Why do people hate modern gaming? I swear it is always nostalgia fags who hate the games of today
Why do people hate modern gaming? I swear it is always nostalgia fags who hate the games of today
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Which Spongebob episode is that pic from?
because of people like you
I donĀ“t because if I hate it there is literally nothing value left in the world for me.
Name a modern game and I will tell you why it is shit.
it suks that's why
>play bully for the first time a couple years ago
>it's fukn great and fun
so yeah it isn't nostalgia, youre era of games sucks, deal with it
The Witcher 3
And you'd do the same if it was 1996 instead of 2016.
Not enough anime games! Anime is best!
>having nostalgia over a game from the worst decade for gaming
People don't hate modern gaming, they hate the cancerous plebs who attach themselves to it. Like myself.
Okay. Over watch, and Civ 5-6
Nah fuck off OP, you can't keep hiding behind the "Nostalgia-fag" boogeyman. Times have changed, for the worse, games are now made with expediency and cheapness in mind, there is no profit in careful planning and programming and love and care for games unless it's a particularly devoted Indie dev or something.
Pretty much a culmination of every bad cliche AAA gaming has ever brought into the industry. 90% of the content is POIs, trivial crafting system, poor combat, exposition, cutscenes, big empty environments, piss easy even on the hardest difficulty, etc. Plus the writing is so fucking stupid the guy that actually writes Witcher books is pissed off about it.
Because companies overpromise and underdeliver nowandays. When you went to your local Blockbuster and picked up Journey to Silius or Super Mario Bros. 3, you didn't see CG trailers showing off amazing feats that aren't possible on current hardware. You didn't see game developers post political opinions and be general assholes on Twitter. You didn't see a game slowly get downgraded as time goes on until it looks nothing like its original big screen reveal at an electronics trade show. You didn't see tons of reviewers on gaming websites being pressured to give games lower or higher scores based on the amount of advertising a website did for game.
You got Super Mario Bros. 3
how can it be nostalgia if I didnt play it when it came out?
Ask /vr/, they're arguably more autistic about it than Sup Forums is.
>playing Tomb Raider in 1996 without being labeled a toxic cisgender shitlord
Simpler times indeed.
>Over watch
I don't think any rational person can deny that Overwatch is an overly casualized gimmicky Team Fortress mode. However, I think it really falls short due to the lack of custom servers and modding. It might have pulled through had those things been included.
>Civ 5-6
Civ 5 falls short in a few areas, but I don't think it is a bad game overall. I enjoyed playing it. I do not think Civ 6 is out yet.
Gaming has gotten better. The 2000s was a shameful era for gaming
>a board more autistic than Sup Forums
I didn't think that was possible.
I dislike a lot of it because the focus seemed to have shifted. I missed when Multiplayer games used to be about dicking around with your friends. Now it's about E-sports, and what rank you are, or if you're E-famous on Twitch. It's a joke.
I just wonder what games like GoldenEye would've been like in todays gaming environment.
How do you feel it has improved?
WWE 2k16
Strife is a poor attempt to copy the Doom formula and improve upon it by adding a ton of stupid shit without perfecting any of it.
fuck off back to facebook neo/v/shitter
Graphics and stories
It would of been called trash and everyone would of dropped it. Oddjob fucking with your friends is funny if you're all in the same room but if you go online and faced thousands of Oddjobs because everyone uses him as he's "the meta" then it'd be a giant piece of shit.
I haven't played a wrestling game in probably the at least the last decade. I genuinely have no idea what state that franchise is in. Sorry fampai. It seems like a pretty niche thing now, though. I wouldn't be surprised if it was decent for what it is.
Mario Maker
Kind of. Art direction has gotten pretty stale, not that every game back in the day was art, but there is simply nothing out now that matches the level of games back then that fit that bill.
Absolutely not. I cannot think of a single modern game that interweaves gameplay and story properly.
This sums it up pretty good if you're bored enough to watch it.
>buy full price video game entertainment software
>faced with dlc, season pass, cash shop moneygrabbing
>game basically plays itself
>cost of production, history of success and focus testing mean very few new and unheard of ideas get into non-indie titles
That's why. I garauntee you're an underage shitter whose first console was an xbox 360.
My first console was the ps1 you shit
Can it even do everything the PC level editor can yet? I mean, it's a neat concept and all, and I'm glad Nintendo did it, but it seems like they cut corners yet again.
