What killed MMOs?
What killed MMOs?
not being fun
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casual audiences which are necessary to cater to in order to be successful in the current industry
premium shit
Everyone wants to copy WoW.
The single player campaign theme park bullshit that is currently WoW can only be sustained by a AAA company that is able to constantly put out content.
Nobody cares about that. Hopeful companies think "WoW is popular, make game like WoW" and then die.
Everyone wanted to be the next WoW while they should have wanted to be the next UO.
WoW killed all it's rivals then itself
'sup, Sup Forums?
The times. The only people playing MMOs now are those who got hooked in their adolescence, when the concept was interesting. Today's kids and teens look at them and see a whole lot of time and money down the drain for a lot of boring grinding.
I feel there just isn't the technology to make it more interesting than what WoW did. The best other MMO's could do was make "action" combat but that really doesn't amount to anything substantial and will never really be on the level of something like bayonetta. Really a game doesn't benefit at all from being a massive multiplayer since people just stick to their own groups anyways.
Mobile games, they're the evolution of mmos, repetitive shit games aimed at whales. Except they cost way less to develop and to maintain, so that's why instead of having new mmos you just see tons of new mobile games.
the internet.
That's gamingi n general though.
It went from being mystique about how to clear content because you couldn't just load up a youtube video and see how it's done, and where little easter eggs are, and stuff like that. It's all gone. In every game, in single player games you can separate yourself from that stuff, but in MMOs you're dealing with other people, who demand max efficiency and will just ignore you if you don't know what you're doing.
Is this comic still going on?
I am somewhat impressed.
MMOs should be more like D&D than a single player game. You basically just exist in a world and go around and explore in between town hubs. Sort of like Runescape before Runescape decided it wanted the WoW audience.
Jesus Christ.
It's a catch 22.
Either you make it easy to get good gear and end game stuff to please to more of the players. Or you make it hard and only please a small population of the server.
Moot go to sleep
MMOs were never a good genre. WoW made MMOs look fun but as the game aged and exposed the inherent flaws in the system everyone fucked off.
That feel when Blizz loved WoW so much that they killed even their own next meuporg
WoW must be the only meuporg
>Today's kids and teens look at them and see a whole lot of time and money down the drain for a lot of boring grinding.
today's kids and teens don't look at anything but their phone games, where they spend a whole lot more money and still some time for a whole lot of boring grinding
t. mmocuck
go on son, those boar asses ain't gonna collect themselves
Who cares about casuals? just pump out more 5 man dungeons and they'll be happy.
i don't play mmos
are you hooked on mobileshit or something?
Time. The hardcore epic immersive MMO doesn't work in today's market. For example, a game like FFXI would crash and burn if it were released today. Too slow and requires too much dedication to satisfy the ADD Letsplay Generation of today, and too much time required to be invested in for the average working adult. The only people who would benefit from it would be the unpleasable poopsocking NEETs who would immediately move on to the next game as soon as it's released.
The genre as a whole can't function.
I saw it that way when I was a teen, when WoW came out. Now I'm subscribed to an MMO and honestly I feel exactly the same but keep playing anyway.
Maybe it's because I don't want to play a boar ass collection simulator and neither does anyone else who is sane.
Good enough point, but those mobile games are not big time investments.
I can answer this
It boils down to things
>Culture changed to a hectic, fast paced one as Years passed by. People want instant or quick gratification
>introduction of smart phones for mobile gaming introduced a answer to the aforementioned need
>people no longer wish to waste time on an mmo that is going to suck their soul out when a mobile game could do that in less than a week
MMOs have evolved to io community based games. Like Agario, slitherio, etc. Take a game idea, make it massively open to multiplayer counts, put it on mobile and Voila
Your game either adapts to what people want or die
You know it's getting bad when EVE of all MMOs is offering a limited F2P option. It's technically an unlimited trial but it's already being spun as F2P.
I don't know, i just hope camelot unchained will not flop when it comes out in 2065.
>all mmos are pay2win
>all mmos are theme park cash grabs
>all mmos are boar ass simulators
CoD, MOBAs, Minecraft...
mmos have been garbage since their inception. this will never change.
