Is it true Sup Forums?

Is it true Sup Forums?

fuck off

Toby confirmed it is not



It's just a theory.


Daily reminder he gave undertale to the pope

Omg, Matpat should be the ambassador for gamers everywhere *does gamer salute*

what would you have given him then fag? It perfectly represents this generation.

What does a gamer salute look like?

it perfectly representing the generation is absolutely not a good thing

Sans is Steven After Not Surviving.

I would give him a 10 year old boy

black power/brofist

I don't know how a channel that churns out Undertale, FnaF and Pokemon Go videos can be so pretentious.

Shoving your own fist up your ass.

the truth is that he's in a shit game and a tedious fuckfest that requires at least a little memorization

>couldve just posted about it on twitter
>instead does a long video about why he did it



Wasn't that the last pope? I thought this one was really cool. Pretty sure he even said to stop hating on gays.



Undertalefags are the equivalent of bronies, they pretend their 1 dimensional cartoon characters talking about love and friendship are the most life-changing experience they've ever had.

>animeposter shitting on bronies and fagdertales


>1 dimensional cartoon characters talking about love and friendship
Now, I'm going to stop you right there, Mr. Anime Image, because you're about to miss the hilarious irony in your post.

>it's just a theory
>a game theory
oh, forgive me sir

The new pope is a cultural Marxist.


He's a raging liberal who hates capitalism though


Hating capitalism is literally the opposite of liberalism though, Ameritard.

Popular religion has always pushed cultural marxism whether the followers followed the scriptures or not.

Something that isn't a game.
He's not even allowed to play videogames.


I hope Matpat kills himself

We're not talking about classic liberalism, yurofag.

The irony in this post is almost palpatine

It's only called "classical liberalism" by Americans, because you people are actually so stupid that you think the phrase being liberated = big government socialism.

how can this be a viable theory if those two are from two different games

No, because this is.

A copy of SMT IV and watch as he grinds his ass off to pursue the Law ending.

deepest lore

>Steven After Not Surviving


>Underfags trying to talk shit about superior idols

>Garnet about to jump off

It's not like jumping off their deck would kill her.

It actually makes sense when you think about it...

Why do people still listen to this shit

This has to be the most reddit post I've ever seen in my life.

I always thought he was more based off of Carlos
They even have the same clothes

I agree, it really made me think.

Carl Arts strikes again

same reason why people watch TBBT, it makes them feel smart and quirky

Kys lonely neckbeard


lol love live is shit taste

Shhh, you don't want to disrupt Matpat's career as a youtube hack, do you?

First post best post.


Ask the Pope


Game theory has been pretty shit lately but this new theory is actually good. If you're mad just remember it's just a theory. A GAME THEORY XD


Simple, easy to understand, gets the entire point of game across simply in a way he'd get and maybe even enjoy.

>gets absolutely told

A generation?

Do you mean in general? Cause all it represents are autists?

Do you mean in gaming? No sure he'd care about that, but again, doesnt represent more than a niche section of indie game fans and autisits.

Dude wanted somthing that represented all gaming, that sure as hell isnt Homestuck: the game. Give him Mario Bros and call it a day.

Current Popes cool. Sends out people who abuse their positions for money, said gays can get married and animals can go to hevean, sneaks out at night to give money to the homeless.

In other words he actually follows what he preaches unlike most.

>said gays can get married
>follows what he preaches


The irony and austism here is astounding
As expected in a thread like this but still

This man is smart.

stay mad.

Nothing in the Bible says gays can't get married. Anyone who's actually looked this shit up knows this.

An out of context quote from a book that is not followed in Catholic belief has been used to forward an homophobic movement for decades. What you're actually meant to study makes no mention of homosexuality at all, but does say in big bold letters "LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR DESPITE THEIR SINS"

If Jesus was alright with prostitutes, the lepers, the dude that killed him etc etc He'd be fine with guy who like to get fisted. But people like to take the teachings and twist them so they dont have to change their own failings as human beings.

Take a guess on how I know you only get your news from dubious headlines

Know what's worse? Anti-undertalefags

Why is the Undertale fanbase so autistic?

The Undertale fanbase really isn't all that different from Bronies.

why do people even play undertale when lisa exists?
it's better in basically every way, has a bro dev, and the music is thousands of times better/more unique than undertale's "sometimes pretty good chiptune sometimes not" soundtrack.
best of all, it makes you feel ashamed of your actions without forcing "YOU KILLED THESE PEOPLE LOOK XDDDD" down your throat. there is no "good" or "bad" side like in undertale (IE you're killing shit for a purpose that can be argued for or against instead of just "I dunno I wanna be edgy").
Lisa is longer, the areas are more interesting to explore, the gameplay is astronomically more varied and less gimmicky, there's teambuilding, strategy, a more involved and subtle story, colorful characters...
and best of all, brad did nothing wrong