It's actually fucking good

>it's actually fucking good

how are you liking legion so far?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Outlaw Rogue
>going full booty hunter pirate

Enjoying my pirate life

>no eyepatch or at least pirate hat

where can i see artifact talent treee optimizations?

like, which talents to grab, which route to take, etc.

icy veins

the zones are mostly some of the best the game has ever had and it looks like it will be a fun expansion for people who want to do the whole hardcore raiding thing, if anyone still does that anymore

Going for a blood elf pirate, not a generic human pirate that everyone tries to make

While I do like the new pirate flavor foe outlaw rogues, I preferred the "lightly armed warrior" flavor that combat used to have for my blood elf rogue. Something seems "off" about an elven pirate.

This is the strongest weapon in WoW lore, debate me faggots

Undead and demon fags btfo

My sub ran out and haven't resubbed yet. I'm alreadt feeling the grind and the aimlessness of max level coming back to me, I can't deal with MMOs anymore
Leveling to 110 was pretty fun though, Aszuna a best

haven't done it yet, but highmountain and val'sharah were fucking amazing

mythic vault of wardens is super fun

9/10 desu senpai

I love the dungeons and overall the zones are really good and comfy. I can't put my finger on it, but everything just feels so much better than WoD.

I quit about 2 months after WoD release and I was glad I quit, and now I am glad that I'm back.

staff of sargeras ir sargeras' sword

I really, really, hope you're kidding.

>professions unfucked
>zones are all probably the best the game has ever had
>actual stuff to do at max level besides dungeons or daily quests
>pvp no longer requires a gear grind in order to be able to participate
probably the only bad thing I can say about it is the garrison facebook mission shit is back despite how much everyone hated it, I'm tired of getting my class hall quests delayed by 10+ hour missions


legion is the same garbage as every other expansion, they've just hired guerrilla marketers to perpetuate this "hurr legion is actually good" meme


Only ten minutes after someone posted a fucking BE pirate, so very original. Most of the Horde plays Blood Elves anyhow.

Blood Elves are fucking cancer.

So is WoW back?

It's pretty nice. That zone, whatever it's called, was my favorite by far. Best zone since howling fjord.

It still boils down to grinding for better gear so you can grind for better gear, so if you are tired of that concept then no it's not back. Aside from that though it's the best it's been in a long time.

>Get 5 bottles of stuff
>1 bottle per 8h mission

What were they thinking?

>not grizzly hills

>people talking shit on Highmountain
>when Thunder Totem is in the center and has paths leading everywhere

>professions unfucked
>actual stuff to do at max level besides dungeons or daily quests
>pvp no longer requires a gear grind in order to be able to participate

Can you explain these ones? I haven't been following WoW/Legion for years now.

Every expansion is "good" at the start, blizzard has no problem making good content, the issue is that they run out of it a third of the way through the expac.

Enjoy your 4 weeks of content for 50$ (plus 10$/month tip!).

The last expansion I played was MoP, had zero interest to play WoD, but for some reason I really want to try Legion. Am I being tricked again? Is it worth it?

Good so far. Overwhelmed with all the max level stuff. Its kind of ridiculous how much shit there is to do.

I like playing and listening to podcasts. It's more nice stuff and has some good streamlining ideas but all in all it's the same game.

You skipped what is possibly the lowest point in WoW. It's too early to say if legion will be among the best expacs, but so far it's looking like it will. After WoD, it has nowhere to go but up

>>zones are all probably the best the game has ever had
This I disagree with. I don't think they're the worst, but they don't really seem all that special to me

Which is your favourite zone?

How are ele shamans? I quit near the end of MoP. I mostly pvp

Not sure if bug or not, but I just got my warrior alt to 110 and when I started the artifact research it says it takes 4 days instead of 5 from my hunter main, checked back on the hunter as I just got a research done, made a new one and it still says 5 days.

