what went so wrong?

your life

retarded developer

Nothing actually. Infact I played yesterday and caught a bitchin raichu and kabutops

>I'm sick of seeing people playing at my school I will spam Sup Forums everyday until they believe the game is dead my master plan can't fail!

Still play on occasion, waiting for that update with the buddy system.

>Sup Forums shits all over every mobile game
>but happily defends it when it's Pokeshit

lmao'ing atm tbqh


nothing, people still play it


I wasn't here for the release of Go, but did Sup Forums ever like it?
Or did you guys hate it from the start.

Better Pokemon game than Pokemon Go

We were excited but when Niantic literally ruined everything in a week not only we hated it; we didn't want to talk about it

Absolutely no content

The highest achievement one can gain is to place a Pokemon at a Gym, which isn't as exciting as it seems like it would be. Once you're over that gimmick, you realize the game has no other content to offer

getting serverely punished for living on a rural area
>the only viable farming spot only have 2 stops
>you actually still need to do some walking to reach each stop

I wanted to like it but I dropped it after all the bugs

Only faggots still play it. You don't want to be a faggot, do you?

It wasn't as good as Pokemon Blue

shit, it wasn't even as good as Pokemon SNAP

Well all the kids are back in school so I expect it to completely disappear soon.

Dropped it within the week it came out. It just didn't feel much like a game. I'm still trying to figure out the reason for why it was such a hit with normalfags. Was it because you could post about finding a magikarp in your soup on facebook or something?

fuck this gay-ass game! it's not even an RPG

bugs and a shitty dev
>removes features instead of fixing them
>effectively takes down sites that make finding pokemon a lot easier
>promises new features and only half asses them
>artificially inflates release rates and lowers poke ball chances at stops
>water type still overpowered as shit
>absolutely no communication between devs and community

they fixed the pokeball thing but the catch rate is still god awful
the grind is absolutely atrocious to level up
startdust, despite almost absolutely needing it, is given out like there's also an option to pay for it

>no multiplayer aspect of any kind
lol no

Nether does Pokemon Go have any

I still play and am more addicted than ever dafuq you talk in' bout?

>entire point of game revolves around going outside and taking gyms claimed by other players
>direct multiplayer features like trading and PVP battles coming soon
>no multiplayer
retard alert

>direct multiplayer features like trading and PVP battles coming soon

I'm this guy and I agree that is bullshit. The source is Niantic's usual promises. Nevertheless, the gyms are a huge social component for PGO that raises it well above Pocket Mortys.

>you need stardust as much as air
Don't level up each and every one of your shitmons. Most aren't even worth it.

Niantic is literally the most incompetent gaming dev ever to exist. Very, very few games have ever caught on so quickly as Pokemon Go. You couldn't fucking turn on the news or the radio without someone talking about it or referencing it in some way.

How did Niantic handle all this publicity? They refuse to utter a single fucking word on any form of media regarding the atrocious servers. After weeks of servers being down as often as they were up, they announced they would hold off on releasing the game to other countries until the shit gets fixed. 15 minutes later, they release the game in a bunch of third world countries and continued to do so for weeks, even though it fucked the server. Then a mysterious """bug""" appeared where the tracker would always show 3 footprints, making it literally impossible to hunt for Pokemon (you know, the main gimmick of the game). A few weeks go by without Niantic saying anything (minus a few dank meme tweets to Soulja Boy and Jimmy Kimmel).

Then we got the death patch. In a single patch, Niantic: made it artificially more difficult to catch Pokemon by increasing their chance to dodge and break out of balls, lowered the player radius so it'd be harder to catch or go to Pokestops, flat out fucking removed the tracker instead of fixing it, and killed any unofficial trackers that popped up to do Niantic's job for them. I have no idea what happened after that day, other than I saw hundreds of assmad threads on the PoGo Reddit with people getting refunds and review bombing.

They focused on a global release rather than working on features.

even if you don't pump all of them full of stardust and candy you still desperately need it if you want to level up your actually good pokemon

That explains the 3.5 rating I saw. But yeah, I started to hear how they started to make it harder to catch pokemon as you leveled up and I realized that they were just out to make money than make it fun.

