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WoW is bad.
Hide Blizzard shill threads.
>mfw vee hates legion and overwatch
>mfw both solid games
of all the things to say to shitpost you picked the only thing that is completely false. You didn't even try.
older thread Why I have to post this you lazy fuck OP
I've never played WoW
would it be a good idea to pick it up now to take a break from ff14
Should I boost my fresh lvl 60 DK, or my level 35 rogue?
Why you use images with watermark? This is fucking retarded.
Just buy D3
>Mfw Blizzard still hates Warlocks after MoP.
>Mfw I have no face because Blizz decided my face should now be a talent instead of baseline for no reason and my face will now never be picked over the other two options.,
average WoW player
This isn't a general, fucko.
You play FF14, literally anything you change to is an improvement.
ok faggots, I've got my warlock to 110 but seeing as Destro has been neutered and miraclously made less fun than what it was in WoD I may try a different character.
Choices and I need suggestions on how fun the class is, order hall + class fantasy done right and viability
1. Gnome Hunter (preferably Surv or MM, fuck BM)
2. Pandaren Rogue (Got the CM set on him from MoP, will probably go with Outlaw)
3. Dwarf Warrior (Prot or Arms)
4. Draenei DK (Preferably tank)
Any suggestions?
t. Buttmad warlock player whose main from Vanilla became a joke like was in early Wotlk
The legion Patch helped some of the more boring classes become relevant and fun, but killed some of the fun classes by making them boring and weak. Poor Pally and Warlock players.... I switched my main to Rogue.
>All those shitty race & class combos
Might as well go Dwarf Warrior as it's the only non embarassment
Before people ask if is it worth to buy Legion
I got something solid for you right here
you say this every time and every time nothing happens. does it get tiring being as impotent as you are in real life on here?
Suggestion: kill yourself
MMO's are fucking awful. Enjoy paying $15 to make a new character only to find your class and/or specialization and/or gear are obsolete on one of the coming Tuesday's and then do i all over again. It's a scam, fucko.
How do you get rep? World quests? I know the chests that spawn randomly can have rep tokens inside, but I have only encountered one of those.
Speaking of which, some of the rewards are retarded.
>blue neck at revered
He asked for what class to play not a life advise you mad cuck,
If I were you I'd play rogut but not panda, fatties tryina be sneaky looks weird
>tfw your class is finally fotm
I thought it was cool to finally get some shaman representation until I got grouped with 2 others in lfg.
Thanks for this, have now realized I've been powering my artifact wrong.
I don't get it
Is this supposed to be a joke? That dragoon rotation is the base one and it still has more buttons to press than the arms warrior rotation. It also leaves out like 10 other abilities dragoon has to press in between abilities in their rotation. I hope I'm getting baited because WoW's combat is freaking braindead right now.
>Hide the fact that there's hardly any new abilities in the expansion behind a shiny artifact with one ability on it.
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How can I tell I am almost done with the class hall campaign?
>taking any rotation chart seriously
It's as big joke as ffxiv playerbase
>hankering for an ale
hankering for an ale
Gotta hand it to Blizz, haven't had this much fun since Wrath.
I've already told them my reasons when I unsubbed.
Hankering for a nail
>tfw berserker rage doesn't even enrage anymore unless you talent for it
It was such a fucking random change that ultimately did nothing but make a useless talent in its tier.
I haven't been this disappointed with my class since WoD.
>ffxiv fags cant take their own medicine
like pottery
>Gotta hand it to Blizz, haven't had this much nu-fun since Wrath.
>WoW slowly losing abilities over time
>announce UI change in the distant future
>"5 hotbar slots! easy and convenient! :^)"
That's a fucking terrible rotation and leaves out like 3/4 of the rest of the abilities the dragoon has
and it STILL has more skills than the WoW rotation you posted
>On a 5 second GCD
>Animation locked for each skill
Anyone defending XIV has shittier than shit taste.
I plan to PvP so I may as well racechange him.
What would be your suggestions? I'm thinking dorf.
How is all that extra damage taken treating you fellow Blizzarded class?
Nothing new here, all they do is come to WoW threads and shitpost here
So it'll be like WS and ESO? No thank you.
looks like you didnt read the chart. wow - situational choice
ffxiv = literally 6 buttons used in the same order
>2.5 second gcd
Oh if PVP then everything changes, don't really know who's good on PVP haven't PVP'ed much lately
Except neither of those are true but keep defending your current WoW combat with 5 buttons max.
>Everyone says fire mage is the meme mage
>Pick frost first anyway
>Doing absolutely fine damage, at least as much as any other dps class I've played so far and more than most of them
I mean in a recent quickfix they increased frost mage damage so maybe it used to be worse. Fire might still have more damage than frost but all the roots and snares are nice as frost for soloing. Glacial spike is sweet as fuck.
stay deluded ffag
>Playing a Retribution Paladin
>One of the worst times for Retribution Paladins ever at a time where we get the most lore heavy weapon ever. Thanks Blizz...
