Man, the writing is decent but there really isn't much of a game here is there?

Man, the writing is decent but there really isn't much of a game here is there?
There's surely only so many times you can hover around a crime scene and press A or walk up to someone and press X, Y or B.

I've just got to the homicide desk, is there a lot left I have to see through yet?

You've got a long way to go my friend. Prepare for disappointment when you reach the end.

Should I drop it then? Once I get into a case it's alright, but it feels like I'm barely actually playing anything and searching around a house picking up lipstick, brushes, bottles and the occasional clue is tiresome

I was counting on this to last me a bit honestly, I enjoy the setting so thought it'd be up my alley but every case is basically the same thing

I know Phelps dies in a sewer or something along those lines though I doubt that's where the disappoint comes from

Alot of the game's content is dlc op. Without dlc the game is insanely short. Shame really.

Also later on, there's this whole side plot about a affair or something that comes out of nowhere and makes no fucking sense.

That is the game. If you don't like solving mysterious and determining whether someone is lying to you, this isn't the game for you.

>the game is insanely short
It took me like 25 hours to beat dude

>Without dlc the game is insanely short
I sure fucking wish it felt that way.

Sure the game is kind of repetitive, but it's really good!

Best part of the game is driving around the beautiful map and getting sad that 80% of it isn't even used by the game.

I've not even been doing much of the driving, I'm generally a shit driver in vidya.

Any word on how about long is actually left then? Just done The Red Lipstick Murder, don't have any of the DLC. If I've done more than half its probably worth seeing it through

Goddammit I am so tired of people bashing my favorite games on this board. The only reason that you don't like this game is because you are shit at it. And the reason that you are so shit is because you are a narrow-minded cuck. I suppose that some games are just a little bit too "intellectual" for the folks of this board, but it nevers ceases to anger me. Next time, instead of making a shitty post, try playing the game a little more. And if that doesn't help, pick up a fucking book, or just off yourself, no one will miss you. Now, if you decide to not end your pathetic life and you expand your intellectual horizons then MAYBE you can post shit about my favorite game again.

Sorry this was just a small rant I had to gt off of my chest.

The game is fun as fuck. Plebs can't enjoy it because there's no follow x kill x ad naesium

If you're playing the PC version the DLC is integrated into the story

This, I actually felt there was too much action, especially in the ending

What a special snowflake!

Yep. They created a really cool world with amazing atmosphere that would have been fucking fun to hang out in if they had remembered to make it a video game.

Homicide is the peak of the game.
Vice is shit and Arson doesn't make up for it

LA noire is one of those games that actually feel way too long

There should've been more fluff around the map, i.e. a movie theater like RDR has

>Play the game
>Follow the driving rules because I am a cop after all
>Suddenly pass on a red light
>nothing happens

>Vice is shit

Actually Vice is the peak, Homicide is just doing the same case over again

I'd like both those things just fine if they made an actual game out of it.

For instance, say every crime had four or five suspects, you could search for clues the same way but then you would have to match your clues to witness testimony and attempt to determine who is guilty. They could still have the interrogations too but they would actually mean something if determining if the person was lying actually meant something.

Every time you get a new case the old one could go to trial and the person will be determined to be guilty if you were right on who you arrested or innocent if you were wrong. This could affect how the game plays on later on, like if you keep getting them wrong you fuck up and get the bad ending or it ends early.

This is just what I've come up with in five minutes, I see no reason why actual game developers couldn't come up with something better in the time they had. This is one of those games I really, really wanted to love but I'll jut watch a film if there's going to be literally no purpose to interacting with the game.

I've got to admit some of Cole's "lie" dialogue gets a genuine chuckle.

>"I don't know anything about that ring officer I swear"
>Hmm this is clearly bullshit, he knows something, I'll call it out

>You're full of shit, Jacob. The truth is you hated that bitch: You followed her and dragged her into the car and took her out to the Moors. She woke up, and you smashed her face in with a socket wrench. And then you stomped her... you stomped her because she was a drunken whore and she treated you like shit. You stomped her for all the years you had to take it. You stomped her because you're such a weak fucking sister, Jacob, and you wanted to erase all memory of it. Go on, try to deny it.

>Prove it!

...looks like I made a mistake

It's not a simulator, that would be annoying af desu

Sorry. Sometimes you have to shake the tree and see what falls out.

You forgot to post a face.

You've seen pretty much all the game has to offer you, if it's not interesting no point in pushing yourself.

Arson is the best desk. Based Herschel.

Decent movie

I played the game continuously for 30 hours because I thought the plot was going somewhere and then it didn't.

I was still weirdly engrossed in this game I guess cause I kinda liked the protag and his backstory but they kinda fuck it up near the end when you have to play as some annoying asshole no one likes.

It honestly feels like a great point & click adventure game that somebody forced to be a Third Person open world affair.

The biggest issue I had was that it's painfully obvious who your culprits are, but you still have to spend way too much time to gather a mountain evidence to either make them confess or attack you.

"I'm a Jew, ok? This is AMERICA, it's not a crime."
>"That's right, get out of here, goyim!"
>threaten Jew with further investigation so he tries to escape
>shoot fleeing Jew in the back

They can't keep getting away with this!

>Do you wanna arrest the pedo or the guy who might of actually done it.
>Arrest guy who seemed more likely
>Go back and Arrest Pedo because apparently was suppose to
>Turns out none of them did it
>Turns out no one in this entire arc of the game did it and it was all a big waster of time
>Didn't even get to arrest the guy
>Corrupt police man sweeps it under the rug
>Okay that was shit hope next chapter better
>Cool more interesting drug stuff can't wait to see the pay of.....
>Suddenly I'm cheating on my wife and everyone hates me and I get demoted
>Suddenly I'm some other guy and the game ends

Fuck this game one huge fucking troll.

>Sir it's this guy, he murdered that woman
>Alright Phelps, explain yourself boyo, what makes you say that?
>It would be narratively appropriate sir!
>By god you're right, well done son, we'll have him in chains by sundown


>implying that isn't how L.A. justice was handed out in the 1940's (or today for that matter)

They really told that Jew actor to be a smug, unlikable piece of shit, but shooting him for no reason (especially while running from you) would still be super-unlawful.

I forget, was he armed or not?

I left it to your imagination
Be creative user

Cole isn't an actual anti-semite, just trying to provoke a confession
the whole point of that was that Cole is his own man, a character who makes his own decisions and not just a stand-in for yourself

Anyone else felt it was too easy? I was half paying attention and the game gifted me the answers really