Is Season 2 the worst season imaginable?

Is Season 2 the worst season ever in any game? I've never seen so many terrible players in one game before. I started out at around 2600 and have dropped down to 2200. The amount of terrible shitters who don't even know the very basics combined with the leavers and derankers has made the experience fucking atrocious.

What do you think? Should Blizzard introduce a mandatory IQ test for ranked?

I started at 2200 and have dropped to 1300. 3-4 golds in nearly every game. I an fucking furious.

> online
> expecting everyone to be gud
Welcome to overwatch boi

jesus christ you are horrible

You're meant to group up for comp you retard, soloqueueing is stupid

Are you playing Soldier 76? or Roadhog? Those two are the best carry characters

>tfw 3200
>now 3100
tumbling down
I just lost 4 games in a row today.

Maybe you just suck?

I started out at 1950~ (thanks to some ultra shitty placements) and rose straight up to about 2600 so far.

No, you are bad and belong in that league.

Bragging about 3, 4 golds is easy when everyone you're playing with and again, including yourself, is terrible.

Seriously, even when I have a total shit team, I can usually manage to at least get a draw.

>competitive mode
>forced 50% win rate

competitive? nah.

I lost or had a draw in 4 games in a row and then proceeded to win the next 10 straight. Maybe you just need to get good.

It's only 50/50 because that's where you belong scrub.

>Get placed at 2700
>It's basically win/lose/win/lose/lose/win/win/lose

>play a really good support
>people die because being shit
>lol your fault

Blizzard won't admit it but the numbers are dropping hard

people are leaving this game on PC faster than expected while console cucks are still playing this

I love the proof you have there faggot
Overwatch is probably the most popular game of the year

user won't admit it but the game is a massive success
Sorry, but Korea doesn't make up 10 Million players you fucking kike

>MFW my GPU broke 2 weeks ago, won't get a new one for 6 days
>Haven't been able to play Season 2

Fuck I hate work

it may be a success but point is people aren't playing anymore you sensitive drone


>Join a match
>Hey guys
>Four people speak back in Portuguese

>it's another "my team sucks and that's why I can't climb" episode

The startup is pretty horrible
>Diamond(60-75) guys are put in 2700-3000
>Retard are put in 2500-3000 because stats placement

Its either to party up to gain 50-50 or solo and receive punishment.

Which you have no proof of. Just because you and maybe your friends stop playing, doesn't mean Thousands up thousands of people have.

it takes 5 minutes to play QUICKPLAY

nearly 8 minutes US servers to play ranked
12 on SEA

10 on SEA for quickplay

game is dying because of season 2 user

>tfw games are all the same for me
>Reinhardt, Mercy, Zarya, D.Va
>everyone behind Reinhardt
>Zarya shields D.Va/Reinhardt
>earth shatter
>earth shatter
>earth shatter
>nerf this
>occasional Reaper ult that clears the point
>group up

It takes about a minute for QP and maybe a minute longer for Comp.
About the same from when I started right before Season 1.

>it takes 5 minutes to play QUICKPLAY
no it doesn't.

I did my placement matches two nights ago in the middle of the night in US and my queues were less than a minute.
>implying that part of the world matters at all

>I will post no proof but defend my company to death

kys all of you

So what do you guys should be introduced to break up the meta. Either a gamemode or character, what would help freshen up the game again?

>play something different

You haven't posted proof either you fuck. 3 people already called you out on your bullshit

Do you realize that your starting rank is about 50 from last season?

You're a lying retard. I've been playing all weekend and never had to wait more than 1 min for QP or ranked in USA.

At least shitpost about things I can't easily find out is wrong faggot.


Capture the Flag
Overwatch vs Omnics

And that's really really proof of how terrible season 2 is, since I was 59 at the end of that.

>Oh I used to be 55 but the game put me at 53 now, it's so shit
>implying the numbers matter more than the tiers
You are 50 trash and it hasn't changed.

>tfw your team instalocks off-tank/dps roles so you're stuck with heroes that have no carry ability

>team sucks and start losing the match

>retarded mccree finally switches off to something else in the last 3 mins

>i switch to mccree and put down serious dmg in the last 3 minutes, somehow leading to a draw

>tfw my team mates were quadruple my level but were complete dead weight the entire game, i had to carry them all

>tfw i realize i have to instalock dps/off-tank no matter who my team mates are because everyone is a shitter

back to cs

Are you retarded or illiterate? I was 59 in season 1, now I'm 2200 in season 2 which equals somewhere about 43. There is a big fucking problem and it's not my skill.

>tfw your team instalocks off-tank/dps roles so you're stuck with heroes that have no carry ability
>tfw i realize i have to instalock dps/off-tank no matter who my team mates are because everyone is a shitter

I don't get it. You complain you couldn't play DPS and then you complain that you don't want to have to play DPS to carry your team.

>Me unga
>my team bunga