Is she good or evil?
Is she good or evil?
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Literally Mengele.
She's hot
Good and evil are subjective terms based on the social construct of the parties involved.
i want to say good but she's responsible for reaper so neutral
she is a healthy female of breeding age
She's my wife
She is my mommy! She must be good!
That's not the correct answer user but I'll accept it
She acts in the interest of good, but she's also a necromancer. I guess it depends on perspective.
That's exactly what an evil person would say
She is a scientists without ethical limitations, progress is not good or bad, it depends on its applications
>breeding age
Her body is the body of a 20 year old. So it doesn't matter if she is older when everything else says no.
>having children under the age of 35
She is secretly the head honcho of Talon, and personally contributed to Widowmaker's mindrape.
>having kids with autism.
>having children for parents
Who can be said to be truly good? What is goodness?
Devs said she isn't evil nor is she immortal
My mom is 36 and she is pregnant
Underaged detected
Then how are you posting?
She could have been 18 when she had that user
My step mom. I just call her mom she helped me a lot.
what do you think?
>rebuild a man into a half omic abomination
>force him to slaughter his own family
Do you want to fug her?
She didn't make Reaper do shit.
Chaotic good. She does good things even if it means people get hurt.
She's not sucking my dick right now, so evil.
Yes, I want her to hold me and let me suckle on her teets.
pretty sure shes the mad scientist type who will do anything for her research into immortality, which she probably already achieved for herself.
> reaper?
He's talking about genji dumbass
>tfw I live in Cândido Godói
Nice try devil worshipper. I'm still saving myself for marriage and I recycle. You can't turn me to the dark side
Robots don't have rights.
Only bad characters are Widow, Reaper, Symmetra, and Sombra.
Junkrat, Roadhog, and Hanzo have evil leaninga, but aren''t necessarily bad
Get fucked
When are Blizzard going to release Mercy branded chastity cages for people who main Mercy
she's pure goodness
And Mei.
Why is Mei such a little shit?
Good intentions.
>from medpack country
>is a healer
can not be fabricated
I want this shitty MercyXPharah meme to die.
She uses a buttplug tail
Make your own conclusions from that fact
Because she's a chink.
The devs have already said that she has arms and legs, fuck off with the amputee fetish you fucking freak.
Do you have a point?
Quad amputee.
Tumblr shipping.
She works for an evil corporation that kills people and then enslaves others into a caste system, and she refuses to accept it because it lines up with her autistic need for organization.
>"What you call freedom is an illusion that causes more harm than good."
>not bad
Why draw her fat?
What caste system?
NEVERPOOINTHELOOs always have a caste system
Oh you're memeing.
The Vishkar corp caste system. Read her comic and her boss tells her everyone will be placed in society according to where they belong.
What's wrong with that?
How's India, Pajeet?
I want to knock up Mercy! With triplets!
Who cares, she's best.
She's pregnant, you lummox.
how ghastly
She's german that makes her inherently evil.
>caste system
Pariah please.
There is no way you can look at this image an interpret her character as evil.
>nobody is posting decent porn
>in a waifu thread
You faggots could at least link it. You can't make your op image something that will make people's dick diamonds, and then not give them the goods. It's just cruel.
Dreckiger Juden Abschaum
She's Swiss.
user you do know the difference between German and Germanic right?
Except she's swiss.
Lawful Evil. She works to make the perfect world she wants, no matter the costs.
>Nobody can die in the Overwatch universe and tin cans actually think they're human
It must be absolutely fucked in the poor parts of the world in that Universe if the high society have to deal with that decadence
user it's your mom, I'm very disappointed with you. Come to my room this instant.
She's perfect
Who gives a shit about the poor places in the world in a videogame, why do you have to think about the most negative shit possible when it comes to vidya?
tin-cans are synonym for non-straight/cis people. Blizzard trying to push the perspective that proper people should accept these degenerates.
>animu style
Fucking weebs ruin everything.
My bad
Thats what people say of all necromancers.
Like there's anything wrong with trying to lessen the burden between the veil.
I'm ok with this.
>not holding her down by the halo
Swing and a miss for muh dick.
How do you guys disciple your healsluts?
With my memes duh
Delete this. Mercy is the purest girl in Overwatch.
Blowjobs work, usually
Keep them under the desk while you play, and it's a great stress relief, too
Or at least that's what he tells me whenever I get shoved under there. Not like I'm in any position to say no anyway, so getting punished happens on a whim usually
So she's inherently neutral?