What class is best for first playthough?

What class is best for first playthough?

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Toreador imho

Brujah for melee, Toreador for guns. Tremere if you like magic.

Def not this

dont open it

Toreador for full baby mode. Also a reminder that if you bought it digitally your money went right into the pockets of the people who killed the devs and didn't let them finish the game.

Don't listen to those shitters, Malk is the way to go.

Read the descriptions, pick the one you like best, play however you want. Only look up alternative methods and secrets on your second playthrough. It's best to experience VTMB unspoiled the first time.

Bruja, Ventrue, Toreador for first

Then try something kinky like Malk or if you feel really cheeky try Nosferatu.

Toreador are also more the stereotype of vampire without any weird quirks.

I played Bloodlines solely because of the malkavian

If you read the fluff their thing is that they consider themselves artsy but everything they do is empty.

Malk is only fun and funny when you actually know what you're doing.


that's meta

just no. malk is best for the second playthrough.

Ventrue is fun.
It took me quite some time to realise that dominate can be used for sneaking.

Any clan with Obfuscate is probably the best for beginners, since stealth will be easier for you to explore locations without bumping into enemies or setting off alarms. Like the museum. Place is a bitch to navigate the first time with all those security cameras and patrolling guards.

Malk and Nos are the absolute worst clans for a first playthrough.


you can stealth with other ways, like dominate though

Best Clan

Look at all these dumbasses who can't just give a proper response.

Basically only malkavian and Nosferatu change the game to a large enough degree that you might want to save them for a second play through. Way more so with nosf. You can certainly do a malk play through first but just though it's gonna be a pretty goofy.

Other then that just go for whatever you think is cool, the game isn't super hard and its funniest when you imagine yourself as that badass vampire. I went for ventrue because I think a psychic mindcontrolling vampire hit man is cool.

I think the discussion is about which clan is the easiest to play than which is the most unique.

Favourite hub?


Toreador by far. Perfect combinations of combat viability and dialogue options.

Are you trying to be a nice Vampire when you play or are you going full on dick?

Some user posted this when I asked for the background image. No idea how he got it.

nice, Santa Monica was a my favorite by far

Just finished my first playthourhg with the basic patch
Any other good mod I could add now?

I went full dick on my Sabbat run and it was pretty entertaining. If you piss LaCroix off enough he kicks you out until you say sorry and after you bring him the sarcophagus he's genuinely surprised you came back.

Not really. Maybe the companion mod if you're into that.

Only if you already beat the game once since you already know how things go.

We live in the future now user.

What makes this a good game ? It's starting to get old. I have only made a notice to it the last few years.

Everything except the fighting which is still very decent depending on your clan

There are some issues with combat but nothing gamebreaking.
>blocking is never given any emphasis or importance
>stupid system where it tries to make you do different types of attacks or your damage goes to shit
>only downside to guns is some of the early ones are crap but midgame on they're objectively better

i actually found Tremere extremely easy

shit game

voice acting, tone, atmosphere, writing, different ways to do quests, different builds, different classes, replayability, music, symbolism

Is this game hard?

>different ways to do quests
Not so much after Downtown.
>tfw santa monica is basically what they wanted the entire game to be like and Activision destroyed htem

It can be if you don't know how to build your character. Lots of people try to stick with social characters and then eat shit when the later levels get combat heavy.

Basically, everything but the combat/stealth sections.

It's not as long as you do a 60 social/40 fighting build at worst

prioritize persuasion, seduction, hacking, and lockpicking for maximum options. you also need combat skills and guns are the easiest and best.

Any class as long as you don't pick Nosferatu or Malkavian. Best to get a class using the personality quiz, but if you get either one of those two it's best to re roll.

As long as I can make a balanced cool guy and beat the game, I'm fine with that.

Being balanced is the best way to play the game. You need social/hacking/lockpicking to unlock the most rewards and you need combat for all the combat heavy parts later.

I played a tremere with 50/50 social and combat and it was jsut right, very rarely needed more social stats

No. Just remember that fighting isn't optional at the end and that some points should be directed to it.

Finished the game for the umpteenth time not 10 minutes ago

If you cunts want a challenge, Extreme Mod will make the combat a bit harder so you don't feel like the overpowered motherfucker you are by the end

All these Dick heads don't know what they're talking about, malk was a lot of fun first playthrough


Where my Gangrel squad at?

Bloodlines 2, when?

Gonna remember this. I'm gonna make a Toreador according to the third post because I wanna shoot shit like Deus Ex. I hope ammo isn't scarce.

I dreamed I was in vtmb last night. Apparently the game had 20+ different endings that didn't make it to the final cut. The cab driver personally made me experience them (?) It was one of the cool dreams.

You can just buy ammo from vendors.

its not, don't open it

Whatever you do !!!!OPEN IT!!!!!

Open it you faget

I knew nothing about the game, and played malkavian for my first playthrough.

It was pretty awesome finding hidden meaning in the things i said after i said them, even if it was pretty confusing. Defiantly a unique experience.

>opening it is best 'ending'
>playing malk is the only way to enjoy the game
>game shits the bed harder than fahrenheit around the same time too
god fucking damn what a shit game

⎛Kill you'reself⎞

Tremere is easy-mode, you get a bloody fireball as one of your first disciplines. No need to invest in ranged weapons.

Any clan is easy mode if you build right. With max defensive stats you're pretty much invincible.

When hell freezes and Jesus Christ walk on earth again

If we get another WoD game it will be based on NWoD which has trash vampires.

Didn't the female CEO of whatever company now owns WoD trash the WoD MMO?

I thought that was CCP

>whatever company now owns WoD

That would be Paradox, the Swedish Jews.

MMO got shitcanned but they said they plan on licensing the IP to vidya devs and writers. Potentially TV too but I don't know where that's going.

the fuck is going on with the powerlines outside?

>Potentially TV too
Speaking of which, has any user seen "Kindred: The Embraced"? It was a WoD TV series cancelled mid-season for some unknown reason. It's pretty good if you can stomach the pilot episode.

It got cancelled because one of the leads died. It actually had really high ratings when it was airing.

Both Hollywood and Chinatown had the best music themes, imho.

Paradox isn't very fond of CofD, they prefer(as do most yuros) cWoD. Also they already told us that a new game would be based on VtM not VtR and that WoD is now supposed to be a "multi-media franchise".

Hollywood had the comfiest music but I like the way Santa Monica looked more.

It's how maks see powerlines in game. A nice detail.