Savage Resurrection

Is it too complex for normies?
Is it too complex for Sup Forums?

Do you even know what Savage Resurrection is? Or are you playing just games that get marketed into your face?

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Well its getting marketed to my face now

Looks interesting for a screenshot but ive never heard of it

Are talking a resurrection of Savage: Tortured Souls?

Say what you want but marketing exists for a reason.

It's a resurrection (read: remake) of it's predecessor.

DESU Screenshot doesn't tell much about the game.
and cancer man posted this today:

I wanna buy it, but the small community makes me hesitate.

I really wanna play it though. I hope it will be as good as NS 2

Mixing RTS with first person stuff just sounds like a fucking disaster.

reason being that most people are fucktards who don't know what they want and/or how to find something?

I love RTS/FPS hybrid games. They're pretty interesting.

It looks like shit desu. They make the shooting look somewhat decent in the trailers but for the most part the game is in 3rd person and it's like a game with mechanics from the 90s with todays graphics. Like I mean it's shit. It's like if we went to an alt diemensions before mobas were born and we only had RTS and instead of going ahead with mobas we came out and got the bad end with this game.

No it's really fun, look at Natural selection.

The original game was meh. Good idea but terrible execution.

It's so fucking deep


t. casual scum

The OG Savage was fun as fuck, I never played the 2nd one. Didn't they give them out for free after some time? I'd gladly pay for a next-gen remake.

Holy fuck, is this a C&C Renegade remake? Why didn't I hear about it?

>90s mechanics are bad
>ASSFAGGOTS are good
cool story bro, have this (you)

i had my worries about this games population from the start, its no longer showing playercounts in the community page so i doubt its going to be getting any better.

Same reason why people don't know about Savage games or even most other FPS/RTS hybrds:
It's not being marketed into your face
Nothing personnel kid

but seriously, I hope more people would actually put a bit of effort into finding hidden gems like Renegade X

Do people still play Renegade?
I wish the game let you actually build bases; I've seen Construction Yards in some custom maps but, they don't seem to have that function.
Battle Zone 1 and 2 were also pretty cool. There was the Empire mod for HL2 which was a FPS/RTS combo and then Natural Selection 1 and 2 but, 2 is kinda empty these days.

I always wondered what it would be like if someone made a Warcraft1/2 or Starcraft 1 RTS/FPS hybrid.
Has quite small playerbase due to a bit higher learning curve than MOBAs or Minecraft. Seems to have a spike currently because of TB's video.

>There was the Empire mod for HL2
There were plans to create a Steamgroup for old Source mods on /vg/, but the threads stopped showing up after a few days.

>I wish the game let you actually build bases
I would fucking kill for that. Or maybe just donate some money. Or sign a petition.
But that would require half of Renegade X to be rewritten, and dev team does not have the resources to do that.

Also Nuclear Dawn was interesting FPS/RTS, but it's mostly dead now.

I say, this is the most condescending viral marketing I've seen in a while. Good to try new tactics guys but maybe scale it back a little.

you got me

Obvious marketing is obvious

Also angels fall first is bigger and better in just about every way

Looks awesome, thanks for putting it on my radar.
What exactly does the commander do in that game? Just gives orders to units or is there any other aspect to it?

Looks more casual than LoL

>implying implications
ironical shit taste in vidya is still shit taste in vidya
4/10, made me reply

I am not implying anything. I just said that your game looks more casual than LoL. Nothing else.

Instead of proving me wrong you accuse me of baiting or something.

So yeah, guess your game is truly shit.

Shill harder bro.

Its still alive?

Yep. Has small but dedicated playerbase.
link in is from yesterday

Sadly situation is that servers take up to 40 players, but to have fun game you need at least 15 players. So you either can't join because server is full or don't want to join because not enough people on server.

But when you get a game where non-retards outnumber retards, you have very enjoyable game.

And it's free.