Nope, second
WoW copied Everquest and improved on it's formula. That was fine. It worked.
Everyone ELSE tried to copy WoW, but instead of improving on what Blizzard was doing, they just tried to copy WoW but with their own spin on things.
No one tried to innovate. No one tried to IMPROVE on the formula. The few games that tried were either low budget or didn't get any hype or press or just weren't good enough.
The Old Republic is probably the worst offender of all, right down to most of it's skills being copied 100% from WoW, just with a name change.
When they became all about levels and big numbers and actually, ironically, supported solo-play more than multi-play
Where the fuck are the MMOs that let me mine or smith or just farm or some shit like Runescape, why is there no other MMO that's comfy like Runescape
Mabinogi came close with it's life-sim elements but they even screwed that up because most of it is either pointless, tedious, or stuck behind some sorta paywall
ArcheAge also tried to implement these featues but that blew up horribly
Fuck man, can I just go kill some things when I wanna and then relax and be comfy and maybe start cooking some dishes when I wanna without a huge load of trouble
MMOs suck now
>boar ass simulators
literally what
In all fairness TOR did try to innovate, just not in any way that actually mattered.
Like the focus on the story, good idea but crates that awkward situation where everyone's the chosen one. Take Guild Wars 2 for instance, as much as it gets slagged for dumping you as Treeman's second it does mean that you don't have a thousand different chosen one's, just Him and his #2, which works better from a story perspective. NPC party members who you can form "relationships" with nice idea except that everyone else of your class has access to the same party members so your waifu is never actually your waifu since everyone has her. Not to metion being pretty lame characters. Taking Star Trek Online for contrast at least you know that your officers are all just cardboard cutouts, there's no pretense, dress them up, kit them out however you want, they're barbie dolls for you to play with and define as you want.
They tried.
They just catastrophically failed.
>we want the WoW audience
I sympathize with you, man.
It's what keeps pulling me back to LotRO, not a great game by any means, but I can be a yeoman, I can spend hours planting and harvesting crops, making drinks and food, I can fuck around on musical instruments, then if I get bored with then I can go off on a short quest for a few hours, a little skirmish and back to the Prancing Pony for post-adventure libations.
I've heard Archeage does that shit pretty well.
But Korean MMOs are cancer.
>everquest is still active
>WoW copied Everquest and improved on it's formula. That was fine. It worked.
It's sad that no one could improve WoW. It really is the pinnacle of MMOs.
We did
Black desert online has horse breeding and fishing and trading that don't require any combat at all.
Can the horses breed you?
Where quests are nothing more than collect 5 X and give them to Y
X being boar asses
I hear that game is dying though
Oh I see
>WoW copied everquest
If only they copied the need to actually social beyond max level
Inb4 vanilla, if you even try to party with people they instantly decline. Why bother.
>time investment
I work 21 hours a week, go to college every day, do about three hours of homework everyday, I'm learning a foreign language, I'm reading both academic and pulp books for fun, and I spend time writing creatively. On top of this, I need social enrichment. Like time with friends and shit in irl.
So where the fuck do I fit twelve hours of raiding into this schedule? We're not even talking leveling up and gearing up either. How do I do this while putting up with pay-to-not-grind or spending 15$ a month to play 1 game. That's 1 game.
>this game ain't good
It's an mmo. It's defined by the people you play with. The Trinity system is boring, there is no rpg elements in modern mmos, the pvp is rock-papers-scissors in a lot of cases, and the raiding is about standing in a room going through a set rotation for optimium damage. None of this is engaging. It's busy work and it's only fun with friends. For $40 + $15 (the price of say a WoW expansion and a month of play) I can buy a dozen games that give me better mechanics, variety, and good coop all with less time investment. Hell $55 is all I played for a GameCube and smash and I've gotten months of play out of that with friends.
>I don't have friends who play "x"
My friends dont play mmos anymore. Therefore I don't play them anymore. I still play online games, I still enjoy them. But there was a time in my life where if you wanted a good online experience you had mmos or shooters (source games or half-dead games I miss you tribes 2 ). But nowadays, I have a dozen choices from both the east and west. Each choice gives me the entertainment of WoW, without a sub and without the time investment. So therefore, I don't play mmos anymore.
