ITT: Best party members

ITT: Best party members

that's not Riki


Riki is also the Best.

Pretty much you could just beat the game with Dunban and Riki






That's not Repede


imho the best party members for any video game is the the cutest waifu

fucking bitch wont heal me when i need her to.




based Garrus

i love this faggot

Came here to post this.




>Best teammate in the game
>Get him 10 seconds before the final mission
>He isn't a teammate in the third game
ME3 wouldn't have been nearly as bad if ME2 hadn't been the worst example of missed opportunities in history.

>Operator as fuck with great manners
>Built like a tank
>highest attack of all characters
>special ability is 100% accuracy +150% damage for one attack
>Slowest member so you could buff him with all the other characters before he fires his gun
>can crit bosses into oblivion

Gallows deserves a nod for being a beefy mage and Virginia for being great support unit. The only weak link was Jet who always got the scraps and never really filled a niche.

Yeah, we had to have steroid muscles man instead. WHY

Citan or Fei



Whenever I played DDS I always made Serph a more min-maxed physical attacker than Heat so I never used that fucker. Argilla's stats make her an obvious mage and Gale had his stats spread around to be proficient in whatever the situtation demanded of him. He's like a beefed up Jack-of-all-trades in the sense that rather than being average at everything he's actually pretty good.

I really hate it when characters shout their attack names in games. It's always been a pet peeve of mine. I have this game on mute when I play it usually.

forgot pic, I was obviously talking about this motherfucker.

Trap abuse with Marco tugging enemies around the battlefield broke the game.

Everything broke the game honestly. I used galka and musou to build up the chain gauge then shit on stuff with stocke and rosche.

Duban+ Riki + Melia remains best team combination.





Sorry brah first requirement to joining my part is to look cool.


>Actually caring about Looks vs. Stats


If the game is easy then you're damn right I do. I haven't gotten him yet, but Riki will not be spending any time in my party, fuck mascot characters. Chuchu could have been the best character in Xenogears and she still wouldn't have seen any party time.


That's a funny picture of Riki

>Hating on Mighty Heropon

Your taste is shit

Mascot character = instant dismissal. Apparently he talks in the third person too which is even shittier.

>hating Riki

I didn't know it was possible to be this much of a faggot.


I didn't mind it at all except for when Melia would shout "BURST EEEEEEEEEEEEEEND"
She was my favorite to play as but I made sure not to equip that move mainly for that reason.

I see no real difference between him and jar jar binks really.

The first few times it was reyn time were amusing, same with them really feeling it. But holy shit it just never ends with them really feeling reyn time.


Your closeminded feelings have led you to a tragic place, user.

He who cannot appreciate the Mighty Heropon has no soul.

Probably because you haven't played the game.

I'll admit I haven't gotten to that part yet, but all I need is a picture to know I'm not using him. All japanese mascots are basically the same. He's the chuchu of this game.

that's later on in the game
it takes a long time for melia to gitgud, but once she does, she's overpowered as shite

until then it's really just dunban + riki + shulk

Was she even a playable i gears except that one forced fight?

>Letting cucks be apart of your main 3
Let in a real guy like REYN

everything in FFX was a setup by him to destroy sin for good


The only thing he's actually responsible for is somehow letting Tidus go into Spira. Although, that could just be the Fayth themselves that did that, in which case, Auron did literally nothing.
>could have told everyone the entire truth right from the start
>but didn't say a damn thing and kept quiet until it was too late
What a hero


>reyn shulk dunban
>sworddrive setups
>topples for days
Best team fuck bitches and furballs


*picks flowers*

Nah, ur shit

>Calls it a "momentary massacre"
>Does it over and over and over and fucking over
>Manages to outdamage Pamela: Destroyer of Worlds

he was a piece of shit. Would not consider to be the best of anything



>not Edèr from PoE

Step up

>shit magic
>Physically worse than Kanji, who also has magic

No way, I was all on board him being a shitty character but he ended up being one of the best parts of ME3

Freaking loved everyone but fucking Jet.

*ring a ding ding*


>Not the worst.

You really could have made the entire party Fei, Bart, Elly, Billy, Maria and Emeralda. The game would honestly be better for it.

>tumblr the character

Riki is probably the best written character in the entire game. Ignoring him is the worst thing you could possibly do. He's the antithesis of every other mascot character.

You could play as her in almost every situation after the fight with Nikolai. There's no reason to do so: she's just a crutch if you suck at Gear fights.

Citan gets more and better development than most of them and is arguably the strongest post sword upgrade. You're high.

c'mere brother


You already posted the literal best party member in vidya though. How the fuck can I follow up?

Terra, Mog, and Gogo are pretty legit though.

>when fia exists


>Only gets chewed out for his questionable decisions once in the entire game.
>All of his progression through the game is just a series of reveals of just how fucking important he is and how much shit he kept from you and how smart he is.

Citan is a fucking creator's pet, and the absolute worst kind. You'd be daft to want a character that shitty in your core party.
Don't you dare deny it, Jin in Saga is absolute proof that Takahashi has a huge boner for Uzuki.

Alright fair enough, but half the character you named get about 1/4 of a character arc and then are dropped for budget reasons. Billy's entire arc ends so abruptly I got whiplash.

I've seen a staggering amount of people claim they loathe this game and even then they still said they liked Auron.

>outdamaging xenogears on foot
Once he gets his sword nigga gets ridiculous
Don't even get me started on the sword upgrade for his omnigear

>Not Boy and Slime Knight

Somehow I missed that the entire game. I thought it was just that one off battle in that sky city after the FUCKING TOWER OF BABEL

Yeah, that's why I said the game would be better if it just focused on those six.

Fei, Bart, Billy, Elly and Citan are pretty much the "core" of the group once the plot kicks into gear. Billy's arc is pretty shit despite this and mostly focuses on a bunch of characters who probably shouldn't even exist instead of him. Maria is nearly Rico levels of unimportant, but could easily have been worthwhile if they game didn't spending time on....well, Rico among other things.

The cast is spread too thin and the game suffers for it. Same with the plotting, honestly.


I think I the most I got him to attack was 6 times a turn.


Babel isn't nearly as bad as people say it is.
There's far more annoying dungeons in that game.

>Gee Robo, why does mom let you have TWO sidequests?

this fat bastard right fuckin here.
not only was he maxed in repair, but he could snipe people in the eye from across the map.

dudes would just randomly go blind around this son of a bitch. you have to be a crack shot when you're that tubby.

This is the equivalent of bringing a tank to a street gang war

he literally is responsible for kimari bringing yuna to besaid, he encouraged tidus falling in love with yuna, his goal from the beginning was to somehow kill yunalesca, he subtle manipulated the groups feelings on several occasions so they would choose against the great summon, that was his master plan since the death of brasca