>A remaster of a $40 game worth about $25 now. > A cutscene compilation that someone will upload to YouTube > A game that lasts about 1-2 hours >All for $60
Are Kingdom Hearts fans really that retarded to not see how much of a desperate cash grab this is?
>Nomura explained that he initially said the length of the one world during development, but after playing through it, it’s substantially longer. More specifically, he revealed we will be seeing more than one world in 0.2 as well.
Colton Baker
user, try to keep up. That's old information, see
Cameron Young
It could be worse
They could sell you a shitty remaster with a toy included
Kayden Ross
>complaining about a series whose quality of writing is on par with fanfiction
Seriously, who gives a shit? SE is a terrible company with a terribly underfunded writing staff and localization team who churn out shitty fanfic-tier autism quests with garbage translations.
Sebastian Russell
I dont get this.
Benjamin Russell
Basically Sakaguchi gave Nomura the advice to make KH "complex" to keep people interested.
Matthew Nelson
Adrian Flores
Because it's in 60 FPS. And it's in HD. And 3D = Recoded > BBS tbqh.
Shit, I'd buy it if it was JUST for the Symphony of Sorcery section of the game.
Luis Adams
I won't mind because I didn't play DDD on 3DS because it looked uncomfortable as shit. I gladly welcome a Ps4 port using the DS4. Everything else is just added gravy.
Cameron Gutierrez
>it looked uncomfortable as shit I loved 3D and can confirm your assumption was right, the camera is pulled in too close on Sora and Riku and at times that really fucks you over, just like with BBS the HD version is fixing that problem.
Evan Roberts
Fuck you OP, I'm going to buy it. I even hope for an announcement of the first two collections on PS4 before each major event. TGS is next I guess.
Jacob Sullivan
Already pre-ordered
Levi Bailey
Fucking love Projared's roasting of the Kingdom Hearts series. This should be mandatory viewing for all fanboys
Oh hell now. I was going to buy it if it was $40 but for $60 I will skip it. I rather have the first collection ported to PS4.
Evan Roberts
The cash grabbing has barely begun. They're going to port 1.5 and 2.5 to PS4 and PC next.
Nathaniel Howard
Who is this and why should people care? And why do you feel like fan boys would be receptive to an e-cleb roasting a series that they like?
Andrew Watson
IGN played it and confirmed it was shit.
Aaron Edwards
Now someone correct if I'm wrong, but wasn't their issue was that 2.8 didn't have as much content as the other 2 collections and since when does Sup Forums put Ign's word on a pedestal?
Robert Johnson
>wasn't their issue was that 2.8 didn't have as much content as the other 2 collections Yeah
Jonathan Jackson
It'll be half price a month or two after release just like 2.5 was
Robert Reyes
More Kairi please
Easton Ramirez
>clear and simpler >not saying "simple and clean" someone really need to stab Nomura
Grayson Martin
>there are people who will defend the incomprehensible drivel that is the KH plot >they're posting on Sup Forums right now
Evan Wilson
Ryder Fisher
Alexander Peterson
>There are people who understand KH's plot >While I don't
Evan Miller
I just want them to release 1 and 2 on the PS4
Hudson Anderson
>Ramflega I really don't understand why she's making some of the character intentionally orange.
Hudson Campbell
1.5 and 2.5 on PS4 FUCKING WHEN
Austin Lopez
>On the topic of a Playstation 4 release of Kingdom Hearts HD ReMIX's 1.5 and 2.5, Tai Yasue reveals that Square Enix aren't ruling it out as a possibility, but aren't quite ready to announce them just yet. Hopefully a Playstation 4 collection will be announced soon to compliment the upcoming release of Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue. >khinsider.com/news/Gamespot-Interviews-Tai-Yasue-6622
Christian Wright
I have both on PS3 but it's such a chore booting that up nowadays
I want 1.5 and 2.5 in 1080p/60 like 3D
Anthony Murphy
KH3 Sora is miles better. I count only 3 belt buckles in the new design. Well done for holding back Nomura.
Hudson Moore
Buttons are the new belt buckles
Jason King
because i'd need a 3ds to play 3ddd and 3ds is a piece of shit. I don't need it.
Carson Ross
He's been on that track for a while now.
Benjamin Edwards
who /xehanort/ in here?
Luis Sullivan
So who is the secret and ancient big bad behind the scenes for the entire series even before Xehanort going to be this time
Who's the secret and ancient big bad behind that guy gonna be
Justin Morgan
I know that you're probably half meming but the Master of Masters is really starting to sound like he's a giant asshole.
Julian Jackson
Master of Masters probably. The guy is a ducking asshole, if you don't know who that is then he's a guy that's been dead for a long ass time but the shit he pulled had ripple effects to present day.
Jack Diaz
I play these games because of the fun gameplay. But I really could not care less about the story.
Every fucking character is 3 characters and it just gets dumber from there.