What chair are you sitting in right now?

What chair are you sitting in right now?

something like this with a small mount to keep the mouse on, some comfy covers, and the keyboard on top of them

A chair that looks eerily similar to the one you posted.

it is comfy

Huh, that exact chair i think.



He's gonna show up soon


It replaced a $60 model from Target that lasted about 6 years. I'm actually going to take care of my chair this time.

Literally lmaoing@your life

Holy shit. I have that EXACT chair, no one ever posts it in these threads. Need an upgrade tho, had it for years and the 'leather' is peeling off.

this desu

OH FUCK I LIED. My chairs arms are a kinda oval triangle thing on the sife


Serta executive chair. All kinds of comfy.

are you 12?


I'm sitting on my bed, which is basically just a big chair you sleep on


Thirding this

29, why?

I had that chair before, oh god it sucked.
I'm not even overweight, but it broke in like 2 months from me slightly leaning to the side


Enjoy eyeproblems

ripped an old car seat out of a scrap car and welded it onto some shit
extremely comfy

Do you play sudoku in that chair?

old wives tales

A DX Racer king series. I fell for the meme. It is shit.

Sweet but why did you hide all your teddies?

Stop using shitty resolutions.

So you are saying, anyone that watches large format screens will suffer eye problems?


Fucking American kys

Gave them to my mom, but I do have some figurines

Why is it shit? DX Racers are very comfortable. Wait..King series. You are a fat?

Me too friend, me too. I usually am pretty good at researching products before I buy them so I don't know why I was so fucking lazy with something as important as my computer chair. Regretting this shit more and more every day. Might just pawn it and buy a new one but man that's a lot of money down the drain.

So big tv.. so small bed. Where do you fuck your girls? Know your priorities

Thats not a tv, I don't wanna die by suffocation

To tall and heavy for other models. Fat-ish. Just big.

It is. Its to late to send it back and I will just lose allot of money no matter what I do.

Why did you reply to him twice?

Not him but I think he's referring to your childs bed. Seeing that kind of room really takes me back to my childhood.

Yeah you properly just have"big bones"

Also I don't fuck girls.

Gotta go fast.

What would some of you guys recommend?

Thats not me

but he is right

Why is everyone on Sup Forums gay?

Is that a crime?

That exact same one, jesus fuck.

I hate it. I fucking hate it. It's so damn uncomfortable, the wheels are shit, my back hurts, my neck hurts, those shoulder rest things are too damn big, I FUCKING HATE IT.

I'm actually buying a new one during the week. I want maximum comfyness. Any recs?

>Bullet wound to the head

Nope, they had no guns. It would have been more realistic if he had stab wounds.

>DX Racers are very comfortable
They fucking aren't though. They barely allow you to move your legs or change your position at all because muh hardcore pro tourney gamer pose will make me better at assfaggots. And maybe it is better to have a decent posture when doing competitive gaming, but the issue is this chair allows for no other kind of posture, and that gets annoying and uncomfortable if you're the kind of person who can sit in front of your computer for 4-8 hours straight where you do other things than competitive gaming, like shitposting on Sup Forums or watching a movie or whatever man. You NEED to be able to move around a bit.

This looks like the Battleborn of gaming chairs.

No, but you are embarrassing yourself.

my bed

Sorry for hurting your feelings.

The wallpaper and sheets are very childish too.


Don't be, you weren't.

I got it for 70$, it's not that bad and it reclines all the way down so i can nap.

The wallpaper reminds me of se-men. Get it? Sea men?

Gay score is 9/10

Cavaletti Newnet 16001 AC

How you liking it?

this bad boy
well not exactly but a big leather 70's chair with the spin and tilt

This room make me freak out a bit. I'm not sure if its a korean prison or a gay persons office.

Oh okay I got you. You like to site on feet and indian style and all that when you are at your desk. I can understand that then. They can be restrictive in that regard sure. But so are a lot of other chairs as well. This is not a DX Racer only issue. It is a style issue.

That's by far the coolest midget chair i've ever seen

A cheap, wooden ikea chair which is surprisingly comfortable for a wooden chair but I still think an office chair or something would be better for me.

My Dxracer is not the best thing ever, but is like 5x better than any chair I had.

Only problem is that the headrest sucks, it is slightly tilted forward, and the base is almost imperceivably tilted to the left, which hurts my neck.

Pretty sure you won't get anything better for the same price, I which I had a standing desk.

I've got some cheap wood too you can sit on.

That's a Staples brand serta bonded leather chair in your picture.

I'm currently sitting in a staples Carder mesh back chair with a cushion for a seat
Source: I hate my life.

Ikea Malkolm

Your sister's

I've got one of those "forever alone" chairs too. In black.

Wow I'm not a slut.


Ikea Markus

Absolutely based, cheap, solid, 10 years warranty, good posture and comfortable.

Looks like it was made out of hooker's panties.

Look i'm not saying you are. I'm just stating the facts babe.

it does feel like a movie villain chair actually in models where the back of it is bigger

Povertyfag coming through. Got like 3 of them for free from my old school that was closing down. Baffles me how some retards in this thread splash their cash on "gamer chairs" when you can get infinitely more comfier office chairs for half the price.

I have outrageously bad luck with everything. Like seriously, EVERYTHING. There isn't a single thing I've bought in the last two years that wasn't DOA with deffects and this chair was no different. It's actually my third Cavaletti chair actually, all had the same defects. It's slightly bent to the right but I fixed it myself. I'm literally the only person I know that had a problem with this brand though. Otherwise, it's a good chair, very solid and it doesn't make those shitty metal noises or anything. The warranty is also god tier.

If you have been researching about chairs you probably have already read my saga in the adrenaline forums in that giant chair thread.

Op posted my exact chair. Neat. Bunch of anons have the same chair. Double Neat.


Me too but I have it in black leather

Sitting in the same type of chair and it scares me

my bed right now
my chair broke after 5 years of daily use so i moved some shit around until my new one arrives

My worst nightmare would be to sit on one of those chairs from school. It makes me feel way too smart.

Now this is what i'm talking about!

Literally came here to post this. It is as close as possible to this chair without being this chair. Only difference is that the armrest has a vertical post with a horizontal top rather than that curve shit.

My nigga. Great chair.

Every day you use it, you come closer and closer an anus penetration.

So this is my chair

Oh, yes, Paleblood...

I actually lean pretty far down and kick my legs up, it'll blast through my lower spine

a red one

Same. It's shit but at least it has lasted many years

People that still uses landlines scares me


anyone own a steelcase leap?

I have a DX Drift series that I replaced my old chair that I had for yrs and it is pretty awesome for me as well. I turned it into a VR chair with some modifications. I wfh so I use mine everyday all day. I have an Embody on order as well but this is working fine so far and I now question whether I should cancel the Embody. Plus I have tactile transducer on it and listening to music while I work and getting shaked and vibrated all over is kinda nice throughout the day.

Mine has not caused me any pussy shortages. In fact so far the ladies like it.

You must have some pretty fucked up posture. Seriously, having good posture is key. I used to do the same shit you do and now every time I start slouching or whatever my face and fingers go numb.

Why? I use fibre internet so I have an active phone line, may as well have a landline phone just in case I need it.