That's just me but I hear people repeat so often I feel like I'm parroting someone else's opinion.
>I need social enrichment.
Fuck off, your normies shouldn't be playing in the first place.
>social enrichment
nigga people play MMOs to play with others too, that's essentially social enrichment
not even the same user
If you already have stuff to do, why are you playing a MMORPG? Why not just play an arena shooter or something that's more pick-up-and-play friendly?
Being a boring and homogeneous RPG experience. Go here, kill that thing, go there, collect that thing, go further away from "home," and go collect some more things. Oh wait, anons! There's a big bad that you need to fight! Oh, uh, but you have to wait your turn while another generic heroic archetype fights that big bad. Don't worry, it'll respawn!
After big bad: Oh no! You didn't get that thing you needed? Better wait for another respawn! Oh, but in a few minutes. Hero #5562315 is taking their turn now!
Seriously, whoever designed the modern MMO structure deserves a kick in the fucking dick.
Exactly my point which is why the mmo genre is dead to me.
Why would anyone anti-social be playing an mmo?
>tfw you just want UO with modern graphics but every MMO dev is too busy scamming people with cashgrabs and WoW clones
Also every expansion is always the same too
>new big bad
>more raiding
>more pvp areas
>maybe a new class or race
which is what expansions are. They're fun. They're like professional modding with the type of content they add. But once you hit expansion 5... Well, I want a new type of game by expansion 2.
MMOs don't often do that. By their nature they're hugely expansive and prone to attracting an audience that needs and assembly line of new raiding content or else understandable boredom seeps in.
Instead of becoming increasingly sandboxes that would become more and more simulators of a real (but fantasy) life they became single player games where you only interact with other individuals on set schedules.
I would love another life sim mmo that doesnt have fucking survival mechanics. Good luck getting that.
The mmo push of 2010-2014 left us with two survivors: FF and Warcraft. Everything else stumbled or fell. What we have is a genre audience that wants and expects theme-parks and an majority of people turned off the idea and turned on by survival games and crafting.
Yeah this
Activision killed wow with Cata
>Make a world where players can build and modify the terrain. Kinda like Wurm.
>Make some GM that make sure nobody fucks shit up too much
>Make dungeons and a system where you can build all sorts of blocks, traps and switches.
>Give GMS a command to make some blocks indestructible.
>Fill world with random, cool creatures and some unique beasts. Some npcs as well
>GMs can control creatures and npcs.
>Players can be pretty much anything. From a merchant to a mason, builder or artisan, from a thief or a bard to a comfy alchemist, from a wizard to a knight or a bandit or even a waifu.
>Characters only have one life. They CAN be resurrected, but it's costly.
>When you get killed, you can't make a character in the next 24 hours.
>You don't necessarily die when you get killed. You may find that your character has turned into a wraith/werewolf/vampire/skeleton/something cool depending on the circumstances of your death. Getting a cursed item may turn you into a powerful dark lord, but you will unally every human.
>Make some God semi-admin players that can use certain admin commands depending on how much people worship them. They can perform miracles.
>Make it so the map has some places of power. Add a meaningful ritual mechanic where you get to perform godly spells if you do an extense and complex ritual.
>Magic classes are as fragile as any other class and it takes time for them to gain power. A wizard can wreck an army channeling his spells, but a knight or archer can wreck the wizard just as easy if he gets him.
>Add meaningful items with all sorts of blessings and curses that change your character for better or worse. Said items are hard to make.
>Add a simple action-based combat system where skill actually matters. Make it so the more level you have the more skills you can do.
You have a world with kingdoms and shit which is constantly changing, has plenty of events and people who build dungeons and cool stuff to protect their godlike items.
Mmos have kept the same formula of combat while other games have advanced with combat that just feels more 'cool' but that's due to the limitations of having many players on one server.
Then I blame casuals who are happy with this simplistic combat meaning they can be complete shitters but as long they grind more than anyone else they can still win.