It's its own thing in a lot of ways. No it can't do scripting and custom scenery that you'd expect from a Mario World mod but it does have some interesting features nonetheless like giant enemies, stacking enemies, red coins, keys locked inside enemies, bouncy ring things, etc. It's fun if you know where to search for good levels but of course there's also shit tons of enemy spam levels by the kiddies.
if you need to sell 3 million copies minimum to break even on a video game that has more money spent on marketing than the game itself, that should tell you more about how cancerous the industry is.
it's more business than video game. they've taken out the fun aspect out of video games. While i'm not saying businesses can't be incentivized to make fun games that are actually compelling to play, nobody seems to be following that route. With one exception actually, and that's overwatch.
Then you should know better user.
Tell me why you think the hobby is better now?
Bayonetta 2
It's easier to use but it has its limitations. It should be good enough for the average person though.
Touhou 14: Double Dealing Character
36 years
36 years of video games and you'd expect there to be something really spectacular that breaks the mold right about now
but nooooooooooooooooooooo
all we get today is the same fucking thing since apparently that's what people are content with these days
in any case it's everyone's fault
>half the new games are money grabbing remakes and sequels that bring absolutely nothing new to the table
>other half are crafting-based survival shit
I wonder.
What? From what i remember gaming in the 2000s was worse then today
In an attempt to trim the fat they cut a few good things as well. Also, the challenges were pretty lame. Probably wasn't a terrible game, but I'm not exactly a diehard fan of that particular sub-genre to say the least, so maybe I'm not the best person to critique it.
Modern games/gamers favor style over substance.
It's that simple.
Touhou doesn't count.
yea but lolk was fucking shit
because in today's modern gaming people get angry at four letters
you might be able to guess them if you play overwatch
So movies = videogames.
stop watching genreshit
>AAA games shallow, dumbed down, buggy to shit, DLC and Season Pass bullshit is commonplace
>less content in base games now and still $60 price tag
>indie games so far up their own ass that theyre more worried about being "omgdeep" or appealing to SJW bullshit than making an enjoyable experience
>marketing too heavily focused and diverts money from making the game better
>companies constantly stringing along bullshit so that more people will be suckered into buying on Day 1 or preordering
Look at No Man's Sky, they promised so much and essentially conned people into buying the game off the hype alone and it was an instant flop. The idea of the game was more enjoyable than the game itself. Its not necessarily a new trend, take Brink or Fable for example, they both also fell short of their true potential (along with Peter Molyneux lying his face off)
Another good example is DICE, they said during BC2 that they would never charge money for maps, then BF3 drops and theyre charging for maps. Other offenders include games where the day 1 DLC is on the fucking disc and could have been included in the release version, but because money is the only concern they make you pay for content that is on the disc.
Shit like Early Access has also been a fucking plague, pay to play betas/alphas should not exist. DayZ and ARK are good examples, DayZ has been in perpetual alpha and is more than likely never going to see release, the devs dont care as they already made money off it. ARK just released DLC, fucking DLC on a game that isnt even fully released yet, that time/money/effort could have been used towards making the game less shit and releasing it, but because they can make more money off selling DLC thats the route they went with.
Games dont have the staying power they used to either, CS1.6 was played heavily for over a decade and there's still people that stick with it. You cant do that in games like CoD where a new game and DLC is coming every year
Fucking sickdark edgy bullshit
Console exclusive
Artificial difficulty
Not on PC
>I swear it is always nostalgia fags who hate the games of today
It's all digital media. Films are in the same boat and enthusiasts act the same way Sup Forums does.
I would say the same for the music industry but unfortunately music doesn't make money by selling the product to end users anymore.
Stop playing videogames.
It seemed really easy compared to DeS/DaS. The whole appeal of those games is that they are one of the few big budget titles to have some degree of difficulty. DaS 3 was bad for the same reason.
I did about a year ago.
The only game I still play is 2hu
Are you saying you haven't played it?
I like some modern games, just not a lot of modern mainstream games. Oh sure, stuff like Alien Isolation still happen but by and large I feel like the industry abandoned me years ago, and now I hang on to things like Sayonara Umihara Kawase+ and Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. I still like vidya, I've just kind of had to walk a more niche path in recent years. So long as I'm having fun it's all good though, right?
With a yearly release franchise, how are people supposed to keep playing the one from last year? Most people move on leaving servers empty, so in order to stay with that franchise you have to pony up for the FRESH NEW VERSION of the shit you were just playing with absolute minimal improvements and on occasion the new version is a downgrade in both quality and performance.