I definitely feel, but the expansion as a whole is still fun as hell nonetheless. I hope they balance out the classes eventually though.
>six buttons
Maybe if you play Black Mage, which had the easiest rotation in the game.
This thread has now been put under surveillance.
Only proper players above 840ilvl are allowed to enter.
Show your pass or get out
You do realize that rotation he has on that chart has 10 buttons in his rotation and completely ignores off global cooldown abilities right? Looks like you didn't read the chart either.
>told not to
>still does it
Is this image ironic? Why would someone post so much information only to say that the WoW rotation is simpler?
I'm gonna level a DH instead and see if it brings back my enjoyment.
Anything I do on my lock now feels like a waste of time since it's obvious that Blizz might never bother to fix locks.
>Have great fun questing, enjoy the zones
>Hit max level
>Have fun for 1 day
>The reality of the rep grinds and endless slog of world quests sets in
>Already having as little fun now as I was 18 months into WoD
5 of those "buttons" literally do the same shit.
keep trying
You'll probably enjoy it more than most of the people who have played the game for 10+ years. Even though you missed the greatest era in video games ever (vanilla/tbc/maybe wrath 2004-2009ish), you'll probably still have fun for at least a few months while you figure/check shit out
I'm the best
You have MMO fatigue. It's time to stop playing MMOs.
>Evasive bullshit based on assumptions to pretend Legion isn't going to crash and burn within 30 days
I can play several other MMOs just fine, there is no fatigue.
Who let you in their group?
>b-b-but they do the same things!
Jesus christ this delusion
thats pretty ironic desu
How the fuck are you people this high ilvl already?
I had 100 on the second day and have been grinding world quests and heroics since and I'm at 825 and nothing is improving it.
>ffxiv = literally 6 buttons used in the same order
**Warlocks need to have ilvl850 to apply.
>trying this hard to prove the game is bad
why spread lies, noone is forcing you to play it when you got tired of it, geez
>enjoying Unholy spec for DK, but have survivability issues when questing
>go to do the blood artifact quest so I can switch to blood spec
>enemies in the quest are randomly doing 1/3 my health in damage, died
>can't change to blood spec before getting the artifact since I don't have a usable weapon for it and anything pre-legion would be shit to use against level 104 mobs
I guess I'll just learn to use corpse shield and hope for the best. Death strike really doesn't heal for shit anymore.
And yes, I realise I'm probably just bad at this game.
So faggots, what ilvl should I have before attempting to tank Mythics as a Ignore Pain
I never said it wouldn't. If you can play another MMO that isn't a grind in the endgame then go for it.
Every MMO I know if right now is the same gear grind in the endgame. They're all the same, more or less.
My guild mates. Nice bunch of lads.
ffxiv fags in absolute damage control. hilarious, stay deluded fags.
Im enjoying Frost DK. But im going to boost a Rogue and play that once i hit max level.
Lucky relic drops
I raged cuz I got a 850 relic to drop, but it's for my Arms sword, and it's the locked third slot.
If you're 825 you're high enough to do Mythic then?
Get/make a group and stack it with as many people from your own armor class as you can
That way you can trade gear if one doesn't need it
whoa...such cool races in ffxiv
>They're all the same, more or less.
But how many of them have the solo-leveling?
I don't play any MMO's, faggot, but XIV is by far the worst of the pack.
been casual playing since Tuesday. Got to 110 on my brewmaster monk. Just doin dailies and quest cleanup now. Probably will start heroics tomorrow.
So far it is the best xpac launch yet imo. There just seems like stuff to do at every corner.
What class has coolest class hall line for my first alt?
>268 vs 247
Omg what a massive difference! Surely that 8% more damage is worth giving up your crowd controls tools when leveling!
>Touch of the Magi procs on a target that has Mark of Aluneth on it while I have four arcane charges and arcane power on
And I still deal less damage than a fire mage even with all of these things going my way. Fuck you Blizzard.
>don't want to level, just want to dig archaeology sites for a while
>you have to be level 110 to get rare solves now through a weekly quest
Well I don't think it's that "obvious". I mean locks were pretty good for most of WoD, and they tend to make changes to balance several times throughout an expansion so let's hope.
mfw trying to play Demo Warlock
I just can't do it. The artifact skull buddy looks cool as shit but I just can't be a demon ass wiper every fight.
>pages upon pages of convoluted bullshit means the game is more fun
I've never played FFXIV and I don't care about it. But having to read a fucking essay from some website in order to "properly" play the game is so very counterintuitive.
>literally the opposite of late WoD
>will end up flipped again by 7.2
They never learn. Until hunters can't shoot while moving, it will always be the best actual damage class.
>finish the several 8 hour long class hall missions quest
>no other quests available in the hall
Do I have to get to 110 to continue the line?
Do we really have to start this?
Other MMO's have countless flaws, if we're gonna start a flaw war there's no doubt you're gonna lose it