Plus the whole you and everyone else are the chosen one
So basically you want real life but a video game, then a bunch of boring, tolkien knockoff "high" fantasy retardation thrown on top of that, mixed together with everquest next (horrific failure).
Got it. You're retarded, you could actually get a job at blizzard if you tried.
the 4chain community is what mostly died but there is still a small guild taking it easy
Free market: the game.
If you add the mechanics, people will do it.
If you add places of power where you can do high fantasy shit people will build towers to dominate the area, if people get riches they'll build dungeons to protect them.
Magic would be low-fantasy tier for the most part except for the strongest, luckiest wizards.
And what do you do when your character is über strong? You now have a valuable character, so you protect yourself and your unique items, perhaps get some bodyguards just in case. You try to craft high level objects that would allow you to resurrect in case you got killed, or hire skilled craftstmen.
A game where magic is magic has NEVER been tried.
normies desu
bunch of shitters started complaining about "MUH GRIND" "MUH WOWCLONE" which made devs only cake it up not to be that with cash shops + f2p
i would play it. it sound cool and mostly player run and being resurrected as a skeleton or dark lord sounds pretty cool too. but the skill combat would be hard, i imagine skill combat being 3rd person woth dodging, but not dark souls like just skills, but it would take years to make and most people would probably lose intrest by the time it came out so you'd have to work on it in secret then advertise it when you're done with lots of advertising like commercials, billboards, events.
and it'd have to be pay to play
By not being the same as it was when I first played them.
>2 people having fun
>1 person being butthurt
Sounds about right
How would that be in any way successful? New players would just instantly feel like they are lagging behind and will stop playing. And everyone who doesn't have the best shit will also stop playing.
The end result is a game with 3 people who all in their towers with huge defenses.
Hardly Massively at that point.
>Latency: 245ms
So WoW is good now?
what was their appeal in the first place?
I know EQ2 is a thing but after the EQN/Landmark fiasco I'm not giving them money.
>EQN/Landmark fiasco
Landcuck was made to be a shitty Minecraft ripoff like many others. "The test engine / tech demo" voxle technology or some shit for EQN.
They made a bunch of founders packs for Landmark and a bunch of promises for EQN and after they conned the money off the hype train they canceled EQN. Glad I didnt spend a cent, honestly why should devs make games when they can make false promises and con people?
Scammed people into paying for Landmark, which was an unfinished mess that turned out to have absolutely nothing to do with EQN. Then they killed off EQN development after years of not saying anything.
Guild Wars 2
>New players would just instantly feel like they are lagging behind
That because levels and massive stat gains would make the game not balanced for new players.
What would balance the game would be ability unlocks instead of massive stat gains.
A knight would be nearly as squishy as a peasant, but a knight would have many more abilities to:
>wear armor and not get tired too quickly
>reduce combat damage
>some AoE melee slashes
>All sort of hacknslash abilities, defences and counterattacks
A Knight, especially if he's skilled, would absolutely destroy a small army of peasants.
But still a bunch of moderately-skilled peasants could kill a high level knight if he's careless, and a medium level player could defeat a high level player if he is skilled enough.
But if the current King is a guy who offers you plenty of benefits if you serve him, why would you try to kill him or any of his servants and risk what you have achieved?
And finally about the abilities: the trick would be to add a system where if you train certain skill you get a point to upgrade it into something else. Are you a swordsman? if you train hard enough you can either learn a forward leap or a perfect block, a counterattack or a double slash combo... it's all about creativity.
I'm aware the MMORPG I'm proposing is nearly impossible for our current generation to make.
The MMO has moved on to survival games.
Games which future true dynamic content and where players have so much freedom. Games that create some of the best stories I hear about in gaming. The problem is that the games aren't for me and are janky as fuck to play.
Garbage metafest where zero fun is allowed and the clusterfuck got worse with the introduction of leagues.
Enjoy the same five maps and one raid for the next two years until the Xpac
bad game
These, right here.
shitty devs making shitty games that are basically not massively multiplayer, and whose content is not player-focused, but just shitty 10ish player grind shit
I guess shitty players paying money for this shit is the real problem
I kinda see that working.
>Pay to win allowed to some extent.
>If you get killed you lose your items
ayy good luck :^)