Sony Playstation Card

Any other Sonybros got this card? Pretty sweet deal. You get 5,000 points just for signing up, which you can redeem for a $50 psn credit.

Also, 10x points on psn purchases. So buy a $60 game, get 600 points.

I'm 100% digital on my PS4, so this is great for me. I wish I would have gotten one years ago, but only recently has my credit score been considered good.

I kinda wanted one, but not available in canada last I checked.

>sony can barely keep psn accounts secure
>let's get credit cards from them too

you'll have no one to blame but yourself this time

Can't wait for crazy shit related to privacy to happen, thanks Sony

except it's not from them, it's just a visa card with benefits


I understand that desperate times can mean desperate measures, but why would anyone willingly use credit?

Wow, youre really stupid.

Your parents are worthless low class shitbags, huh?

Because you kinda need credit for some grown up things. You'll learn when you move out of the folk's house.

you do know that pretty much all credit card purchases have no interest if payed within 30 days right

>Your parents are worthless low class shitbags, huh?

18+ you little faggot with parents for life

>said the little kid that doesnt know the advantages of using a credit card

my credit is too bad to get a credit card

Not even me and you're the little basement dwelling spergling literally pulling the "my daddy can beat ur daddy up"

18+, gain height, and move out

because americans are morons who don't understand that debit cards are infinitely superior

I've been living on my own for over a decade and have never needed a credit card.

Can I sign up then immediately cancel after gett my 50 bucks?

But direct debit exists.

There are literally no advantages to using a credit card over debit

That's not how credit card contracts work m8.

>OP explains benefit of credit card
>faggots still have to ask "durr why would someone want a credit card"


>"I'm sorry sir, but your credit score is too low for this."
>"What is it?"
>"Uh, nonexistent."

Oh, so me being SO GOOD with my money I don't actually need your shit credit card means I'm shit with money?

Fuck off, Western civilization.

Man you guys are financial plebs.

Good job posting your CC number, faggot. I'm gonna order so many pizzas.

This. The best thing to do is use a credit card and paying everything off when you get your next paycheck. As long as you can enforce a budget on yourself and don't try to live beyond your means then you will only benefit in the long run.

you can easily get $150 minimum signing bonus from any reasonable credit card company like Chase

So i guess you two intend to rent your home and cars for the rest of your lives?

What if you need to cover something and you don't have the money?

>expired December 2012

Are you guys really oblivious to the concept of cash back/airline miles/rewards or are you just pretending?

>any sonyggers got this card?

I could buy a car cash tomorrow if i had to, if you have a decent job you don't need a credit card.

what are the rewards like? I've got 5 credit cards already, I can't see this card being worthwhile at all.

more like imbecilic sony fanatics

Mortgage≠credit card


1. I need a credit card for online purchases
2. I don't have unlimited debits so its easier to use
3. I don't have tap/contactless on my debit, so again it's easier to use
4. You need to build up credit when you want to take out loans you faggot.

I'm not a complete pleb. I know that if I ever buy a house it'd be stupid to try to pay it all off right away because I could just pool funds for the down payment of another house and then rent it out as a new source of income.

you're a retard if you think debit is better

1) no rewards
2) worse fraud protection, TILA is > EFTA
3) there's no interest if you pay your balance each month and have just a little bit of self control

Nice try but you're not talking your way out of this fuckup, Lee. I'm already buying stuff with your card as we speak, I even guessed the security code.

Lots of places dont accept people without some sort of positive credit score. If you were to go into any self respecting dealership and say "do you accept cash/debit" they laugh and ask for a credit check.

You need credit for a lot of adult things user.

what, a 15 year old beater? who gives a shit

>You need credit cards for online purchases
t. Amex Shill

ITT: 'Murrica

Are you illiterate?

Hes right, unless you have a Visa Debit or constantly buy visa gift cards.

1. no
2. backward shithole
3. backward shithole
4. backward shithole

>I need a credit card for online purchases
No you don't.

What the fuck are you talking about?

why would they need to know your credit score if you're going to be paying the full amount at once?

>Trying to shill a credit line on Sup Forums

Is this the lowest shills have gotten?

This post is proof beyond doubt that the American South is, of course, just fools and idiots

Yes, I do.

My bank doesn't have Visa Debits and there's still a lot of sites that don't accept Paypal.

Fuck off fags

Who said they were fro mthe south? Getting a real strong stupid little bitch vibe from you. You dont earn good money, do you?

I think Sony TM is a beautiful sky of wonder for gamers of the current generation . Amazing clouds into the grand journey, yes .

Sony is a registered trademark of the sony corporation

tfw never use credit cards and paid off student loans and a new car, and approved for a mortgage

A necessity for credit cards seems to be an American thing.

Not those guys, but I don't have a credit card because my credit rating is shot, and not through my fault.

My dad and I have the same name, and the credit card companies have confused me and him. I've had debt collectors hound me throughout the night for cars and a home mortgage that I didn't take out, and appealing to credit card companies only takes care of the problem temporarily before they inevitably re-report the bad stuff.

So I'm really leery of credit, despite having never used a credit card before. If I can't afford it with the money I have on me or saved up, I don't need it.

