Sup Forums still pirates games while not being able to justify it

>Sup Forums still pirates games while not being able to justify it

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I don't have to justify shit. I pirate cause I want free games.

Fuck off.

Why should I pay for something I can easily get for free?

Miss kat but it seems extra torrent is doing a good job replacing it

tpb is still up.

A world where piracy exists:
>I'm on the fence about [game], so I'll pirate it and see if I like it
>That was pretty good, I'll go buy a legit copy now

A world where piracy doesn't exist:
>I'm on the fence about [game] and I'd rather not take the chance of risking my money, so I guess I just won't buy it.

Piracy doesn't cost you sales, it gets you more.

I didn't know people had to justify when pirating games?


I don't give a shit OP, I pirate because I can. Fuck your morals.

>ITT pccucks try to justify piracy

Piracy is not thievery though. When will you dumb fucks get it through your thick fucking skulls.

and also

Sup Forums is super Alt Right and fully pro capitalist unless you talk about buying video games.


Why do you think we have a need to justify it?

You're fucking delusional.

This is actually amusingly true

It's simple, if I pirate a game and it can hold my fucking attention, I'll buy it.

But I'm sure as hell not wasting money on a game I'll play for 4 hours and get bored of.

Plenty of people try to do it.
How is it not?

My justification is:

I want to play it, And for one reason or another, I don't want or can't buy it.

1.You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.

>I'll go buy a legit copy now
This never happens

>They don't buy games and then refund them if they don't like them


That's the only justification I need nigger.

Too mainstream, lots of trash torrents with no comments or suspicious filesizes. I personally prefer to just look on extra torrent and rutracker with thepiratebay as my last choice

>What is a review
>What is a demo
>What is gameplay footage

Legitimate alternatives to piracy. But then again getting to sample a game isn't the REAL reason people pirate, is it? :)

I used to think this was the only acceptable answer. Everyone else is just coming up with bullshit reasons to make themselves feel better for acting like niggers.
Now, however, I feel there are two valid justifications. Piracy is just fine if it's an Early Access title or you're pirating DLC and they sold 3/4s of a game.

In my time, I used to do heavily both.
I used to buy tons of NEW games (not resells) and still pirate tons of games.
Now my steam library is full of something like 150+ games.
It's just how the things go man, nobody can stop piracy.

>go in bike shop
>guy starts shoving his newest bike in my face
>uhh I don't think that's a good one, the wheels are square, can I like test ride it or something
>test ride it while he isn't looking

>oh I guess I was wrong about the wheels, here you are sir
>Yep these wheels are fucking stupid, who would ever buy this bike

hey man i buy humble bundle sometimes, atleast I give to charity unlike those filthy console peasants.

I do it all the times because I don't wanna spend money on something I don't know if I'll like it or not. So stop projecting.

>giving to charity

oh I'm just going to buy a car based on reviews instead of actually driving it
very few games come with actual demos anymore
>gameplay footage
oh I'm going to buy that car because of the commercial on tv!

>asks for HIS justification
>somehow he isn't justified because other people don't do what he does

But I use Catholic charities, not jewish ones!

wtf site do you niggers even use to torrent anymore

I do it because it's personally beneficial to me, and there is no downside for me since getting caught is nearly impossible.

It's pretty natural to harm an unknown foreign entity especially in such a minor way for a personal benefit. What's next OP, are you going to bitch like a girl because I eat meat and "oh that poor animal"?

Fuck off faggot.

ah yes, the Jews

also, paid reviews, shilling, and metacritic bombing

It's cute that you think they still exist

>gameplay footage
>No mans sky

>Doesnt want bike
>gets it anyway

Pirates, everyone

You're making a copy of the file you're tormenting, you're not removing it. It's like making a copy of someone's house key.

Man, if only there was some sort of place, a bay if you will, for pirates like us.

I pirated a lot when I was a jobless student.
now I just play few games I already own.

Because it's illegal to steal?

>its buyfanboy with his faggotry again

>There is no demo
>Refunds are a bit finiky
>I want to try it before buying it
> I dont want to pay for oa shit game

Sup Forums isn't one dude though. I don't pirate games because i'm not a nigger.

this comic would be more accurate if he bought the bike and then started making copies outside the shop and giving them away for free

But I didn't, I left the shop in disgust (AKA, uninstall the game because it's shit)

>Playing rather then watching

Might as well watch someone else play the game for me. That isn't piracy if someone else is playing.

Yeah, as long as you faggots have to make up convoluted scenarios to compare piracy to, you're not going to seem very credible.

Cuckold Bay

Fucking hell, that poor bikeshop owner, I should pay him when I buy the bike from another store too, shouldn't I?

I mean he lost a sale then too, because I COULD have bought it from him. We should all be commies and pay all stores the retail price when we buy an item, it's only fair.

You both failed on the last point. Any time a new game releases, tons of video of it floods the internet because people record themselves playing it and upload the footage in the form of silent walkthroughs or LPs. That is not comparable to advertisements or pre-rendered bullshots in any way.

