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uhhhm, I'm pretty sure the line is "This is my last resort."
Was that game that disappointing for everyone or it's Sup Forums bullying someone they don't like again?
How insane is this whole situation where they had to actually put that on the page.
If they were honest about what this game was it would have been received well enough. The fact that Sony got in and marketed this game the way they did was the only real mistake.
It has 66,000 reviews.
On it's own, it's a bland, boring game with an almost kind of interesting idea that's worth $20 for a couple hours of fun.
With all of the hype, promises, promotion and price tag considered, it's the biggest piece of shit ever.
I have to say that while I generally don't listen to Sup Forums at all on anything, and I like slow boring exploration games... I put the game down at 20 hours and was bored for the last 10 of those. It's definitely filed under "welp, 60 bucks wasted".
>game is so bad it has a exclusive unlimited time refund
That is sad.
It's a perfectly fine $20 or so dollar early access game. It's an awful $60 AAA priced game.
>66k reviews
fucking how?
Do you think any developers will learn from this flop?
Did anyone actually buy no man's sky?
it was a REALLY hyped game
if people don't learn to stop getting on the hype train after No Man Sky they deserve to get fucking curbed
around 2 million retards bought it
I usually defend most of the games Sup Forums shits on but no man's sky is shit, especially for 60 bucks. those reviews are legit.
You know a game is bad when Steam has to put this on the store page
>it was a REALLY hyped game
if people don't learn to stop getting on the hype train after Spore they deserve to get fucking curbed
fixed that for ya senpai
shut the fuck up Onsokumaru
>Literally unable to read
That is sad.
Guys please come down, we're working on a free DLC that we'll release in the next couple of month.
Please share with others here on Sup Forums.
In before Sean blames gamergate.
>66K reviews
never get on the hype train
I didn't look at any of the pre-release nonsense and went into the game blind, It was pretty mediocre, you visit a couple of planets, start to realize they're all the same. Laugh at some of the glitches, and if your lucky, a funny looking animal, get tired of venturing across the big empty planets. start rushing towards the games only "goal" since there's nothing else to do. then you get to the middle, realize that part is just as bland and pointless as the rest of the game. And then uninstall because there's no reason to play anymore.
THEN I went and looked at all the pre-release stuff they put out, and holy shit did they bite off more than they can chew.
>Implying people who bought no man's sky were old enough to remember the hype for spore.
Except it isn't. You expected features that weren't promised. Your fault.
My friend did, and he's pretty disappointed with it, I played though family sharing and I was pretty disappointed too. I didn't spend a single cent on the game and I still feel ripped-off.
>What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say.
Oh, that explains it.
Yes, they will realize that there really isn't any point of making good games anymore if you shill it hard enough. In fact they've known this since 2003, which is why pretty much everything has been shit.
When something is hyped so much due to promises of concepts, you have nobody to blame but yourself when it inevitably bites you in the ass.
>still in denial
The devs outright lied user
>bug fixes
Yeah, that's not the problem.
It's an indie game that is "worth" $15 or so but for some reason brainless retards couldn't see this obvious fact
But Sup Forums is of course overreacting because every release has to be le epic tortanic l
>actively promised multiplayer in every single interview he was in
Has anyone spliced together those into one video, because he said it A LOT.
A great deal of them give a thumbs down rating simply for "Lies", without really capitalizing on much else. I consider these meme reviews. Trolls, or people stupid enough to fall for hype. I would also consider people blindly praising it solely to give it a positive rating to offset the negative rating meme reviews.
Still, the fact it does have 66,000 reviews is telling. Even if you cut that amount by 2/3 for meme reviews (probably too much), that'd still be fucking 22k actual reviews which would likely still have it at a mixed or negative rating.
I started to say daikatana but I forget everyone is a babby
I think anyone who got burned on spore, didn't buy no man's sky. Fool me once and all that. The premise of the two games are somewhat similar, and I've seen enough mistakes and mishandled games to know not to preorder something based on promises and hype.
user if my game isn't GOTYAY then what's the fucking point of even pirating it?
There's a version of this where all the better parts were condensed into one post. Anyone got it?
>the fake trailer is still on the store page
I wish this were part of the vocaroo
It's the best part desu senpai
>Con artists working on an international scale using your favorite hobby as their tool
Why shouldn't we be upset?
did you seriously just put a red box around another red box
hahaha holy shit
I think this is what pisses me off the most.
>holy shit did they bite off more than they can chew.
Nah, they just blatantly lied. All the pre-release stuff was just pre-rendered demos. There was no gameplay.
Stop getting kak music stuck in my head OP
You can watch trailers and interviews from 2014 and progress your way through two years of these and watch as the game downgrades and Sean Murray gradually dodging questions.
Everything before 2014-2015 become lies and anything from 2016 become ignored. Even the four mini trailers that Sony released this year showed a huge amount of lost content and visual fidelity from the initial E3 '14 trailer. Everyone insists on the game being fueled by lies instead of paying attention to the game losing functions.
The biggest mistake was $60 for 3-4 months of dishonesty.
I feel like it's a little of both, I think they honestly actually wanted to add multiplayer, but they waited way to long to actually work on it, then got to it and just went "Oh no this is haaard :(((" and then gave up.
Which is still pretty bad, planning is super important to game dev, and from the looks of it, they were just slapping random shit on the side as they went along, without really stopping to realize they were building ONE thing and not 10 things combined into one.
They didn't even mention that they gave up on it, and just let those promises float around.
>putting a red box around a red box
Is Sean the next Peter Molyneux?