>Sony TM

Learn alt codes you fuck™

This is the most flagrant viral marketing I've ever seen on this board.

kek, thanks for proving my point, Cletus. Long live the confederacy amirite? Keep shilling them good ol' american credit cards!

To build a credit history. Having no credit history is almost as bad as having a bad credit score

I live in California, kid.

>apply for credit card
>denied for no credit history
>can't get credit history without credit card

checks and debit card for life i suppose

sony has hardly been promoting this card anymore, I'm surprised it's even still available

this is just one guy randomly bringing up his card

>mfw a bunch of retards who are always in "debnts" and made his country cause a worldwide financial crisis a few years ago defend credit cards because its ok "spend money you dont have" or "get with the times".

You sign up for a shitty credit card first.

Paying direct debits on time increases your credit rating.

What do you mean why?

Credit comes with cashback, and debit doesn't. I'm not a fucking idiot who buys things he can't afford. If you don't spend money you don't have, you never pay interest while reaping the benefits of having great credit + cash back deals.

If you spend $1000 in debit, that's it. That's the end of it.

If I spend $1000 in credit, I can pay it back immediately, but because I used credit, I get 5% cash back, which equates to 50 free dollars for spending money I was going to spend anyways.

Stop being bad with your money.

apply for a worse credit card than you wanted

it's useful for people on high incomes that have not been employed on that wage for long to buy stuff a few months earlier than they otherwise would get it. that's about it really, rest of the time you should try and avoid buying on credit as much as you can unless you fly a lot and want to take advantage of air miles deals etc or similar things

>I get 5% cash back
No you don't.

Instead of that why not purchase a sony TM product , I hear they are wonderful.
Sony ia a registered trademark of the sony corporation

Apply for a credit card with your bank, they're almost bound to give you one depending on how long you've been banking with them.

I had a similar problem when I first wanted a credit card. Now I have the 3 credit cards I want, and I'll never need another.

>purchasing things you don't already have enough money to purchase

please stop being a part of the problem and learn to save money for things you want.

just purchased my first house for 120k with no loan. i am 30. you can do better than me easily with some modicum of self control and/or sucking it up and living with your folks to stash for a couple years.

Yes, I do. Ever heard of Chase Freedom, you fucking underaged retard?

Why would you willingly post an image of your credit card retard? Even if it's expired people can still use your name and number

The op doesn't say enough dipshit, no one who actually knows anything about credit cards gives a fuck about a $50 signup bonus or a bonus category that is extremely limited like PSN purchases.
I live in the North and have $0 in credit card debt.

Which is why they're almost $20 trillion in national debt.

Yeah I have one, faggot. It's 1.5%, not 5%.

What now, bitch?

how do you pronounce debit? DET? DEB-IT? DEB-T

>just buy more of our shit

For good credit history obviously

You're fucking retarded for having a card that you don't know the benefits of.

Every quarter of the year, you get 5% cash back for something different. each quarter.

Fucking kill yourself, retard.

>Lots of places dont accept people without some sort of positive credit score. If you were to go into any self respecting dealership and say "do you accept cash/debit" they laugh and ask for a credit check.

Yeah if you plan to get a loan. Show me an instance of a dealer turning away someone that wanted to pay the full amount all at once.

Because it's a stock credit card image, look at the name.

are there many cards that give you free shit for signing up?

why not just sign up, get free shit, then immediately cancel like all those shitty free offer sites that pay out xboxes etc?


Dealerships don't take cash, user. You need to pay in credit.

If you walk into a dealership and try to pay entirely in cash, they'll tell you to come back tomorrow so they can finalize the paperwork then report your ass to the cops because that's a HUGE, massive red flag for drug dealers/money laundering.

Because honestly they get tons more money out of people who pay credit over time.
its like this
someone pays you 3000$ now for your "thing"
someone pays you 125$ a month plus another 50 every month for the first year then an added 25$ every month of the second year. If they ever pay you late then they also have to give you an extra 35$ every time they pay late. You are also able to negotiate other things in the future to your advantage for your "thing"

its a corrupt thing anyway.

>get 5% cash back on one group of purchases
>claim you get 5% cash back on all of your purchases
fuck off shill

>Every quarter of the year, you get 5% cash back for something different. each quarter.
Sure bud. If you werent a pathetic little lying bitch you'd post proof. If you were so stupid and uneducated you'd know credit card companies only get 3% of a transaction.

It's French.

see It happens literally all the time. Unless you're going to some shitty used dealership in backwater Nebraska, nobody will just fucking accept $20,000 in cash.

>there's no interest if you pay your balance each month and have just a little bit of self control
this is your mistake. most people are fiscally retarded, even the super rich. advocating a payment method that requires a level head is asking for trouble.
i mean, one guy in front of me got cut off in traffic today. he SPED up, crossed double yellow lines and kept pace with the guy that passed him. road rage is extremely common in my state and it shows an extreme lack of forethought.

If Todd supports it so will I

I can use it to pay for FALLOUT4 and all of Todd's other great games right?

What's up with the judaism in this thread?

ITT: Future bankruptcy examples

Stop projecting. Just cause you lack financial discipline doesnt mean everyone does.

Can you sign up and buy a $50 PSN card and cancel it without repercussions?