Testing out a new game and we need more players to help.
We need more zombies
we have 13, our record is 29. Would like to try and hit 64.
go to reddit with this shit
nobody on Sup Forums cares about your ugly indieshit.
Thanks for the bump.
I didn't bump, and neither are most of your posts. newfag
It's really boring.
Go on...
your hitboxes suck please kill yourselves
Thank you for your positive criticism.
this is really awful, I gave you 5 minutes and you wasted them
What could have been done to make your 5 minutes less wasted?
not even reddit, maybe 9fag will eat this up.
Good point
>its too slow
>the effects are boring
>there isn't enough reactivity from the environment
>there's nothing to do
>I didn't play it, but I'm sure these are true
it's not completely shit, it just need to give the survivors more options and a bigger map, maybe make the zombies a bit faster but weak so they cant push big objects by themselves so they need 3 or 4 of them, also you should be able to pick up small object and smash them at the zombies to stun them
do I need to get that kermit pic? seriously youre a faggot
Just leave the pic on my desk Johnson and get back to work.
>create a nice little safe base with a couple of guys
>one of them gets turned into a zombie, but he's trapped so whatever
>games almost over
>let the zombie break free
>all of the other guys get turned into zombies
>escape and win
Shit game though OP
Sounds like you had an awful time.
get an actual artist for your game OP, the """simple""" tiles/sprites look awful and totally out of place in a zombie game.
Camera deadzone is cancer. Centre on the player always.
you know I'm right, just fix your game.
not my game, Im just tired of seeing this
>i didnt play it but
bullshit that crops up
play it so you can really find out whats wrong with it, I dont care if you dont like it, just be fair about it
survivors always win currently if they play correctly.
they're just disorganized. that's the only reason zombies win at all.
he's not wrong
never said he was did I? I just think people should actually play games before they judge them
>I drink cum
fuck off
>i have no argument
nice one user
That sir, is an unreasonable reaction!
argument for what
Wow it looks like shit, what is this gamemaker?
>zombie game
is this 2011?
lol whats boxxy?
i could have had that last game wall
Prolly another shitty overwatch character
the fairy that follows zelda around
Hey! Listen!
ded game
What a shitty game, get a life moran