Made a ticket about it but we'll see what they say

There's worse places, like Black Rook Hold mythic

I stormed off in Stormheim and enjoyed it, although I'd definitely have to say that it's much more linear a zone than the others I've tried so far; however, as a last-zone-to-quest-in or as my first, I think it's fine. Highmountain has been a blast, and reuniting all the chieftens is pretty dank. Wasn't a bit fan of Val'sharah though and Tyrande wanting me to help find her poor husband was just the nope I needed to stop bothering with Prettier Ashenvale 2.0. RIP Ysera, RIP dem hips ;_;

>mfw finally getting to suramar
>mfw seeing how detailed it is and how much vertical level design there is in it
I was afraid it would be another piece of shit like tanaan

In Legion? So far, Val'Sharah. I'm only level 107 and have only done azsuna, val'sharah, and I'm probably a bit over halfway through stormheim. In general though, I think Grizzly Hills

just hit 106 and for the first time in a while I"m enjoying the grind instead of racing through it. It's so much fun to explore because you are rewarded for doing so with artifact power and gold.

Not him but I fucking loved wotlk zones. Grizzly hills, sholazar basin, zul drak were great.

It was pretty cool when that tree moved its mouth when it spoke. Such a small thing, but really unexpected to see in WoW.

>Climb up a mountain in Highmountain to get a piece of a kite
>Have to crawl out onto a branch to get it
>Notice the bit of water below and reckon it a good spot to fall into rather than try to climb backwards from where I was
>Fall and crunch into the ankle-high water

I would be more angry if it wasn't an intentional design choice, especially since someone dying and rezzing there would immediately notice Taurson and feel a smidgeon relieved for dying.

As opposed to 9 hours of content for 60 bucks like in normal games?

i had the opposite actually, one of my aggregates of anguish quests on my dk said it was supposed to take two days, i check back after 12 hours logging in to do some world quests and it was done. not that i'm complaining.

Alright Sup Forums, I wanna make a goblin but can't decide some stuff. Hunter, Shaman, or Rogue? M or F?

>it's actually fucking good

top jej

its sad how hard you guys try to force life into this cadaver of a game

You just got a slowfall kite, why didn't you use it? Also, complete that shit, it's crazy good combined with the upward propelling toy.

F shaman


There is some bug/exploit with making those missions become instant/speed them up, I don't know how to do it but some people were talking about in guild chat earlier

i got pissed in val'sharah when i jumped off a waterfall, safe that my knowledge of geography assured me of deep water at the bottom. nope. apparently blizzard didn't do high school geography and assumed all that water pounding down on the stone wouldn't erode it at all.

>Have fun playing
>From a personal standpoint, it's actually fucking good

Autism. Being able to assume anyone might legitimately be enjoying themselves, regardless how much others might think it's shit, is legitimate autism.

the fuck is piratey about this? you look like a homeless bum

what anime are you currently watching

Anyone else hype for Return to Karazhan?

anyone wanna lend me 49.99 usd?

havn't been to highmountain yet, I 100%'d stormheim and Val'Sharah and now working through Aszuna. Is highmountain is bad as everyone says? I've had no gripes with zones yet except for my fps dying in val but that's not a huge deal for me.

I dont feel like Outlaw is a pirate anyway

How are shadow priests doing? Seems like they're a bit lower on the scale but are they workable? Else I'll just focus on holy.

Also cat

sure man pm me on Sup Forums

Yeah, that's why the rocks at the bottom of niagara falls aren't there anymore right?

Leveling a shaman because I heard they were pretty good. Only class I haven't fucked around with ever. Trying to avoid dungeons and just level through the overworld. Thanks for reading.

I knew I needed four pieces but didn't realize it was a slowfall piece and, when I did look at that piece later, was paranoid it'd be consumed upon consumption. It's pretty swanky. Where the fuck do I get the toy you're talking about? I need it in my life.

>Minimum wage in Georgia is $7.25
>A usual workday of around eight hours is $58

Literally just work one day, user. One day. It's not hard.

