What's your favorite FF from the main series?
For some reason IV really does it for me, despite using the "I thought you died!" -"I got better" thing a bunch of times
What's your favorite FF from the main series?
For some reason IV really does it for me, despite using the "I thought you died!" -"I got better" thing a bunch of times
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IV was good until every little thing started relating to Cecil in some way. The rest of your party matters less and less compared to Cecil as the game progresses, not usefulness wise but story wise.
Favorite has to be VI. Ensemble cast, and it felt like the "lead" role changed halfway through the game. Music, story, environment were good for its time. I don't understand why VI hasn't been rereleased or remastered in some way, would love a 3d interpretation like IV got
Probably VI. FFIV has my favorite combat of the series and one of the few times that the female characters had good development. But the story is one of the dumbest I've seen in gaming history. So I can't claim its my favorite.
FFVI, while not being perfect, still had a strong female character and at least a decent story. And I like its fusion of Victorian steampunk and classical fantasy. It also just knows when to be funny and not take itself seriously, while FFIV went so far in the other direction it became a joke.
For the record, FFVIII used to be my favorite. But after recently replaying it, I just couldn't get over how they ruined Squall the instant you put in Disk 3. At the end of Disk 2, he acts like Rinoa is a child and everyone else is holding him down. The instant you put in Disk 3, all he does is whine about Rinoa.
Final Fantasy 4, 5, 6 or 9. All the games are good but those 4 are my favorites.
Currently replaying this rom hack of FF4 as I never played the SNES version.
>For those looking now, this is my attempt at at taking Project II and renaming the items, spells, and monsters to a more traditional naming, and matching, if possible, the names used in modern releases of Final Fantasy IV.
FF6 is still my favorite, though I haven't played most of the 3d ones yet. I'm waiting for 9 and 10 to go on sale.
its unanimous then, 6 is the GOAT Final Fantasy game
I'm partial to V but I know it's not exactly a popular opinion.
VII and IX but they may be influenced by nostalgia goggles. V after those which I know isn't nostalgia.
4 is probably my least favourite next to 2 and I don't know why it's regarded so highly. The plot is absolute balls and it has the shallowest gameplay out of the entire series.
>I don't know why it's regarded so highly
It was many peoples first FF, and in many cases first RPG period.
At least we can all agree 4 is better than its sequel.
Nothing wrong with V
Stop being a pansy faggot and just say you love 7 and 9. Screw whatever everyone else thinks.
Liking any FF game is an unpopular opinion on Sup Forums. Just wait. Soon this thread will turn into a FFVI hate fest just because people said they liked it.
FF5 is great. Never think differently.
Unpopular opinion but I'm going to go with Final Fantasy VIII. Liked Squall, the battle system, the world, junctioning (could be better balanced), the visuals, OST, and world. Mind it's the only one I've finished, but I've gotten far into the others (final boss of X, a fair ways into disc 2 of VII, a ways into IV, and at some point on disc 2 of IX). I imagine my opinion will change someday.
XII. For real, not baiting. I liked the gameplay, the music and the world was amazing. The plot was not that bad, just the ending that felt rushed. I'm sure if Matsuno wasn't separated from HIS game Vaan, Penelo and the plot would have been way better.
legends say that it's always the first you've played
VI is best
Nothing wrong with liking XII either.
Matsuno is a genius. Too bad it was ruined by other factors, but it is still enjoyable.
You have excellent taste.
thank you
probably the time it was released
games in 1990 didnt really have a real story
I would agree but you lost me at 9.
Just awful.
V definitely, 6 is also up there.
Gonna end up playing 9 and 12 and see if anything changes. Though i heard mixed things about 12.
Should I play the 10 remake or no?
Whats changed besides the faces
What's wrong with 9?
Probably 9, but I'll always have a soft spot for 1.
A random battle in FFIX is longer than most full FF games.
What the hell were they thinking?
It makes me laugh how not a single one of you hipsters mention either of the best and most popular FF games X and VII.
That's it?
I love FFX, but didn't think much to FFVII.
X was not good. I didn't like it at the time and I don't like it now.
X and VII are definitely the best. VI is either tied or perhaps slightly better.
