I'm a console peasant who wants to try and get into PC gaming

I'm a console peasant who wants to try and get into PC gaming.
I've only ever owned a laptop and after hearing so often that consoles are worse, I'd like to try out playing games on a PC. Only problem is I have only a little knowledge on parts and a budget of around £400 give or take.
Am I gonna be able to build anything even slightly decent and if so, how do I go about finding which parts are best for that budget?

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with 400£ you might be able to get a better gpu

Forget it. With 400 quids you're gonna have a miserable experience.

low quality bait.

What PC games would you like to play, user?

dont listen to this faggot
you'll be able to play most games at 1080 60fps at medium to high settings

and if you don't like the performance, in a year you can just buy a better gpu and get better performance

Console arebetter if you‘re on a budget.
For a good pc gaming experience you need at least 700 if not more to start with, assuming you also need input & output hardwares such as keyboard, mouse, monitor or speakers.

>you'll be able to play most games at 1080 60fps
You can't be serious. New games have terrible optimisation

I don't really know to be quite honest. I play pretty much anything that pops into my head at that time. I don't often play brand new games because I'm cheap as fuck but I still enjoy older gen games and don't care too much about having the 'perfect gaming experience' in terms of graphics. I can't even tell the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps most of the time.

>paying $400 dollars to play something as shitty as Just Cause 3
How did PCucks get this bad? They have the worst taste out of anyone and all of the good PC exclusives run on toasters.

The 375 dollar PC out performs the PS4 with nearly double the FPS

If I got something like this, would it be easy enough to upgrade once I have the money for better parts?

Why don't you go to the home of PC gamers and ask them?



> good PC exclusives

Find a used PC with an i5 that's near 3 GHz and buy it then get a video card.

Whats your price range?

Lucky for you theres a computer solution for virtually every price bracket

>building a pc for games

but it's not even really bait. if you start from scratch most of that 400 budget would go to basic crap like case, hdd and psu.

Around £400 ideally. I have a shitty mouse, keyboard and speakers that'll do me for a while so I don't have to worry about that.

>I don't know fuckall and I want EVERYONE to know it


>400 britbong dollaroos

You can do it,is a good starting point

There aren't really that many good PC exclusives, you're gonna end up playing AAA multiplats with better performance, that's it.

>there aren't many PC exclusives
more than Xbox and PS4 combined

>greentext shitposting

Why are you asking this fucking shithole? You're only going to get meme replies.
Go to Sup Forums, read the PC building thread. Use Logical Increments (Google it).

This is the only place I frequent were people claim to know about PC gaming. I shall have a look though, cheers.

I'd personally save just 200 more pounds and go get yourself a prime computer because you can do exponentially better with 600 pounds than 400

I built this one for a friend, it stays around 40-50 fps on modern games on high.
There are better cases to pic from.

Funny how you left out "good"

PC has the best excusives unlike consoles who have a bunch of flavor of the month shit games

You cannot buy shit for that money. You'd use most of it for basic things like Power Supply and case, and keyboard/mouse. The usual garbage. It's not worth it.

The most power for your buck would be a used PC from ebay or stuff like that. Or one of those "overhauled" ones.

You could end up paying 400 for a decent GPU alone. Get some more cash together first.

my condolences, pc gayming isn't for poor people

Kinda makes you think it's not worth the huge price difference compared to a console.


What do you do for a living that makes you so rich?


What a nerd.


PC gaming is a meme nowadays there are no games worth it besides total war and that is going to shit too, unless you like ASSFAGGOTS PC is useless

t. butthurt ex-pc user

no problem with that

You're right. I'm just butt hurt that I'm too retarded to code.

This right here. You could scoop up a used PC like that for pretty cheap. Upgrade GPU, and you can upgrade over time if you like.

We buy strong computers to get 95% of crap on steam. Those 5% are AAA games and when we play it we feel they are CCC to me. And now Denuvo... Sigh*


I agree. Save your money and buy a prebuilt

Consolefag who fell for the PC meme here. Don't get a gaming PC, if you must be conservative. Literally all you will do is emulate games you've already played at a higher resolution. Once you've had all the fun you can doing that you'll realize that PC is comprised entirely of games you intentionally pass over on console.

So there's literally no reason for you to get a PC


No reason to buy a console.

Apart from exclusive games in genres other than RTS


I love PC but honestly, this. It's not worth doing if you don't really have the money.

All getting a PC did for me was realize I don't actually like new video games.

It's still money well spent though because I still use it daily for things that don't concern video games. Having a modern CPU and an SSD feels amazing.

Well I need one for work regardless so it made sense to me to try and get one that can play games too

>tfw PC boots faster than your old one would wake from sleep mode
>tfw instant responsiveness as soon as you see the desktop

In this age and day you'll probably have pc anyway. If it's not something something from 10 years ago, it'll probably run most of the games just fine if you don't care that much about graphics.

PCgaming was always a Reddit meme

Have fun playing '90s and early 2000s games and emulating console games. Honestly the best part about owning a PC

>Playing medieval 1.
Truly a man of good taste.

Firstly, logicalincrements and already completed builds on pcpartpicker are your friend.

Second, yes you can build a good computer for 400. That being said I recommend you save up more to build something really great. Building a 400 computer essentially means every component will technically be in for an upgrade right off the bat. You'll get good performance, but you'll likely feel some regret by not having patience and saving up. If you really want to go ahead then.

go to reddit if you aren't memeing

maybe Reddit is more your speed

best TW game