)
While it's not nearly the same, Brutal Legend had the ability to fight BESIDE your troops
Also controlling your troops in BL was a nightmare.
I think it's more that pc games during and before the 6th console generation (ps1 era) are still fast paced (mostly fps like doom and return to castle wolfenstein), but after that it shifts nearly completely to consoles, at least for me.
When I was a kid and went to the store to get a game I'd be happy with over 90% of the entire rack of games.
It makes me sad that if I would go to the store now only 5% would actually make me have fun, and only 1% would make me cum while at least 30% of those 90% of ps2 games would give me the ability to paint my house with my cum.