Nothing wrong with these hipsters have different choices though.
FF8 is the best and sadly there hasn't been a single JRPG since it was released that was even remotely good.
>that music
>those character designs
>that triple triad
>that world building
>that comfy balamb garden
>that final battle
so fucking good.
probably FFX
2nd FF7
3rd FF5
X is quite literally almost worse than XIII.
Well not really, nothing is that bad, i just didn't feel like i was having fun playing X, couldn't even finish it.
Look at these hot opinions coming through
I loved 9, but one thing that bothers me about it is how the characters go into these big fuck off monologues and then don't emotionally mature in any actual way.
The worst was garnet who decides to face adversity and then puss out at the first sign of it 15 thousand times. Runner up for zidane who discovers he doesn't have to face anything alone then fucks off by himself.
13's not even bad. I'd rather play it than X, at least the battle system in 13 is fun.
It's unfortunate that the game was so easy to break. I beat the final boss in a few minutes by having Squall spam hit limit break every turn (8 hits at 9999 damage plus a 8 hit finisher also at 9999 damage = quick fight). Still a fantastic game desu.
what is that supposed to mean?
FFIX, IV and VII. However I really like the setting and themes of Final Fantasy II in addition how all the world is connected up.
>FF8 is the best and sadly there hasn't been a single JRPG since it was released that was even remotely good.
I like FFVIII, but you're a total idiot. The worst Suikoden or Dragon Quest game is still better than the best FF game.
ffy has the most comfy music
*whoops I meant VIII not VII.
Does she ever contribute anything meaningful? I got twenty hours into FFXII and I swear she was just a tag-along kid with next to no personality.
I like Suikoden but you're an idiot. Suikoden 4 isn't better than anything. I don't really enjoy Dragon Quest but I don't have anything against them, they just don't appeal to me.
You misspelled Vaan.
>Started playing Final Fantasy IV
>Best loli Rydia comes in
>remember something I heard years ago that she gets older
>started remembering a few other things too
Hasn't completely ruined the game but certainly hindered it
Favorite FF, I honestly couldn't say. I put a lot of time into FFVI but on my most recent playthrough once I got to the world of ruin I got very bored of it. I don't know, I feel like some parts the developers just got real lazy with. Maybe I'll play V at some point
Neither character did anything, my question is still valid.
pls no bully
Not really. Her purpose was to follow vaan, for obvious reasons. It's a dumb reason but at least it was a reason.
Vaan has no purpose whatsoever.
And? You can do that with literally any final fantasy in a random battle. 13 honestly requires more strategy towards the end that most other titles.
Yes it's just buff debuff and then chain them, but you're comparing it to a series where the strategy is "use your strongest attack then heal"
If that webm was for FF10 it would just show a guy holding down X with quick hit selected.
no. they were shoehorned in because the japanese audience would hate a main protag over the age of 20
ff ix is love
ff ix is life
but i love them all except for vii and the mmos
Both Vaan and Penelo are tag along characters. But Penelo at least had a couple touching moments and character development. Shes like Selphie in FFVIII.
Vaan had nothing except 'I wanna be a pirate yay!'
6 is best. It is the penultimate jRPG, a giant opera with obvious italian influence and grandiose mixed with fantasy and magic. It's filled to the brim with content and secrets, drama and laughs, tech and skill based gameplay(up until you over-level or break the game with magicite). And it's not incredibly slow paced like the 3d games.
FF6>FF4>After Years>FF5
Those 4 are all pretty great though.
>You can do this with any FF
>Being this wrong
Vaan wants to be a sky pirate and leave his shitty little town. Then he gets in with a sky pirate and royalty and sees it as a chance to make something of himself. He starts emulating balthier and basch a little bit and towards the end of the game is the guy encouraging ashe in half the cutscenes.
I don't like him but he does way more than penelo.
Maybe it's cause i never played it, but some of these characters aside from Balthier and Fran look really forgettable.
But it's an improvement.
This is a valid tactic in pretty much any final fantasy bar XII where you can leave the room.
The ironic thing being you can't really do that for XIII seeing as you're not going to get very far without pressing L1 occasionally.
who is the artist from this? I like this a lot.