F2P games like LoL have deviated so far from their design a couple of years ago that theyre hardly the same game, which alienates people who played early on, coupled with elimination of skill based actions its no wonder people who played in beta/season 1/2 are leaving the game.
and what about the garbage thats pushed on steam? whether F2P or P2P, steam is riddled with a ton of fucking horrid low effort cash grab games, both in early access and release. they rely on lack of quality reviewing and being a small time name to fly under the radar of reviewers so that they can snag as much as they can off the unsuspecting, granted steam refunding has definitely helped this issue.
i cant think of a game right now that i would want to play for 8+ hours in a session and end up walking away satisfied rather than frustrated. Games like Diablo 3 have seen great improvements with expansion packs, but then you hit end game and suddenly its "oh, to get further you need [insert rare armor set] and it has to be ancient otherwise it wont work with [jewelry set] and you will get stuck"
Maybe it's because games are regularly being released in a broken state because "LOL we'll patch it later". Back before the internet was in every home if you released a game in a broken state it would be a death sentence for the studio.
Studios are getting lazier every year and shit like Early Access and Kickstarter isn't helping.
I'm saying maybe I just got gud. But it seems like I can beat a lot of the new bosses these days just by stabbing them repeatedly in the asshole or whatever. Avoiding damage is pretty trivial now.
The people who hate modern gaming are the same people who hate modern Spongebob.
It does have some features you can't do with simple romhacking.
never ever pcuck
because jrpgs have turned into kawaii-uguu fapbait simulators.
>inb4 bloodborne
this shit isnt a JRPG its a Japanse action game.
It's pretty obvious that you just got gud, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 bosses are dead easy, almost passive when compared to stuff in DS3/BB. If they actually had had stuff like Nameless King or Orphan of Kos in those first two games when people were new to series, peoples asses would still be hurt from it.
>the whole appeal is they're difficult
Holy fuck are you awful at videogames and retarded? Souls difficulty is a fucking meme they are incredible games for literally every other reason like level design, art design storytelling etc. only a fucking retard would actually think they are good just because they're hard because they aren't actually hard.
Orphan and Ludwig are hard as fuck
Nice response, why don't you elaborate on the statement "their whole appeal is they're difficult" because only a fucking idiot actually thinks that
Holy fuck this, I just started DS1 again after beating DS3 and everything is so damn slow.
Wait, what? I thought you were just fucking with me. Stop it, user.
You're right, gamers back in the day never cared about stuff like that. Could you imagine a game with barely any gameplay becoming massively popular back then? Absolutely unthinkable
It's gotten dumbed down.... Games look better but are easier to beat. That's assuming they didn't just throw a single player mode onto an online game.
I think that this video will explain to you why video games are shit these days op.
They aren't incredible games by anyone's standards.
The only appeal is the combat and the meme difficulty, user. Let's not kid ourselves.
Fallout NV, Risk of Rain and Starcraft II
broken mess
>esport shit
No Create-A-Story mode; no gameplay improvements over 2k14, much less 2k15
>Fallout NV
The Fallout series will never be as good as the first two. You know why.
>Risk of Rain
Nigga, do you think this is the kind of game I'm talking about when I say modern?
>Starcraft II
Campaign was poorly designed shit with fanfic tier story, multiplayer is autism, but okay I guess. There are way too many better RTS games out there to be bothered with getting good at it. At least the modding community is somewhat good.
holy buzzwords batman
Reminder to sage, report the underageb&, and hide.
>If it isn't AAA garbage it isn't modern
If it stays true to traditional game design as apposed to the far more popular AAA garbage style, it is not modern.
If it wasn't possible in the past then it is modern.
>tfw you enjoy most of the modern games and don't baby about them
Doom (2016)
There were lots of games in the past similar to RoR; it just expanded upon that style exponentially.
Play Ultimate Doom, then play D44M with waypoints shut off. You will understand why it is shit. I have explained this shit far too many times. Quite frankly, the 2 Doom 2 maps Romero made on his free time and released the same year were far more fun than D44M. That's how shit it was.
Whups, meant the 2 Doom 1 maps.
You don't have to play games as esports, but there is barely any couch multiplayer games and that sucks. It's all online. They should include couch multiplayer.
>broken games and bugs and shitty errors disguised as unique game features and art direction
Saints Row 4 did this, they intentionally made other parts of the game have a desync aesthetic just so bugs would appear to be intentional.
Never heard of this.
All this and he's not even listed half the bullshit we have to deal with today. Even in 2006, shit was already somewhat bad but it most certainly didn't get any better.