Junkrat: I get cold just looking at you

>Junkrat: I get cold just looking at you
>Mei: well maybe you should look somewhere else
Why is she so rude?

Other urls found in this thread:


She represents fat, weeabo sjws.

Why would she NOT be a bitch?

>"mei, how did you stay young for so long"
>"oh, cryogenic stasis. But i wouldn't suggest it."
What a cunt.

Mei a cute! CUTE!


Mei being evil should have taken off as hard as gremlin d.va.

ITT: Sup Forumsirgins who can't understand banter

I'd kill to have a gf who can take a joke and dish it back, must be amazing having a gf to bantz with

>tfw one of my best female friends can legitimately bantzs even better than me but she likes someone else

>Calls us virgins
>"dreams" of having a woman
>Stuck in the friendzone because he is a cuck

>Mei is six years older than Junkrat
Feels weird

She's not fat though, that's just fatties being desperate and lazy.

standard woman bullshit senpai

yeah dude this game needs more epic internet memes!! xDD

It's not a meme, it's true.

Stop posting memes if you hate it so much. Would you feel better if i referred to it as a joke instead?

The irony. That's not banter, that's the fucking cold shoulder

Most unlikable OW characters

1. Mei
2. Hanzo
3. Symmetra

>Sup Forumsirgins
>Anime poster


Genji's more unlikable than that whole list. He might as well be reaper without the cringe laughs.

This is gold, top cuck

reminder that when blizzard talked about retiring heroes, they were talking about Mei.

She's a trash hero and they're not buffing her because even in her current state she's still the most irritating hero to fight in the game in the right hands.

That's not banter and your autistic

Genji is not edgy at all.

He's a ninja stereotype and a weeaboo's wet dream

>She's not fat though

Doesn't make him edgy, he's one of the nicest guy around.

his design is edgy

but she's wearing leggings

She's chinese, what do you expect?

Do you have any idea what edgy means?

But they just buffed her?

Junkrat is a robber, murderer, and overall horrible person.

t. omnic

Cyborg ninja who reflects bullets with his sword and melee knife, only pulls out his sword for ults and has lines like "measure twice, cut once" and you're telling me that he's not edgy?

Only rob and kill bad guys.

>D.VA: Mei! I love your Journal! I'm so jealous you get to go to all those places!"
>Mei: Oh yeah, I guess you don't go out much lmao.

How do i toblerone? Everytime i place turrets they either get blown up or not do enough damage

Maybe he's a carpenter.

>"measure twice, cut once"
Nigga that's not edgy, that's advice. I hope you never build anything.

Because she's a cunt and deserves every elimination inflicted upon her

His ult is literally and I mean LITERALLY *unsheathes katana*

You don't

pick a different hero

JR/Mei is a fucking great ship.

Play Symmetra

Did you not see that comic where he and Roadhog blow up a massive business building in the heart of downtown Sydney in the middle of the day?

They basically just did another 9/11

Greetings from /c/!

Only edgy ninjas think they're carpenters, prove me wrong.

>Mei is fat


So was Jesus a ninja?


He was a suit, m8. Had it coming.

No in all seriousness you guys do know Junkrat is a wanted serial killer that has a higher human body count then ISIS right

Nigga can run on water, why the fuck not.

>I hate bullies
>biggest bully in the game

Why the ugly pink hair?

Junkrat is only wanted because of whatever he found under the Omnium in Australia, omnic shill.

Yeah that's fucking fat lardass

>"i hate bullies"
>"ice wall!"
I'm glad that they added multiple exits so people won't assume the worst of me if i pick mei.

Everyone is rude to junkrat

Girl junkrat was the best thing to come out of the fandom.

>ITT: Sup Forumsirgins

Well you're here so I guess you're not wrong.


No such thing.



Overall Waifu Rating (looks, personality, etc, but not gameplay):

Why don't you just admit you like men?

she's clearly telling him to stare at her ass

>people think machines have feelings
lmao at your life

Nigga mercy is TOP-TEIR


it's pleb tier

How is that rude?
OP don't be an emotional sympathetic little faggot and start worshipping the thicc ice goddess that is Mei

Don't think of your turret as a major source of DPS; it's only going to do 57 per second at level 2. Think of it instead as either a sentry if you put it in a flanking route, or an ult battery if you put it behind your team. Your main source of DPS is your own gun. Get into combat, don't worry about fixing your turret up, lay down armor packs as liberally as possible. Don't be afraid to lay down level 1 turrets as supplemental DPS and distractions. Even if it takes the enemy a second to turn around and blow it up, that can break their concentration just enough for your team to gain an advantage. Do not ever be that guy who just sits behind his turret jerking off.


She's making fun of you and both of them laugh when they have sex.

Yeah, top 5 easy.
Did I say otherwise?

This is obviously a shitpost, but this is a fictional game, and they present omnics as capable of sentient thought and emotions. It doesn't matter if you think it's impossible IRL.

alien machine, not human-made machine. Besides he was a genocidal robot.

You afraid of a strong woman, user?

I like the Mercy being evil thing better.

No, I actually like men. I just think you should admit it too.

I think he mean like sonic oc trying to be cool and rad

Posting that is fucking cheating.
Fuck that movie, i never expected it to hit that hard.

You guys are getting your buzzwords all mixed up
Reaper is edgy, Genji is a weaboo

It's just a program.
t Torb

if that's what you call fat then I don't want a skinny woman.

good one


No, she is actually a succesful, pretty lady and doesn't want disgusting, stinky losers like Junkrat even looking at her direciton


Mei is ice cold


Is that Benoit Curenbach?

but mei is canonically obese as per blizzard official art

she's fat and unfuckable, of course she'd be rude to men

And she's canonically chubby, not obese, according to her in-game sprays.

There's a difference between being a hamplanet, and being chubby. She falls in the second category.

Her art makes her look fat but they probably realized no one likes fatasses, especially women, so they slimmed her downn

ship theme

>putting quotation marks in greentext
I don't think you understand greentexting and i wont allow this to go unnoticed.
nothing gets by autismo.