III (japanese III). it's simple both in plot and concept but it's fun and just really nice to play through, besides i like that it doesn't revolve around 1 main character so much as the whole group. job system is great.
the ds remake is very good because it helps bring the whole thing to life a bit more.
Firstly, I'm not sure you understand what penultimate means. More on topic though I don't really see how you can praise 6's battle system when it's arguably the most buggy and broken in the series. Fucking evade doesn't even work.
no thanks
A reaction face with some greentext is Sup Forums for "I surrender".
Is this the real box image for NTSC FFXII? Looks nice.
Not him but in a lot of Final Fantasy games "Attack" is literally the best option for physical characters in every scenario.
It's actually arguable that FFXIII needs more inputs because to play effectively you need to paradigm shift. Otherwise you do shit damage where the enemies have tremendous amounts of HP.
>final fantasy why
I suppose you have a point, but doesn't that make her character pointless by proxy?
My personal list goes
6 > 4 > 7 > 12 > 1 > 10 > 9 > 5 > 2/3/8/13
VII, X, IX and IV depending on how I feel
the only one I don't like is FFI because it's so painfully generic
and I haven't played beyond XII
Absolutely favorite would have to be 10. It's just one of the best made game in JRPG history. Good pacing, memorable cast that has story and combat relevance, a great battle system, lots of end-game/side-game content, great soundtrack, most accessible story. It's a near perfect game. Top three would have to be
Adding also that Vaan is the one who always supports Ashe because he also lost a person who loved, and he's also the one who stops her to oblitare half Ivalice with one of those weird magicites.
forgot to add, this track is just something else. advancing the story and hearing this for the first time is fantastic.
i think it embodies FF3 pretty well, simple but beautiful.
>It's actually arguable that FFXIII needs more inputs
yeah because the game only lets you control one character
I ain't so good with words, Penultimate means last doesn't it...
Second to last. When I first read it I assumed it meant super ultimate too, no big deal.
Didn't they stay dead in the original game? I remember them staying dead for good in the SNES version I played as a kid.
Penultimate means 2nd last. You should have just said Ultimate.
FF6 is the Ultima jRPG
Everyone who 'died' in FFIV came back to life except Tellah. That means 5 out of 6 characters had plot triggers that brought them back. Which is another example of how death in FF games is about as impacting as death in Game of Thrones. That is to say, not at all.
Tellah and his equally dead daughter
You're right, I forgot about his daughter. So that means 5 out of 7.
XII, I just love Ivalice and I thought the battle system was a nice, fresh take. Loved the character designs as well, especially the judges.
FFV by far. It's not like FFVI-IX and FFT, where it's ridiculously easy to break the game on accident while having no idea what you're doing, it has the best job system in the entire series including spinoffs, the boss fights are reasonably challenging for an FF game, are creative for the time and they consistently expand on the framework FFIV set up, the equipment system is one of the best in the series because there was a genuine effort to ensure that more than one style of character was supported through it, and random encounters are still fun, which isn't something I can say about any FF after it.
Or "this retard is retarded"
Could go either way honestly.
>FFV by far. It's not like FFVI-IX and FFT, where it's ridiculously easy to break the game on accident
All you have to do is grind out ninja and ranger which could easily be done naturally and game over, it's pretty easy to break. Although I guess you have to know that freelancers get skills from other jobs.
Matsuno could only carry the team on his back for so long without going insane. A legend nonetheless
The ass.
6 & 4 are the only ones I've really liked. The others were playable but meh.
FFXI is objectively the best final fantasy, confirmed by whoever the director of the series is.
The only thing it lacks is a great plot, and I think FFX is the best plot for me. I also love blitzball.
>All you have to do is grind out ninja and ranger which could easily be done naturally
By world 3, and even then it's not even close to as powerful as you think it is. !Spellblade is the glue that makes that combo come together.
5 and 12.
>except for vii
Love 9 but I got to admit the story is weak as a whole, I feel like 75% of the game is chasing kuja somewhere only to have him leave and have to chase him somewhere else.
Characters are really fleshed out though, lots of back story
FF5 is the worst in the series. I've only met legitimately autistic people who like it.