What are some fun FPS games with good writing?
What are some fun FPS games with good writing?
wario world
Clive Barker's Undying
Deus Ex
The Metro series? it may just be because i like the setting of the cramped Metro tunnels the actual story isnt too amazing though. Hopefully the next game lets you get lost exploring a maze of rarely used service tunnels
Fuck. Will those games ever get out of licensing hell so we can have more Cate?
The devs of NOLF1/2 could just make a spiritual successor. Some key guys from Monolith Productions, including the lead dev of SHOGO, FEAR and NOLF Craig Hubbard left the company and made a new one, they already made a new game called Betrayer.
I hope they give it a try. Doubt it because I think NOLF games sold terribly
That's a shame because they were pretty good.
Contract Jack suck so bad that it killed the series.
That was made by a "B team" though, the NOLF1/2 team was working on FEAR. Also I think the series was never a big seller, and FEAR got popular, so there's that.
Speaking monolith another underrated gem is, tron 2.0.
Shadow of Mordor was pretty good for an ass creed ban ham ripoff.
so what happened to them? fear was popular, they shouldn't go bankrupt, someone forcefully took them over?
Speaking of which, what happened to Jace Hall? He had that neat little show on Crackle or something
There's a pic of him with the blood devs. I WANT TO BELIEVE
RIP remake from 2013. The planned remake of retro shooter Blood will not be happening after all. Monolith Productions founder Jace Hall revealed this week that Atari, the company that owns the rights to the game, has declined to continue the project.
"I just got an unusually short, one sentence e-mail from Atari, letting me know that given the current set of circumstances, they are choosing to decline to proceed," Hall said on the Blood fan forums Postmortem. He also expressed his disappointment at this turn of events, noting that Atari had offered him a lot of encouragement.
Hall announced his intentions to create a Blood remake this August. He said at the time he wanted to release the game on multiple platforms. The remake was going to incorporate several "dream" features requested by fans. Hall was going to pay for all the production expenses and release the game for free.
The next game is supposedly going to be an open world game about surviving in the Metro now that Artyom's story is complete.
I want to believe that Night Dive will find a way to get the source code or at least a version that doesn't run like shit above 800x600
Is Blood Modding community popular.
>yfw no NOLF 3 ever
No idea. I know there are custom maps for it though.
What the hell are Atari even doing nowadays
>On June 22, 2014, Atari announced a new corporate strategy that would include a focus on "new audiences", specifically "LGBT, social casinos, real-money gambling, and YouTube".
Literally not a single one.
Including NOLF.
NOLF is a great game, though - particularly the MP.
These are the only ones to come close, but it's not even decent writing when comparing to literally any other medium.
>LGBT, social casinos, real-money gambling
I wonder who suggested this Business plan?
Call of Duty: World at War.
> Dues Ex
> Well written
The whole game can be beaten without firing a singke bullet (Mankind Divided).
The writing is terrible, trying to play off the 'decrimination' card half the game, and call it 'good writing'. It's a shame that half the people on Sup Forums who love it, are the same people that sperg "nigger" and "cuck" at every possible moment. The only thing going for it is the political side, and we're not going to discuss that on Sup Forums, because fuck Sup Forums.
>being this underage
Get the fuck out
> H-He hurt my feelings!
> Quick! Call him names!
Sorry user, No Series Lives Forever.
Did it ever occur to you, you degenerate memespouting cumswapping-with-your-dad-on-sunday absolute faggot that he was referring to the first Deus Ex release in 2000?
>tfw I got baited hard
Because I specifically referenced Mankind Devided.
They all have terrible writing though.
Sheldon Pacotti is an actually good writer that does more than just videogames. Mankind Divided's writing is pretty shit though.