Piracy is sharing, not stealing. I thought socialists wanted everything to be free? See

>holy shit a talking bike!

Everyone not buying bikes at all are also lost sales.

I don't have to justify shit you fucking faggot.

How about I do what I want you whiny little cuck

It's also illegal to blatantly lie about your product and then refuse refunds

A) If one person pirates, who otherwise would have bought a game, and then doesn't buy it, the developer loses a sale.

B) If one person pirates, who otherwise wouldn't have bought a game, and then buys it, the developer gains a sale.

For piracy to not be detrimental to the industry those two scenarios have to be equally likely.

If A happens more than B, piracy hurts the industry.

If B happens more than A, piracy helps the industry.

Does anyone really believe A happens more than B?

I do more of A than B

Oh shit, yeah. Fucking scumbags. What about those people who didn't buy two? Everyone could potentially buy two.

This world is fucking disgusting.

>supporting jew

Why spend money on something i can steal and get away with it.

It's that simple, i've been pirating things for more than a decade and i've never ever been caught.

So i saved up enough money to live way above my comfort level. I live very comfortably, until i get caught you won't see me stop anytime soon.

>i miss kat
then use one of the 500 billion proxies you idiot

Fucking kek. You guys are delusional.

>Sup Forums still pirates games while not being able to justify it

The only games I pirate are no longer in print, you abortive retard.

Newsflash: Publishers and developers do NOT profit from second-hand sales. Unless they're actively re-printing or distributing older games, it's not physically possible for me to support them. And no, I'm not going to buy a $500 console just so I can download emulated ROMs from a virtual console service or some shit.

Whether I go to a flea market and pick up a used copy of a game or I simply download it, there is zero impact on the economy of gaming. You may as well say that distributing intellectual property through flea markets and yard sales should be illegal.

I do it because I can

>A world where piracy doesn't exist:
>>I'm on the fence about [game] and I'd rather not take the chance of risking my money, so I guess I just won't buy it.

>He thinks everyone thinks alike

That just goes back to the reviews though. There's a reason game devs started using preorders to bait people into buying before it comes out.

I meant to write
>Does anyone really believe B happens more than A?

watching a LP or something would be the equivalent of watching something like top gear with the sound muted. It's still retarded

I could easily compare it to a book but some fags would deny the comparison between watching gameplay footage and judging a book based on its cover

>making a copy of a paid game is stealing

Thread theme:

And? Who's gonna stop me.
It's illegal to jaywalk, too.

I don't mind if you pirate,in fact my best friend pirates a lot since he's a poorfag.
But he's never tried to paint it in a good light because no matter how much you argue or technicalitys it's stealing and if you just accept it then I won't judge you.
But if you think piracy is somthing defendable or noble you are literally as bad as the Tumblr shoplifting fandom

I'm not seeing you doing any buying whatsoever

>Reviews can be bought and paid for
>No one makes demos anymore
>We can't trust gameplay video anymore

Is it illegal to pirate, yes or no?

I do a lot of C actually
C) if one person pirates, who otherwise wouldn't have bought a game because it looks bad, then doesn't buy it because it really was bad.

This shit happens with solid good too. People return shit after using it for as long as they are able. If you think piracy is special you are fooling yourself.

... is better

>being this much of a fucking moralfag
I'm going to spend my money on the things I need to survive. Fuck giving money to a developer for something I can get for free.

What IS a demo?

Fucking this, in the recent years Game Devs are actually just glorified con artists trying to sell you mystery boxes.

That last panel should be changed to
Store owner "Oh good, if people see him riding that bike it will be free advertising for me! That may increase my sales and I still have the original bike seeing as he didn't steal it! Please come again sir!"

No one can guarantee you'll be punished by authority, but undoubtedly you have the characteristic of a degenerate. All there is for you is a life of cognitive dissonance and thuggery. Hardly a life worth living.

And why would I stop doing something I want to do just because someone says it's illegal?

>implying Western game devs make up all gamedevs
Come on now. Certain devs are trustworthy for products quality. Others aren't. REAL Sup Forumsirgins can tell the difference.

Sorry comrade, I didn't know this was an inspection gate. I've got my papers here, and they're all in order, I swear.

>console fucks upset they can't get free games.

I pirated before I found a job. Now I can afford to buy all the games I want, but don't have time to play them

>justify piracy
only cucks do that shit

If everyone followed the same line of reasoning, then the industry would be completely dead, because nobody would buy games anymore.

I'd say the life of a goody two-shoes is not worth living because it's so fucking boring.

This is what fucking bothers me about piratefags.
NO ONE is arguing whether or no its considered "thieving" or not. Thats literally just arguing semantics.
People are discussing whether or not piracy is right or wrong. Whether its called stealing or making a copy or whatever.

>B-but its not stealing so its ok!!! is better

>paid in fucc