>Launch game
>Actively fuck it up
>Make things worse for high level players with updates
>Start adding pointlessly stupid features like that buddy system once people are losing interest which won't get anyone back in playing it

Not to mention their shitty support system.
>email them being specific about my problem
>Get a copy-paste message of the troubleshooting page when my email says my problem is not mentioned there

>tfw spent £134 on this

What the fuck is wrong with you


proof the Sup Forums is full of casuals

Do BRs inherently know how to speak Spanish? Portuguese seems so fucking similar to Spanish.

Nigga what did you even spend that shit on i olny thought you would pay for like a few slots of bag space but jesus christ

u br?

Nothing. People just don't play it near you so you assume it's dead.

That's not how the world works. Also the articles that claim it "lost" thousands have literally NO PROOF unless Niantic publicly released the numbers of people who stopped logging in.

>Was it because you could post about finding a magikarp in your soup on facebook or something?
Exactly. And also they could post "I LOVE POKEMON!" despite calling someone a faggot for liking it in school after they had stopped.

I don't even think that's possible. Why would you ever need to spend money on this game at all? I guess I can see someone wanting to upgrade the bag slots a bit, but if you're doing that then it means you're bag is already full so you'd never need to buy balls.

I just played this morning
I'm at lvl 16 and Pokemon Go is still great. Got into the game after the patch that supposedly "fucked up" everything but its been great so far. Dunno how was the game before that, but I'm quite enjoying it.

Aside from the bugs and broken servers:
-Gyms are easy to take over, but tedious and not worth the time.
-Filling out the pokedex requires catching large numbers of the same pokemon for evolutions making it nearly impossible to get things that are not in your area. No one wants to go on vacation and spend hours staring at their phone.
-Nothing in the game can be related back to the real Pokemon games other than the models and walking to hatch eggs. Finding, catching, battling, and training pokemon are all completely different and some cases go against what you would expect in the main games. I can understand Nintendo not wanting a direct emulation of the battle system, but there are other ways to make it feel like a Pokemon game.

>No one wants to go on vacation and spend hours staring at their phone.
You're not American, are you?

It's shit.

That's your opinion, Xer. Tumblr.

it is shit though sempai.

We live in an age of "distraction" not "gaming".

Casualfags just want to be distracted, they aren't looking to get invested in their digital wares like we old timers.

So the second something grows stale, the attention span snaps like a twig and they move on.

It's pathetic but such is life.

I played for a bit and all my friends were addicted to this for about a month.

Then everything died.

And I know why.

The game is boring. It'S not that the idea is bad or that the concept can't work, it's just that, in its current state, the only thing it is is a cheap Pokemon catching simulator with a very bad Gym combat system.

I mean all you do is farm pokemons and catch them without even having to battle them. At first it's pretty cool, it's novel, but, then, in my case, after litterally 2 days, I was utterly bored with it.

It could have worked as a legit Pokemon game where you ned to use your pokemons to catch others and do battle with them, then use your catches to fight other trainers and teach them moves just like in the real handheld games, but what it is right now is nothing more than a Candy Crush tier app for cheap farming and wasting time.

The problem is just that it lacks content.

>game is a thinly veiled cash shop, but has some f2p aspects
>they specifically make the game harder so people will spend more money on it
>people actually fall for it
Jesus Christ, the only acceptable reason for giving them money is for advertising your business with it.

>Damn, he hit a nail on the head, let me post something completly unrelated to my initial post and hope nobody will notice

Giving Pokémon to a Google offshoot full of employees they wanted to fire but couldn't.

Honestly that's why Niantic exists. It's full of the rejects who lied on their résumés and got through Google's rigorous hiring process by a miracle, but then surprise, it turned out that they are all shit at programming. Because firing all these lost causes was too much effort, they gave them a huge severance package in the form of a company saying "here you go, now get the fuck out of Google".

This is why the launch was botched; none of them were ready to do proper fucking server ops, and now it's taking weeks to roll out mechanically simple features virtually already reimplemented by hackers that reversed the binaries.

what does not liking Go has to do with Tumblr?
If Anything, Tumblr wil be all over it because of MUH GENDERLESS MYSTIC LEADER

battle minigame is not fun which completely ruins the incentive to keep playing unless you just love pointless collecting

my coworker has spent almost five hundred bucks on it