It's a lot of mountain, although it's varied - you've steppe mountains, frosty mountains, rolling mountains - it's varied but the same. The music is great and the atmosphere is cozy. If you like being walked through lore and not being the huge hero of the arc, you'll like it. I've not yet seen many people complaining about it honestly.

I'll probably go to Val'Sharah after I'm 110, although I only didn't like it because I've never had a particular personal interest in elven things.

>Playing affliction Lock
>actually enjoying the quest content this time around

fuck WoD that shit was garbage.

I'll bet he's watching My Hero Academia while playing FFXIV

Putricide literally did nothing wrong.

Launch honeymoon phase. It's too early to know if this expansion is actually any good or not.

Remember, people thought WoD's leveling experience was really good, too.

Come back in a month when everyone's on endgame, that's when the expansion's true colors come out.

Is that non-highlighted code?

I got stuck at the crashed ship because I didn't notice the entrance into the electric lizard cave. I actually went around, climbed on the mountain Ridge, dropped down at the end point and did that part inv reverse.

True, true

There's a hut outside the main thunder totem building, on the right side of the thunder totem map. There is a Tauren in there that sells cosmetic totems you carry on your back and the toy. Launching yourself upwards and then gliding around is fun (too bad the CD for the other toy is 5mins)

WoD made professions completely irrelevant and useless. That's not the case in Legion.

World quests are like public events that you can just go out and do that give you rewards, like GW2's system sort of.

PvP normalizes your stats when you enter a BG. Gear is just for show.

I made all my toons on Burning Blade because all my friends were on there years ago. I'm getting sick of getting ganked, should I switch to a non-pvp server?

I don't know I think the final boss fight for BRH is fairly easy, just don't stand in shit. Now VoW turns into a clusterfuck at the end if you don't know the rotation of those walls of spirits.

sounds pretty comfy, Val'sharah was a really nice mostly because I've been fascinated and find it fascinating that it's a zone that is the closet thing to the emerald dream that can be produced on azeroth. on top of watching the area and the dream itself slowly being corrupted by the nightmare and watching malfurion be a little bitch is a cool thing to see. The dungeon and raid also looks great.

Thanks a ton, user. Much appreciated.

Got my Goblin Enhancement Shaman to 110 last night, and now I want to try out survival hunter, even if it's just a meme class. Dunno what race to play as. Most of my characters are goblins.

>that Gilneas part

fucking comfy lads

Much obliged, user. Have fun jumping around!


I'm so sorry, man...

because WoD questing was good, but there was 0 reason to go back out into the world even when tanaan was released. I basically sat in my garrison and pvped all day it was extremely boring.

hi do u guys like my orc dk

you look like a nameless npc

Put some clothes on you slut


I think the class hall things are ok
They're intended to be a side thing you keep rolling in the background while you're busy questing and doing shit, and that's exactly what they are now.

that guy has the best voice in all of wow, prove me wrong

Lovin some WQ

>850 titanforged epic from a world quest

enjoy your mythic grind, ladies

nice neck

>tfw you will never be so stupid that you have to pick between an mmo with 4 weeks worth of time-gated content and a 60$ COD game

Nigger get some fucking taste.

>vault of the wardens
>that eye boss
>that spoopy dark dungeon at the bottom

>maw of souls
>fighting a kraken waifu goddess as she tears the ship apart
neat, too bad fucking violet hold is back in with all its line of sight problems and shitty black morass style trash pulls

Enlighten me please, can I still play through old content like Cata, with all quests and stuff?

lmao you fags thought WoD was good at launch too

I've spent more time at endgame in Legion and enjoyed it still. It actually HAS endgame content. And the raids aren't even open yet.

>tfw too poor for legion

tanking is weird

you can either tank 100 things at once or 3 mobs will randomly blow you up

yeah for like 3 days until people realized once you hit level 100 you may as well just start leveling your alt because there was nothing to do on your main besides wait for garrison timers