I'd say so, their even in that same pocket of actually thinking they're going to make the best game ever, then starts to get into it, only to give up because they bit off more than they can chew.
Meanwhile, Todd is just an over-hyping lying sack of shit.
>At least 50,000+ people refunded the game
Holy shit
It's a red box around an orange box, you colorblind fucks.
never pre-order
Why is "Lies" not a real complaint? Obviously that's the game lacking in most of the promised content
No. At least Molyneux put out some good games. He may have exaggerated and had overly high expectations but he didn't outright lie.
This never gets old.
Not to mention that false advertising is illegal. After this game came out I'm seriously considering becoming a "Game dev" and selling my own snake oil.
>mfw i got hyped and bought cubeworld
I'm crying
The last time I got on a hype train was a year ago.
Pic related.
Sean go away.
Oh god lmao is there more of this?
>bug fix
>Heridium now has an extra electron
>that's all folks !
>What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say.
In other words, "We have lied to you in the past and will likely lie to you again in the future."
>don't judge us about our lies, judge us by our shitty game
Mighty Number No Man's Sky
>will I ever get bored of your game
lol no, Peter is a guy who just loves doing videogames too much and has crazy ideas that are not feasible right now, however, he does exaggerate the traits of his videogames, but that's a common thing
Sean, however, lies like a fucking snake, hope he dies horribly in a fire
how long till he commits suicide?
Reminder that not even pirates like this piece of shit, it is by far the most downvoted game on gazelle at -41.
The second most downvoted is Watch_Dogs at -5.
One month hopefully.
well he hasn't made an appearance on social media in two weeks, it could have already happened
Sup Forums seriously lends credence to the idea that the easiest way to make buckaroonies is to deliver a complete, functional yet buggy and ultimately dissapointing game.
I mean, if they were professional scamsters, they would have bailed out with Sony's money months ago.
I like to think that Sup Forums is filled with 12 year olds so I don't have to face the truth that they're actually emotionally stunted 20 year olds.
scamming a mega corporation is a good way to spend 20 years in jail
Man, I worked so hard to forget Cubeworld. It will keep haunting me forever at this rate.
Flying is horrible. Your ship takes over to keep you from hitting the ground and you can constantly miss landing at a spot. Dog fighting is maneuvering until you get close enough for your auto aim to start hitting the target 100% of the time. There are only two ship weapons. Movement is slow. With a controller it's horrible. Mouse look works. Shooting is boring. Your gun without auto aim modifications is worthless. Creatures quite literally all use the same three or four bodies. I visited around 100+ planets and saw the same creatures across all of them. I modified my game to give me outrageous jumping capabilities, even close to the center creatures were the same as when I started the game.
Resource gathering is horrible. Mining gold, or heridium is one of the worst activities in the game. You point a laser at a pillar for 5 minutes. It's horrible. Exploring is worthless. There's no reason to explore. You land on a planet and everything you find within less than 1km radius will be copy pasted across the entire planet. The game is ugly. Really ugly and it has graphical bugs, gameplay bugs everywhere. Every planet has already been explored. The center of the galaxy is nothing but New game plus and aliens are all the same everywhere.
I get that there are a lot of legitimate complaints about NMS, but how many of those are Sup Forums or /r/gaming-tier "le 1-star ecchs deee" ratings versus well explained criticisms?
There must always be a Molyneux.
wtf i hate no mans sky now
Here's what happened:
>They genuinly wanted to make a great but more streamlined freelancer clone with a Trumpillion planets.
>The barebones tech took ages to perfect and the release date was getting close, money was in the red badly
>They decide to cut tons of shit and just polish the skeleton of a game they had to make it look presentable and fool as many people that it's all going well
Don't forget that the reason the ship takes over is because collision is broken and they needed to come up with a way to work hide that fact and just went with your ship auto piloting you away from every object, whether you're in trying to land or in the middle of a space dogfight
66K people decided to review it and thus it has 66K reviews. Strange how that worked out almost like 66K people at least bought something and decided to voice their opinions on said purchase.
Very puzzling how that worked out.
>game doesn't manage 1000fps at 504954083590x68648934068394
>pc gamers shit on it
God I hate the PC community so fucking much...
>Don't forget
I've forgotten quite a lot of other negative shit about the game. The only positive thing I can think about NMS is that it runs for the most part and they have seamless travel.
It depends on how is that money given to you really, and under what expectations.
Regardless, it stands to reason that Hello Games could've released even less than what they did.
>Sup Forums seriously lends credence to the idea that the easiest way to make buckaroonies is to deliver a complete, functional yet buggy and ultimately dissapointing game.
But that's like, 100% true though. See, any early access game.
>implying they weren't playing the long con
Milk Sony for the money, release your shitty game, get the lowly consumer take the hit. All Sony bought was a game, not a good game. Meanwhile NMS devs got 3 years of employment, plus whatever cut they get from sales, and after that they can walk away with no issues, Sony is happy, and false advertising is impossible to sue over.
I also highly doubt Sony gave their money in a large sum, they probably just bankrolled their business expenses, such as wages for the dev team, which brings us back to the above.
>See, any early access game.
NMS is not even close to something like, say, Killing Floor. Or any of the re-packaged Unity examples sold as complete games.
There are easier way to scam people than this, seriously.
I wonder if they're release a 2.0 enhanced fixed edition of their game that adds in a bunch of features and fixes.
Probably not. If anything, they'll try to distance themselves from this game.
Sony only jumped on AFTER they started making the game as an investor, just like how early access people are buying the game ahead of time to invest into the idea, it was merely icing on the already frosted cake.
Took me awhile to find what you wanted me to see so I made some modifications to make it easier for future posters.